If a publically owned company had a board of directors whos mangemnt and decisions resulted in the financial outcomes that the decisions of the politicians in this country have resulted in they would ALL be fired.
Absolutely they would be, no questions asked because companies do not survive by operating in a constant deficit and living off credit. Every single day the US is dragged deepper and deeper into debt. The true key to keep this going on is that as long as they can keep the people from actually feeling it and having it affect them personally and monetarily..the people ignore it. The day the big bubble bursts will be the day EVERYONE will have no choice but to feel it and face reality. The only question now is when will it happen.
Yet here we are - locked in to 2 -4 year "contracts" where the replacement options are no better than those currently in office. They too have come up in the corrupt system where personal interests , lobbyists , special interest groups and partisan politics are the norm. I know im ranting a bit but its a dsigrace.
That is because every last one of them has been bought and paid for by special interest groups and international cliques (financial hyenas) and worse is that the American people are given the illusion of the voting system to give them a sense of security in the fact that they control who is in office and making policy. That is probably one of their greatest accomplishments. You would however think that after seeing the same result time and time again regardless of Democrat and Republican (no difference between them really) that the American people would catch on but the word "change" is pretty powerful. I mean this fool spouted it and people were ****ing crying.
"Yes we can". We as a people have been programmed ot have short term memories and they take full advantage of that. This next election will be no different. You can already see how the media is already in motion swaying the American mind towards a select few candidates.