I love when Boneapart cleans house![]()
I would say at least 99% of them r total $hit. I like the one's that actually compare themselves to a certain % of Test, frigging hilarious!
Substances are made of molecules, which in turn are composed of atoms joined together in a specific pattern. I suppose one might say that hydrogen peroxide, H2O2, is one atom away from water, H2O, but even this is meaningless. That extra oxygen atom changes the properties of the substance dramatically. Stick your finger into a bottle of pure hydrogen peroxide and you will quickly experience the effect of that extra oxygen
One molecule makes a big difference. Ever hear the old story how margarine is one molecule away from plastic? Cheese wizz is one molecule away from a garbage bag, etc.
BS. Yout dog is prescribed tren?
Last edited by gixxerboy1; 07-31-2011 at 07:47 AM. Reason: spelling
so you get inject-able tren inside the US that's made from a real veterinary company
Is it Tren or Finaplex?
Lmao @ some of the bs in this thread.
Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.
Everything was impossible until somebody did it!
I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!
It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.
Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
Great place to start researching ! http://forums.steroid.com/anabolic-s...-database.html
I realize that but you are also taking things a little to personal and critical. It's easy to read more into a post since you cant hear the tone and a lot of it depends on our personal mood.
Also being new to a forum it helps to not come out both guns blazing even if you know you are right.
Wow missed this fun thread
and tren is used for cattle to boost their muscle growth, which equals more meat to sell. thats why there is so much 'fina conversion' information out there due to its for animals and we want it for ourselves but dont use the pellets.Sorry DAAS and Bonaparte but 1. prohormones blowi think most people agree and 2. Bonaparte I am not wrong thus the reason you are the only person that says I am. And if you read the back of the package it will say this product is 1(carbon, molecule, atom)do you believe everything on the back of a label of basically a drug that isnt regulated by the FDA? whatever you prefer to call it off, and steroids do contain more than one moleculeNo, the actual steroid is a single molecule. its a hormone, and they have defined structures. The PH's have very similar structures as the hormones but differ at points along the rings that alter its function, making it legal.. I have not been wrong about anything I have wrote ya dont the both of you go and get some factually stuff or maybe other add there thoughts... People prohormones blow and have much more harmful sides than real roids and a 17aa the 2nd 'a' makes the 'steroid' able to bypass digestion in the liver making it a oral available compound. steroid is a roid that has been altered at the 17th carbon molecule thus proving that there is way more than one molecule in steroids and me saying that they are one molecule off froma real steroid doesnt mean that I am saying that molecule has to change for it to work.... I am sayinhg they are made to resembale the same chemical make up thus it being 1 off. Before yall start talking shit you should go and do research also if Im wrong maybe get others to jump inif you are going to get techinically correct and try to correct others, please make sure that you are using correct terminology. hard to believe someone who is correcting someone else if they use incorrect lingo.. You too just both want to be right/ or just looking for the answer you want because Bonaparte half the shit you wrote is wrong. THEY DO CONVERT YOU MORON THUS WHY PEOPLE GET BITCH TITS FROM IT MORON!!!!ALso, partially false. It may convert with 5ar and aromatase, but since the PH primarily binds with the AR (hence the steroid-like growth) it pushes your own test to convert more to estrogen. and if you know your negative feedback, the higher the estrogen the less synthesis of test is pushed out which A) results in elevated estrogen levels = possible gyno growth and b) suppression of natural testosterone production. But then again you both also kinda remind me of guys that would get on a steroid forum to try and push people off of roids and onto some shit that doesnt work.I believe that you have a serious misunderstanding of what is said around here. Where exactly is a PH suggested to people and to not use real synthetic hormones? If you honestly believe that the American FDA would ever ever ever use something Like SD or EPI in place of Anadrol or Var then you truly are a moron. Sorry for the insultd but its true and who give a damn if the JAPS are using it in Clinical trialhumans dont vary from country to country, so by degrading a whole country's research efforts because they are 'JAPS' shows a severe lack of respect to knowledge. and makes it very hard to actually believe what you are saying.s... Y do you think are meds are better we dont do stupid shit like that the point has been made several times, that PH's arent good because of possibilities of effects, and more of a discussion on why.
Myocarditis(a heart infection leading to a heart attack) Incorrect, Myocarditis is swelling/enlargement of the cardiac tissue which puts extra strain on the heart, an effect of androgens in cardiac muscle.
i think thats all...
Last edited by Lemonada8; 07-31-2011 at 11:55 AM.
This thread is awesome.
Any who... I got various opinions.
So maybe a moderator can lock this thread before juice has a heart attack trying to make bonaparte look wrong.
yeah your right. maybe we can shoot for 4 pages?
used halodrol 50 back in 08. 4 weeks and went from 190@17% to 198@14%. post cycle could not get my body back to feeling/looking normal for months
Holy shit. Every post shows just how clueless and arrogant you are.
You don't need an aromatising compound to develop gyno. The gyno from non-aromatising compounds comes after the cycle (without proper PCT), when your test levels are low and your body is estrogen-dominant.
Sdrol is methyl-masteron. Masteron is DHT with a methylation at the 2-position (it can be written as 2-methyl DHT), which keeps it from being enzymatically deactivated in skeletal muscle. DHT derivatives cannot convert to etsrogen.
Last edited by Bonaparte; 07-31-2011 at 04:25 PM.
Juice...Please throw in the towel.
tried extreme tren awhile back and it royally fkd me up,, yea i got some good gains from it (strength mostly) but coming off was worse than any real cycle i had ever done. Worse than the real shit imo.
Bonaparte = 1
Newbie = 0
Pro-Hormones = Suck
I did andro back in the day (way before I should have) and it screwed me all up... Probably the reason I'm on hrt now. I'd just go with the real thing. Price is about the same with better results.
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