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Thread: 1st cycle question

  1. #1

    1st cycle question

    Hi all,

    Bit of a newbie question. Will be starting 1st cycle soon and would like
    To take the following for 10 to 12 weeks.

    500mg test e per week. 2 x 250
    50mg Proviron Ed

    Will start pct 2 weeks after last jab but can only get nolva.

    Would this be fine

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Back from Afghanistan
    This is a good first cycle @ 12 weeks.
    Skip the prov first time though. first time should be test only. Once you have ran an entire cycle with test, and know what it does, then your next cycle, if you decide to do another cycle, then you can go test + 1 other compound. this way, if something goes wrong, you know it's the other item, since you already ran a test only cycle and no complications from that.

    I see by your profile you are 29. what are the rest of your stats?
    weight lifting experience?

    Welcome to the board

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    order clomid from ar-r up top. i would run pct with out clomid

  4. #4
    Thanks roman. Will take your advice on skipping the Proviron. What your saying sounds logical to me. By the way I'm 39. Must have typo'd that one. Been lifting 5 yrs. 3yrs on and off. 2 yrs consistent.
    Height 5"10 Weight 180 bf% about 13%
    Is the Nolva only pct fine. That's all I can get

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan27 View Post
    Thanks roman. Will take your advice on skipping the Proviron. What your saying sounds logical to me. By the way I'm 39. Must have typo'd that one. Been lifting 5 yrs. 3yrs on and off. 2 yrs consistent.
    Height 5"10 Weight 180 bf% about 13%
    Is the Nolva only pct fine. That's all I can get
    see my post above.

  6. #6
    Thanks gixxerboy1. I'll look into that. I had people in the gym telling me to run proviron to enhance the test and I'd also told them I had a bit of pubescent gyno as a kid and therefore worried bout gyno. That's why I added the proviron. But if you guys thinks skip it then that's what I'll do as I said before. Some of you have forgotten more than I know altogether so you certainly have heaps of experience. Thanks fellas.

  7. #7
    Guys assuming I can get clomid as well if I start noticing gyno symptoms while on cycle what should I do as I may only have nolva and clomid on hand. Do I take a small dose of nolva whilst on cycle as a preventative measure?

  8. #8
    Or would it be better to take proviron during cycle to combat estrogen as I'm prone to gyno. I know it's not wise to have 2 compounds on a 1st cycle but considering my concerns.

  9. #9
    Or would it be better to take proviron during cycle to combat estrogen as I'm prone to gyno. I know it's not wise to have 2 compounds on a 1st cycle but considering my concerns.

  10. #10
    I think considering the gyno worry the provron would be a wiser choice then just a straight SERM. Proviron will act as a weak AI and help you get the most out of the test.

  11. #11
    Thanks johnjames. Proviron 50mg per day 25 mg am 25mg pm. When should I stop the proviron or should I run it right through to the end of pct. By the way if gyno symptoms still appear during cycle even with proviron, should I smash it with some nolva for a few days and if so how much.

  12. #12
    Fellas can you answer my last question please. Much appreciate the advice so far.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    there is no need for proviron. you can take nolva if you start to get gyno symptoms

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    BKK Thailand
    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    This is a good first cycle @ 12 weeks.
    Skip the prov first time though. first time should be test only. Once you have ran an entire cycle with test, and know what it does, then your next cycle, if you decide to do another cycle, then you can go test + 1 other compound. this way, if something goes wrong, you know it's the other item, since you already ran a test only cycle and no complications from that.

    I see by your profile you are 29. what are the rest of your stats?
    weight lifting experience?

    Welcome to the board
    Agreed...Test only for first cycle is all you need.

    Try and get Clomid, it is always best to have everything you need before you start your cycle as you dont wanna be left running about looking for stuff you need at the last minute.

    Having an AI on hand like Adex is a good idea if you are worried about Gyno, I would keep the Nolva for PCT.

    Good luck and enjoy!

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    The Dude Abides
    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan27 View Post
    Thanks johnjames. Proviron 50mg per day 25 mg am 25mg pm. When should I stop the proviron or should I run it right through to the end of pct. By the way if gyno symptoms still appear during cycle even with proviron, should I smash it with some nolva for a few days and if so how much.
    you should get some arimadex or whatever name they give it on that ar-r site. Keep that on hand for gyno if it rears it's ugly face on cycle.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    dont kno
    Keep A-dex on hand for gyno

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    i would take the other member's advice and go with the test only first cycle.
    order clomid from the arr banner to be used in conjunction with your nolva for pct

    now i know this is tricky but try to bare with me. since it is your first cycle and you do not know if you are gyno prone or if you will experience estrogen sides such as gyno on cycle, you pick up an AI as a safety measure. Order either arimidex or aromasin (exemstane) from arr and keep it on hand. if by chance you do experience gyno you can start taking your AI and continue to do so for the rest of your cycle to prevent gyno from occuring

  18. #18
    Thannks fellas. Since I had some pubescent gyno as a teenager I was concerned - hence the proviron question of whether I should run it through the whole cycle and all the way through to the end of pct or just stop it after last test injection.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan27 View Post
    Thannks fellas. Since I had some pubescent gyno as a teenager I was concerned - hence the proviron question of whether I should run it through the whole cycle and all the way through to the end of pct or just stop it after last test injection.
    no proviron! are you listening to anything we are saying?

  20. #20
    J Cole. Thanks for the advice so far and I will not be taking proviron. I was just stating why I asked about proviron in the 1st place. I think you've misunderstood me but I can see why. My bad. Definitely no proviron for me. Thanks to all I've found all your advice to be awesome.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan27 View Post
    J Cole. Thanks for the advice so far and I will not be taking proviron. I was just stating why I asked about proviron in the 1st place. I think you've misunderstood me but I can see why. My bad. Definitely no proviron for me. Thanks to all I've found all your advice to be awesome.
    alright great continue with your research and you should be set

  22. #22
    Thanks mate. I'll try and get my hands on some A dex. Definitely won't be starting anything till I get my hands on everything. It can be hard to get som stuff down here in Aus. Ill be saving the nolva and clomid for pct. If I notice some gyno signs how much A dex do I take and do I continue all the way through to the end of pct or just stop when the cycle stops. Cheers

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    The Dude Abides
    you want to do .5mg to 1mg of arimidex per day. you probably can get away with .5mg. But don't take my word as bible truth. Google it!

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