Creepy subject guys. but lately, i've been suffering. you know.... the big "D". And in this case, i'm talking diarrhea. And with it, energy levels real low, tired, can't seem to stay motivated.
Last night, this little fella from Nepal prepared a litre of oral rehydration salts and told me to drink it down in the next couple of hours. did as I was told. went to bed early. woke up, and damn! feeling about 90%. Could it really be due to depletion? not sure. so anyways, i bump into the little dude again, and he asks me how I am. tell him much better. So he makes me another litre, but this time, i grab the little packet of powder he made it with. same forumula used by the W.H.O.
So now I'm thinking why didn't i know about this years ago? It's used in developing countries where there are severe cases of diarrhea and gastroenteritis.
Anyways, I feel pretty good now. Time to hit the gym! =)