which one is most effective for you wnd what characteristics about it make it special? testoserone derived vs dht derived vs the nandrolones
which one is most effective for you wnd what characteristics about it make it special? testoserone derived vs dht derived vs the nandrolones
Last edited by nobloat; 08-06-2011 at 03:21 PM.
nandolones . Because both deca AND TREN ARE SO DAMN EFFECTIVE
Uhhh...Tren isn't a nandrolone derivative.
However, they are both 19-nor compounds, if that's what you meant.
Test by default. Only because that all i have ran so far. Going to stack test and deca on my next cycle cant wait to see how that goes.
yes 19-nor . Shit, thats what I meant
I love test prop
Gonna try NPP on my next cycle but for now, test is best.
never do DHT again, took a bite out of my hairline, and i dont have much DHT in my tissues anyways so i wouldnt have lost my hairline if it wasnt for the winnY!
My bit likes test the best, but my joints like Deca the most.
Well it must be the start or the end of a new week since I have not seen a NEW poll like this for almost a week now. How original. OK original since no one has re-posted it for at least a few days.
Hey here is an original idea? Favorite cycle? Strongest AAS? Test A, Test C or Test E? hmmm what other question can you think of that has been asked several times a week? Ohhh wait, I know, who bothers to READ and of the past post before coming up with such original ideas? You can vote NO now.![]()
Is there any other things you need to avoid when on steroids, like certain drugs etc or certain foods?
I am curious because I have been told by some people that they respond highly to any DHT compound but the 19 nor doesnt do much for them etc. Also for example- I dont get many of the side effects (progestorone) or androgenic from the 19 nor (even tren) . Yet I get bitch tit fron test even with an AI .
Test, Why do you keep using the word derivative? Do you even know the meaning?
Thanks for sticking up for me. Sorry about the nandralone when I meant 19 nor
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