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Thread: *orals*

  1. #1
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    Which is stronger 50mgs dbol or 50mgs anadrol?

    Do you still get the unbearable back pumps with anadrol like you do with dbol?

    Any differences between the two that should be noted?

  2. #2
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    Dbol is more potent on a mg:mg basis.

  3. #3
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    Thanks Bonaparte.
    how about back pumps and any differences between the two (such as more quality gains or less water etc)?

  4. #4
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    I couldn't tell you. I've never used Drol and probably never will.
    I only used Dbol once, but I never got any of the bloat either.

  5. #5
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    huh. Thanks.

  6. #6
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    I've used Dianabol once, bloated a lot, lost alot of the weight just as fast as I gained it. I ran it with Test, so I did end up keeping like 11 pounds. I plan on using Anadrol eventually, but I'd only assumt it'd be the same, if not worse. I know A-Bombs are one of the strongest most dangerous steroids out there.

  7. #7
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    dbol 100% more effective than drol mg vs mg. Did both 50 mg at one time , definetely dbol worked many times better in all terms

  8. #8
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    i agree on the d-bol. A-drol made me feel like crap though and i stopped after 10 days

  9. #9
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    I don't get any bloat or noticable sides on Dbol, but I wouldn't touch Adrol with a barge pole!

  10. #10
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    Wow didn't know there were such strong feelings about anadrol. My impression was it is great. Guess not

  11. #11
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    I love adrol mate and have had great success with it, imo ive had better results with it than i have with dbol..
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  12. #12
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    My favorite is the 2:1 combo of adrol:dbol.

    100mg's adrol with 50mg's dbol


  13. #13
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    I prefer d-bol even w/the back pumps.

    Nice combo Haz!

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    Dbol is more potent on a mg:mg basis.

  15. #15
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    I have done both . anadrol was considerably stronger even on a mg to mg basis (for me). It was the real stuff adrol made by syntec and dbol was made by ciba . This is way back. anadrol was stronger than anything i have used since for both strength and size . Even tren couldnt come close. The down side was I felt like shit on it . And the gains go so quickly you won't know what happened.. I started shrinking bad about 5 days after my last dose. I would never use it again . Dbol is just fine and with a good pct the gains (some anyway) can be kept. Dbol gives better quality muscle I think. PS ANADROL GAVE ME TITS LIKE DOLLY PARTON

  16. #16
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    Ive used both many times, drol makes me super strong and the gains are remarkable if you use it within the right stack. Dbol is another good oral for certain stacks but I tend to hold more water weight than drol but again very productive when used within the right stack. If you have never used any pick one and see how you respond then you'll know how you respond.

  17. #17
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    I used dbol for a short period at a low dose along with my trt and I jumped 15lbs and kept 10. Why do you guys feel like shit? I think dbol killed my appetite a little (but it sucks anyway).

    I am thinking my cycle will be 25mgs dbol and 25mgs drol per day. Maybe a smaller dosage of both, like 20/20. I have no intentions of running a high dose when a low one will do well for my purposes (gaining 15lbs).

  18. #18
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Twist View Post
    I used dbol for a short period at a low dose along with my trt and I jumped 15lbs and kept 10. Why do you guys feel like shit? I think dbol killed my appetite a little (but it sucks anyway).

    I am thinking my cycle will be 25mgs dbol and 25mgs drol per day. Maybe a smaller dosage of both, like 20/20. I have no intentions of running a high dose when a low one will do well for my purposes (gaining 15lbs).
    Why not use drol only this time? You have used dbol and know how you respond to it - this time id try drol so you then know how you respond to it. Just a thought.

    That being said anadrol is a strange animal imo. I have friends that love it - do amazing on it. I personally get horrible sides with it - cant stand it. Its a dht derivative that works like a 19 nor ...i dunno ..its just very diff from any other roid i can think of - and i respond to it diff than any other aas i have ever used. However as i said many absolutely love it.

  19. #19
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    Good point on seeing if it gives me any negative effects before running it in combo. Thanks Jimmy. I'll probably take 25mgs per day (50 tops) before my next cycle (which is really a long ways away) to see how I respond. Maybe a 3 week cycle to see how it goes. Good idea?

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Twist View Post
    Good point on seeing if it gives me any negative effects before running it in combo. Thanks Jimmy. I'll probably take 25mgs per day (50 tops) before my next cycle (which is really a long ways away) to see how I respond. Maybe a 3 week cycle to see how it goes. Good idea?
    Sure. Since you are on trt I think its a great idea. No pct worries - just a short trial to see how you respond. Normally im big on consistant dosages but in this case id do 25mgs/day week one and if all is well id up to 50 mgs/day split into 2 - 25 mg doses for the last 2 weeks. 50 mgs/day is where i would ultimately want to be dosage wise for a cycle if i were you.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    Why not use drol only this time? You have used dbol and know how you respond to it - this time id try drol so you then know how you respond to it. Just a thought.

    That being said anadrol is a strange animal imo. I have friends that love it - do amazing on it. I personally get horrible sides with it - cant stand it. Its a dht derivative that works like a 19 nor ...i dunno ..its just very diff from any other roid i can think of - and i respond to it diff than any other aas i have ever used. However as i said many absolutely love it.

    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    Sure. Since you are on trt I think its a great idea. No pct worries - just a short trial to see how you respond. Normally im big on consistant dosages but in this case id do 25mgs/day week one and if all is well id up to 50 mgs/day split into 2 - 25 mg doses for the last 2 weeks. 50 mgs/day is where i would ultimately want to be dosage wise for a cycle if i were you.
    ^^^^ Solid advice right there.....


  22. #22
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    Used both many times, Anadrol gives a bad headache at high doses. Dianabol is good at 30-40mg per day.

  23. #23
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    Ok I will take your advice Jimmy. Thanks to all who responded.

  24. #24
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    If your using 100mg's of an oral daily (total)

    would it not be better to take it all at the same time to get the most anabolic effect?

    grape fruit juice with orals, does it extend the half life?

    Also i've heard it's best to take orals with some fat (eg. 2-3 spoons of PB) for increased absorption

    No raid! But a clear up on these would be sweet

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by PK-V View Post
    If your using 100mg's of an oral daily (total)

    would it not be better to take it all at the same time to get the most anabolic effect?

    Only useful if you're mainly taking it to get better workouts. Otherwise, you'll get more overall anabolism by splitting up the doses a bit.

    grape fruit juice with orals, does it extend the half life? No, it can increase peak blood plasma concentration. (the overall amount of the drug that makes it into your bloodstream)

    Also i've heard it's best to take orals with some fat (eg. 2-3 spoons of PB) for increased absorption. That only applies to drugs that are not 17aa. It can only lower the absorption of a 17aa.

    No raid! But a clear up on these would be sweet
    See bold.
    Last edited by Bonaparte; 08-09-2011 at 05:17 PM.

  26. #26
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    How much grapefruit juice and why lol?

  27. #27
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Why dont you just up your test dose and stop messing around with little amounts of orals what will probably do nothing with regards to building tissue

  28. #28
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    Currently running 50mg of DBOL/day taking it with a splash of tomato juice. Is this not an acceptable liquid vehicle? I have to mention this is the liquid form. So most of you know this needs a juice or fruit cocktail so to speak. As it's worse to drink than gasoline (i stole some gas in my time lol)

    Just in my opinion I am getting some great gains using dbol and test e as a cycle . With very little, if any sides. Some shoulder blemishes and some on my back. is all after 2 weeks. with some great strength and size gains.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Twist View Post
    How much grapefruit juice and why lol?
    flavnoids and furocomarins in grapefruit juice inhibt the cyp enzxyme responsible for metabolizing these type of substances - so the body cant dispose of it as efficiently resulting in higher concentratrions in the blood. There are a few ways to increase blood levels ie: caliciumn d glucarate inhibts first pass so higher levels oif substances make it into the blood stream. Also piperine (found in black pepper) inhibts cypenzymes and p glycoproteins resulkting in higher levels of some substances as well. As little 16 oz of grapefruit juice results in hepatic inhibition of cyp3a4 - which results in higher levels.
    Some supp companies have magnified the flavanoid and furocarim concentrations to "improve" their dleivery system. This is a dangerous game. We arent talking grapefreuitjuice here like they lead people to belive. These products inhibt cyp3a4 1a1 , 1a2 ,and 219. In addition to "better delivery" these delivery systems inhibt the bodies ability to dispose of toxins , carcinogens , detrimental hormones (estro , prog , cortisol) and result in dramatically elevated ast/alt values. In fact certatin prescription meds , as an undesired side effect , inhibt cyp3a4 (yes the same as GFJ - just more dramatic - like the supp companies products)) and the people taking them have to have ast/alt levels monitred weekly as they are known to increase 10x above normal due to the cyp inhibition.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Why dont you just up your test dose and stop messing around with little amounts of orals what will probably do nothing with regards to building tissue
    I am planning a "real" cycle. Just wanted to know people's opinions on anadrol. My last "little" amount of dbol gave me 10 lbs after losing 5. If I can stay on low doses and get the body I want (only 15 more lbs) then why up it? I will up my test dose for the cycle but probably to 300mgs per week. Anything higher than 200mgs seems to convert to estrogen anyway (gyno surgery on 100mgs per week). I'm just as frustrated with these little cycles as you seem to be bro. I wish I could just run a nice 500mgs per week with dbol kick and deca at 500mgs per week; I just don't see anything good coming out of it...

    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    flavnoids and furocomarins in grapefruit juice inhibt the cyp enzxyme responsible for metabolizing these type of substances - so the body cant dispose of it as efficiently resulting in higher concentratrions in the blood. There are a few ways to increase blood levels ie: caliciumn d glucarate inhibts first pass so higher levels oif substances make it into the blood stream. Also piperine (found in black pepper) inhibts cypenzymes and p glycoproteins resulkting in higher levels of some substances as well. As little 16 oz of grapefruit juice results in hepatic inhibition of cyp3a4 - which results in higher levels.
    Some supp companies have magnified the flavanoid and furocarim concentrations to "improve" their dleivery system. This is a dangerous game. We arent talking grapefreuitjuice here like they lead people to belive. These products inhibt cyp3a4 1a1 , 1a2 ,and 219. In addition to "better delivery" these delivery systems inhibt the bodies ability to dispose of toxins , carcinogens , detrimental hormones (estro , prog , cortisol) and result in dramatically elevated ast/alt values. In fact certatin prescription meds , as an undesired side effect , inhibt cyp3a4 (yes the same as GFJ - just more dramatic - like the supp companies products)) and the people taking them have to have ast/alt levels monitred weekly as they are known to increase 10x above normal due to the cyp inhibition.
    I stick with just the tab or a little grapefruit juice thanks for the info.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    See bold.

    Legendary status!

  32. #32
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    i agree with this

    just finishing my 6th /final week and loved every bit of it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Matt View Post
    .I love adrol mate and have had great success with it, imo ive had better results with it than i have with dbol..

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