ok guys can i have your input on the following cycle please.
BF 11.6%
3 years hard training.
this is my third cycle previously i have ran a 12 week test-E dbol cycle and a Sust, Deca Dbol cycle all with the relevant PCT I have never experianced any gyno syptoms as to date but obviously this could change.
ok my cycle is as follows:
wk1-6 d-bol 40mg ED, wk1-10 Test400 800mg EW, wk1-9 Deca 250mg EW
I will be pinning once a-wk every thursday: would you say this was sufficient or would you maybe brake it up and pin 2 times weekly?
PCT will consist off a 4 week's of clomid at 50ml ED starting 2 seeks after my last shot off Test400.
Please scrutinise