Damn how much steroid does someone has to take to die from a heart disease at the age of 22 even when not obese :s
Damn how much steroid does someone has to take to die from a heart disease at the age of 22 even when not obese :s
[breaking news: zyzz statue finally opened in sydney
thank you jesus! finally, a reason to visit Australia!!
his legs are shopped. they arent that big
false statue, cancelled trip.
Y-Yes We So Jello...
Christ. what does Tosh have to do with this?? I do wish he could've gotten a piece of the action before the tragedy. But tosh wasn't jello when rubbin down carrot top's roided bod. Oh, you wait, mr. "DSM" ("Daniel Saluting Manhater"). We will prove how much of a homophobe you really are...
He had an undiagnosed heart defect.
I lol at all of you haters who're so jealous of Zyzz. Your insignificance make me LOL at you and your inferiority make me feel sorry for you.
You didn't know crap about Zyzz and yet here you are, with your roid rage talking shit without understanding what he was like.
Layeazy: LMFAO, if I looked like you I would hope to die, tranny.
DEC11: Zyzz looked better than you'll ever do.
You all fail, are insignificant, and you do nothing in your life except work Monday to Friday for that paycheck to pay for the needles you take. This is probably your life, sitting here talking crap at a guy who made more in 1 month that you make in a year. He was smart, aesthetic and down to earth.
This thread is full of nerds, tranny's, faggots and people who have personality disorders.
I'm still LOL'ing at the fact you all take steroids yet look like crap, strong dumbasses in this ghey website.
LOL why is their someone called steroid are gay in this webpage? even bothered to creat an account? I mean in youtube i understand the trolling people with taht kind of name do, itt may help teens not to get into this, but taking the time to create an account for a obiously 80-90% users juiced? you definetly have way too much free time based on that fact.
To be sincere in difference to most ppl here I nEVER aimed to be a huge 230lb+ huge monster, maybe something between zyzz phisic and frank zane was what was going through my mind, but still i never went obssesed in another man stalking his vids to put "you are a god!","im mirin u brah" or even "omg someone has to make T shirt of him!".
But still in my opinion I can't bother feeling that steroid did somehow made his heart condition worst; not saying it was the direct cause but for sure a factor.
Anyways seriosuly no hate on the man, just on others who obsess to even call "a GOD", thats simply rediculous;but yet RIP for him.
Last edited by blazerelf; 08-29-2011 at 08:53 AM.
I see Bo is still among us...Marcus must have ticked him off with that latest pic of bo standing 4 foot 8 inches. I didnt realize Bo was so small, but it does explain his necessity to be so outspoken on this site, He's just compensating for his shortcomings and his 3 inch willie. Sorry Bo but your even way too short for me. The only way you'll ever be able to give me 10 inches and make it hurt is to fuk me 3 times and slap me while standing on a ladder..
i dont have alot of room to talk about sizee im about the same size as him and hes way to cocky and conseeded about his body and it seems when he dosnt rlly have anything about him to feel that way
just my opoinion from the video oviously dont know him personally
Sad news all around but this guy was pretty cocky.. good and bad I suppose.
I see ole steroidsaregay up there swinging on a nutsack like tarzan!
cant think of a bigger ass clown at the moment
This thread was entertaining, but I am saddened to hear he died.
if u reffer to beauty, being skinny with some muscle (fit) is better looking as I can deduce you most probably look like, either for general public, modeling and most girls (if u dont believe this last one go ask hot girls, and i mean really hot girls in the street which body they like the most and show a pic of zyzz or some skinny fit alike person and another of jay cutler, lee priest or some huge guy or yourself; cover the faces of all so the face does not affect the voting statistics) you wil see what 90% wil choose.
Im not defending the guy or trying to offend you but im just sick listening people here saying being skinny is a defect when actually its more atractive to general public than what u surely are aspiring for, by the other side huge guys usually atract the atention in a initimidating way or mostly from other mens admiring, so do u concider that as perfection?
I Respect ronnie coleman, lee priest and other huge leyends but you can't just tell others they imperfect or as you said a "defect" just because you dont like it when at the end huge bodybuilding, exesively ripped and vascular beauty lovers are sadly the minority in the world.
Last edited by blazerelf; 09-08-2011 at 03:23 PM.
you watch too much tv.............
he was skin and bones and blew up on cycles, you can clearly see when he was 'on' in the diff pics, and was just a skinny boy when 'off'. i have almost 16yrs of mature natty muscle and sat at 205lbs before i touched gear, i know what type muscle i prefer............
Last edited by dec11; 09-08-2011 at 03:57 PM.
And I know what type muscle I prefer...
HUH? OK I HAVE A FEW questions for you:
1)what tv show or in fact what does watching Tv at all has to do with me saying average public think pro bodybuilding bodys are not atractive?
2)i never said he did not cycle or that he was not skinny, i just said having a skinny fit body is not a defect as u say, for some is a gift many people out there would wish to have being born skinny & lean rather than fat.
i didnt say that, if you're gona get into at least get the facts straight, someone said he had a heart defect, i said it wasnt the only defect, ie personality defect, acting the twat defect etc etc etc.
you watch too tv means your easily impressed by media. honestly, if its necessary to explain every simple sentence to you, you'd be better of debating with a fvckin squirrel monkey or something of equal intelligence
Last edited by dec11; 09-09-2011 at 09:48 AM.
Attachment 116914
squirrel monkey
Must'v been on in this one.
Rut Row, I see DEC has a new Bff...
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