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Thread: Lucky's cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2003

    Lucky's cycle

    Alright I'm going to try to keep this updated , don't know how successful I will be , but here goes.
    255 ( currently)
    Second cycle
    First was Deca,Prop, Winny
    around 10-12 % body fat
    Cycle started 8-18-03 as following:
    Weeks 1-4 - Prop = 100 mg/ED
    Weeks 1-14 - EQ = 500 mg/wk - Mon/Thurs
    Weeks 1-15 - Test E = 600 mg/wk - Mon/Thurs
    Weeks 10-17 - Tren = 75 mg/ED
    Weeks 12-17 - Anavar = 40 mg/ED
    Weeks 1-21 - L-dex = .5 mg/EOD
    Weeks 1-21 - Nolvadex = 10 mg/ED
    Weeks 18-21 - Clomid - Normal PCT
    Hcg will be administered starting around week 7 or 8, will go 500 i.u.'s
    every Mon. & Tues. , all the way up to 1 week before Clomid
    Weeks 11-14 = T3 - Fast ramp up, slow ramp down,
    Weeks 11,12 - 15,16 - 19,20 - 23,24- Clen ramping up to 120 to 160
    mcg's, run ECA in between clen

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Yes I know I'm already behind,
    Mon.- went 300 Test E & 250 EQ in right quad, and 100 prop in left quad. .5 L-dex, 10 Nolv.
    No workout, went grocery shopping and supplement shopping, get all the right things to start!
    Tues- 100 prop in right deltoid, & nolv.
    did 20minutes of cardio at lunch and abs.Did chest in the evening, decent workout, quads are sore as hell !!!! and delt beginning to get sore
    Wed.- 100 prop left delt, l-dex and nolv. did 15 minutes of cardio at lunch and abs, will be doing back and traps this evening, everything is sore, both quads, both delts. Starting off SUCKS, can't wait till body adapts to injections !!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    I forgot to mention , any suggestions are very much appreciated. Also, all gear is PL brand. L-dex & clomid is LS, nolv. is Mexican fenobest, curious about liquid nolv. though

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    boom town
    i think you could get away with running 100mg eod for 1-4 with the prop..for that long of a cycle you might want to extend your clomid and nolvadex intake...stop the adex on week 17 when its all out of your system...why do you want to run such a long second might think bout shortening it down might want to loose one of the things your running also...for your second cycle i really think thats pushing it....

    it seems your trying to lean out and put on mass....what did your first cycle look like and how long ago was it....whats your body fat...Madmax

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    I was going to ru Clomid and nolv. for 4 weeks, is that not enough? even with Hcg. My understanding was to keep the L-dex all the way through PCT, why stop it at week 17. I also thought it took atleast 10 -12 weeks to get full benefits from EQ. so i figured 14 would be good. I'm trying to put on solid LBM, no water or fat, diet will be very clean, and cardio a constant. Body fat is around 10-12 %.
    First cycle was:
    Weeks 1-13 = Deca 480 mgs /WK
    Weeks 5-16 = Prop 75 mgs ED
    Weeks 12-16= Winny 50 mgs ED
    Weeks 5&6, 11&12, 15&16 = Clen (ramping to 120 mcg )
    Weeks 13-15 = T3 (cynomel) (ramping to 75 mcg, with taper down)
    Start clomid 2 days after last winny shot
    Cycle ended beginning of May. First cycle was unexperienced, have done quite a bit of research since. I know this cycle started a little too soon, do you think it'll be alright? I feel I was fully recovered from first cycle. And after this cycle, ending inDec., I'll probably take off until next May or June.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Thurs-8-21-03= Did back last night, decent workout, Delts are freakin killing me from the prop! Tried heating the prop up w/ warm tap water this morning, going to see if this helps. Did 300 E, & 250 EQ in left quad, 100 prop in right quad. Will be doing Hamstrings & Abs at lunch, and Quads & calves tonight

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Here's my current workout schedule, it changes slightly from day to day but not much.It got off a little this week, but will resume next week! Thinking about changing it up some in next couple of weeks
    Mon- Lunch- Cardio 20-30 min. & ABS
    P.M. - Chest & and small set of Bi's
    Tues-Lunch-Cardio 20 Min. & Traps
    P.M. - Back & small set tri's
    Wed.-Lunch - Hamstrings & Abs
    P.M. - Quads and calves
    Thur.-Lunch - Cardio 20 min.
    P.M. - OFF
    Fri. - Lunch - Forearms & ABS
    P.M. - Priority Arm Workout
    Sat. Morning - Shoulders & Traps, maybe a little
    Sun. - OFF -allday

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    boom town
    bro the nolvadex will work just fine, you dont need both at week 17...i know that eq takes 12 weeks to get good benifits from eq, but on your second cycle you dont need to be running it as long as you are....and unless you have used it before i would reccomend you stay at 400mg per week...youll get good results off of that...again your running to much gear, drop something, you have var and fina, prop eq and test....for a secoind cycle you dont need that suggest going to get your blood work and check where your test is before and after each cycle...its smart to get all your values checked before and after....if you ended one in the beggining of may, you might want to take more time off to make sure your fully recovered....especially since ytour running a much more complecated cycle...Madmax

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Thanks for your input, I do respect your suggestions, I'll consider dropping the Var

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Miller's Crossing
    Well bro, I critiqued this cycle before and think it is a good one. One I would do and like.
    I get where MAX is coming from on too much, but the reason I think that is beacuse you have 3 compounds which you've never tried before.
    I don't mind that you have 4 compounds, it's that 3 of them havn't been used before.

    I usually try to incorporate one new AS in a cycle if I am going to add a new substance to the body. If I choose to try 2 new ones, then I make sure they are spaced so that the seperate effects can be identified.

    With that in mind, I think it might be a good idea to drop the VAR as well, simply so you can idenftify the effects of the tren. You'll save a butt load to

    I also think that T3 might not be needed. At your BF right now, if you do a clean bulk, you wont gain much fat and the Fina is going to help greatly in metabolising those stores. Your call on that one though

    I'd definately keep the anti-e's like you have them. An inhibitor for conversion preventage and the SERM for lipid benefits

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Thanks pheedno, great advice as usual

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Sat.8-23-03 - No workout Fri.- Personal bus. to take care of. plus, could barely move my delts from the freakin prop, pain is starting to subside, going to gym today, tri's and shoulders,
    Will start Mon. with new determination, and hopefully less soreness

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Mon-8-25-03 - Did 300 E & 250 EQ, in right Delt, man 2.5 ml's is alot going into a delt! going to do 100 prop this afternoon before workout! Got up this morning at 5:30 and did 25 minutes of jogging, hitting chest & small set of bi's tonight. Weekend went pretty well, diet was o.k., but good thing is all sorness is gone from delt's and quads, damn prop, just going to the glutefrom now on with prop, So hopefully I can finally hit the gym hard tonight.

  14. #14
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    Jan 2003
    9-05-03, end of my 3rd week.
    Alright, yes a little behind, work has had me busy, along with other things. I dropped the prop after 2 weeks, soreness interfering with getting a strong workout, so , not worth it in my opinion, besides the Test E should be kicking in another week or so, along with the EQ. PL Prop is good stuff, as are all of his products, but be prepared for the bite that comes with the prop. Have continued with the 600 E & 500 EQ a week,looking forward to starting the tren! Work outs have been going good, no notice in strength increase, don't believe its been enough time yet. Seems the Test E has increased my libido though, if possible at 3 weeks, EQ has seemed to already increased red blood cell count, or thickness of blood , veins in my forearms,and bi's are getting very noticeable , Quad veins are starting to pop up also. still getting 3-4 days of cardio in a week, usually in morning, for about 20-25 minutes.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    9-06-03, Sat. - Knocked out about 35 minutes of cardio this morning and 3 sets of abs, going back at 11:00 to do shoulders. I seem to be getting more of an appetite, hopefully not placebo effect, seems like I'm hungary again just alittle bit after eating. Reqdy for the Test E to kick in, I believe its working to preserve LBM, seems like I'm holding on to strength & mass, even though it seems my mid-section is getting leaner, even with the all cardio. Funny thing is I've lost about 5 lbs. since beginning this cycle. I'm eating right, enough cals, carbs and protein, but it is all very clean, and maintaining 4-5 cardio sessions a week. I did a sanity check on the weight loss and my size, I'm retaining all my size, my arms even got a little bigger. True my waist is getting smaller, but it's wierd to lose weight and gain size !

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    9-08-03 - Mon. Got 25 minutes of cardio in this morning at 6:00, took E and EQ in right delt this morning, PL gear is awesome, no soreness , redness or injection site pain, even with a 2.5 ml shot. Knocked out chest , abs today at lunch, felt pretty strong, despite not staying on a clean diet over the weekend & not getting enough sleep. The effects of the EQ are becoming more and more pronounced, beginning of week 4, at noon while doing chest, a nice spider-web vein popped up and ran from delt to delt across the chest, EQ is sweet! Something else, The EQ seems to be helping out my endurance, this morning after 2 miles I felt like i could keep on running all morning, and usually I'm breathing pretty good after a couple of miles, especially on a Mon. morning.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    9-10-03-WEd. Day off
    9-11-03-Thurs.- shot E and EQ this morning, left delt, going to hit quads and calves , ABs, at lunch, then hams and shoulders tonight

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