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Thread: Norditropin Nordilet Log (human grade)

  1. #41
    hey whats up my friend is on the norditropin and I started it this month.I was hoping u could get back 2 me thanks

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    just got my nordies! OOOOHHHHHH YEAHHHHH!

  3. #43
    Hi Guys

    I'm new on this site and have been reading you'lls posts and wondering if anyone can help me out...

    this is my 8th week on norditropin pen (10mg), i have been taking 5 clicks a day (2iu's) but havent seen any results as yet??? there is no physical change in my body neither is there any power/strength increase. i have been training for 4years now and took different supplements but this is my first steriod.

    i get my supply direct from the pharmacy so i know its not fake.

    is there anything else i supposed to be taking with norditropin? or is there anything that i can take to speed up results? i feel really disappointed cause everyone says this is top stuff and you guaranteed to see results. i heard after a few months you would see alot fat loss, which is what im looking for. i just want to rip and put on a little bulk.

    can anyone help me out?

    i'm thinking maybe my body is not prone to rip/grow.....

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    HGH is not a steroid. You will not see any changes in the body at this point. you should at this point be starting to go by some of the sides though. such as abnormal dreams. fast fingernail growth. good mood. etc.

    if you want to see fast changes, get some Test and Tren. Maybe HGH is not what your looking for.

  5. #45
    Quote Originally Posted by JuliusPleaser View Post
    Whats your email. I want to buy some norditropin pens from you...and can I see a then and now pic

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