I just want to do a deca and sus cycle for 12 weeks. With nova at the end.
I just want to do a deca and sus cycle for 12 weeks. With nova at the end.
Last edited by Hondarocks; 09-21-2011 at 10:47 PM.
age and stats and traing exp?
stats and cycle history please
29, training since I was 16. 175, 70". Cannot get any more gains past this point. I don't feel like I am getting my times worth for the amount of work I put in. I train with a trainer and a mature natural bodybuilder and a navy seal. I am ready to take the next step. No previous cycles. I have the steriods 101 black book, but this was written in 2002 and seems like this guy writes for pro BB and not first time users.
Last edited by Hondarocks; 09-21-2011 at 10:54 PM.
bf%? Looks like diet problems also you should do a test only first cycle
do 500mg sust pw split into 250mg x2 3 days apart. forget the deca until another time.
pct nolva 20/20/20/20/20
clomid 50/50/50/50/50
have an ai like aromasin or adex on hand for any gyno flare up. you need to have a good diet going 1st or you'll waste time and money
body fat 13%
Diet problems. How so? And why test only..Isn't that a bit extreme?
Thanks for the rec, but I dont know anything your just wrote. "Sust pw split"
Why no deca?
I eat good food, oatmeal, eggs, weight gainers, lots of fish, yams and on and on, I am always full.
bf% should be below 15% as to cut down on sides. You have never cycled so how would you know if you had problems which compound was causing it
I might have to take some clen to cut down a bit I cant shake some of this fat, the navy seal I train with said it works wonders and will knock me down to 5-6% no problem. I eat clean.
deca shuts your test production and will cause erection problems. You need to always run test in a cycle. You need to read and research more before starting a cycle
test c or e. Doesn't matter which
Whats wrong with H or P? Or Suspension or Depot?
nothing. Just lots less injections with c or e
OK got it.
Cycle info plz?
look at dec11 earlier post. Its the cycle you should follow. Use e or c or sust for the test
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