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Thread: Testogel/androgel?

  1. #1


    I have border-low testo levels (12nmol/L) and pretty much all symptoms of low testo (I'm 29 yrs old), and since 1+1=2 in most cases, I personally believe that I would benefit from some kind of testo treatment, at least I think that it's worth trying.
    The problem is that I live in Sweden, and here it's extremely hard to get doctors to prescribe anything stronger than aspirin, and since I'm border-low (some doctors say too low, others say perfectly normal), it puts me in a pretty hard spot.
    So, I guess I will have to be my own doctor and experiment a little.
    I know that doctors prescribe testo gels first to find out how the body responds to the testorone, so thats where I will start. (Yes, I know injecting testo enh. etc is a lot more effetive, cheaper and easier to find/buy, but I don't want to go there yet)
    Now, I know that you are not supposed to ask for links and/or pricing information here, so I will respect that rule and not do that.
    However, it would be extremely helpful if someone could give me a few pointers in the right direction, or maybe refer me to some other forum on where I might find some useful information.
    Needless to say, I have already tried googling for it, but it's kind of hard to know which sites you can trust and since this stuff is pretty pricey, you really want to know that you will get some bang for your buck.
    Thanks in advance!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Know one will point you in the right direction as this site is not about where you can get stuff from as its against site policy ..

    sorry bro and happy hunting

  3. #3
    I think you need at least 50 forum posts to be able to use a PM and get information from other members. Do you know what Sweden's laws are for testosterone substances? I think in some countries testosterone is pretty easy to get. Not so here in the US. I am aware of a site located in Canada that has what you are interested in, but I also don't know how reliable that site is and am not clear on the risks of ordering from a legal standpoint.

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