Originally Posted by
First, please IM me with what site you brought this from. I've seen the "x 2ml" question before and I'm curious about who is selling it that way.
Second, Ignore the "x 2ml".
You have 2 mg of peptide, so add 2 ml of BW to get 100 mcg per 10 iu.
You have 5 mg of peptide, so add 5 ml of BW to get 100 mcg per 10 iu. However, I doubt you will be able to get 5 ml of BW in the vial. I have yet to see a supplier that ships a vial of GHRP large enough to hold 5 ml of BW.
So here is my suggestion:
You have 2 mg of peptide, so add 1 ml of BW to get 100 mcg per 5 iu.
You have 5 mg of peptide, so add 2.5 ml of BW to get 100 mcg per 5 iu.
It really pays to have the same strength for both, so when you draw the GRF you pull the same vol as when you pull the GHRP. Less to remember and deal with if you don't have to draw different volumns of solution.