31 years old - went on TRT after having low libido and energy for 3 or 4 years - probably due to a year of high stress at work and resultant use of SSRI for 3 years. My free Test was evaluated borderline low so Urologist decided to trial TEST CYP IM at 50mg. On reading and researching myself the Crisler protocol, decided to add some HCG and anastrozole.
Current regime:
Started TRT beginning of April, End of June added HCG and End of July added ANASTROZOLE.
First few months up to end of July, improvement in libido and energy no doubt. Then over August (IMO coinciding with adding the ANASTRAZOLE, initially at 0.25 E2D) start to feel weak and muscle/joint achy on getting up in the morning, some muscle weakness during the day, reduced libido.
I reduced the ANASTRAZOLE to 0.25 E3D a month ago and did a blood test. E2 had risen from my pre TRT baseline to 31 pg/ml which I think may be a little above the ideal. Also the TT level is about 200 too high (800 would be good) with resultant acne issues on my back and arms.
Could the muscle weakness and aches be a side effect of the anastrazole or even of too low/ too high E2?
Is HCG really a necessary addition to a simple TRT of 50mg TEST CYP E3D? My thinking is that I remove the HCG, test levels drop into the 700-800 range and thus I can try removing the Anastrazole due to lower aromatisation. Instead of 3 meds, I would be on 1 as the urologist originally intended. Any opinions?