Glycogen is water and glucose bonded together, i.e. a molecule. That's how it's stored. This should also give a clue as to why people look 'fuller' when glycogen stores are topped off. All that water!! (don't confuse it with water retention/bloating though)
Cool bro, i'll have a look asap.
That would depend on the level of activity that individual would be able to perform. Assuming very little to no activity, such as after a major surgery, I would adjust calories down significantly, mostly in the form of carbs. No activity = no real demand for energy. I'd keep protein high assuming we'd want to preserve muscle mass. Fats would stay at a maintenance level for that individual (whatever that might be, varies obviously). I'd replace carbs with fibrous veggies, and would probably do a single carb meal refeed 1x a week, just to fire up the metabolism a bit, and get a bigger insulin response triggered.