Quote Originally Posted by Dr Pepper View Post
Yeah that pretty much answered my questions... I don't get why u said glucose + water?

I'd also like to know a bit more about fats. If on a cutting diet trying to minimize bf% why do we need fats at all if we can just use carbs for energy?
Glycogen is water and glucose bonded together, i.e. a molecule. That's how it's stored. This should also give a clue as to why people look 'fuller' when glycogen stores are topped off. All that water!! (don't confuse it with water retention/bloating though)

Quote Originally Posted by boxa06 View Post
Pre workout I take oats for carbs so I will just increase the amount.

Ok I'll transfer my info onto a thread then pm you the thread link to have a look at and we'll take it from there. I don't wonna take up this thread with all my anal diet issues lol thanks for all the help bro I'm gonna change alot of things up this week!
Cool bro, i'll have a look asap.

Quote Originally Posted by 00ragincajun00 View Post
after a traumatic injury, how should one adjust a diet in order to help repair one's body?
That would depend on the level of activity that individual would be able to perform. Assuming very little to no activity, such as after a major surgery, I would adjust calories down significantly, mostly in the form of carbs. No activity = no real demand for energy. I'd keep protein high assuming we'd want to preserve muscle mass. Fats would stay at a maintenance level for that individual (whatever that might be, varies obviously). I'd replace carbs with fibrous veggies, and would probably do a single carb meal refeed 1x a week, just to fire up the metabolism a bit, and get a bigger insulin response triggered.