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Thread: can you run arimidex & nolvadex together ???

  1. #1

    Thumbs up can you run arimidex & nolvadex together ???

    in into my pct after first cycle and seem to possible have slight gyno under both nips, not visible or painfull and i dont have itchy nips what so ever so it may not be could be my glands behind that are possibly swollen, altho i can feel a lump behind.
    im into pct was running
    clomid 100/100/50/50
    nolvadex 40/40/20/20
    i was just a week in and felt slight lumps behind my nips, now i have had many mixed opinions on what to do. i listened to an older freind who knows his stuff and he said to keep running the clomid drop the nolvadex and replace it with 1mg arimidex e.d i have been doing that the last 3 days and the lumps are the same if not slightly bigger, so i plan to keep an eye on it the next few days and if it gets worse il get some letro. i have posted a thread up before and people say to keep running the nolvadex, but i hear nolvadex shouldnt be run with arimidex, what shall i do.
    1: keep running 50mg clomid & 1mg arimidex
    2: keep running 50mg clomid & 40mg nolvadex & 1mg arimidex
    3: or get some letro and try and get completely rid of it
    does it sound like gyno if it doesnt hurt,not visible,or no itchy nips ???

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    No source checks
    If your into your pct just run your clomid and nolva, no need for arimidex let the nolva do its job...
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    I agree with matt. I dont see a need to run adex with nolva.... See how it works. Use letro as a last resort! That sone potent stuff

  4. #4
    so drop the arimidex for a few days and start the nolvadex again and see how it goes yeaa ??
    cheers guys

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Go ahead and start the nolvadex now,it will work with adex it just lowers the effectiveness of the adex by apro 30%.If your not on cycle you dont need the adex and it has a short half life of about 2 days so it will get out of your system pretty quick.The nolvadex and clomid should get rid of the gyno but dont expect it over night.Nolvadex and clomid should be run together for PCT it will be more effective with both.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by MR10X View Post
    Go ahead and start the nolvadex now,it will work with adex it just lowers the effectiveness of the adex by apro 30%.If your not on cycle you dont need the adex and it has a short half life of about 2 days so it will get out of your system pretty quick.The nolvadex and clomid should get rid of the gyno but dont expect it over night.Nolvadex and clomid should be run together for PCT it will be more effective with both.
    i think this is the 1st time i agree with you

  7. #7
    yep il start using nolvadex again @ 40mg e.d, so drop the arimidex too, would it harm to run the a-dex too tho just to speed up the process ???
    thanks alot

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by flyguy6661 View Post
    yep il start using nolvadex again @ 40mg e.d, so drop the arimidex too, would it harm to run the a-dex too tho just to speed up the process ???
    thanks alot
    More isnt always better. just use the clomid and nolva for now

  9. #9
    thanks for the advice boys just this is worrying me soo much to the point im not even eating much at the moment, just want to make sure i sort it out.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    No source checks
    Good luck mate and make sure you update us on your progress...
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    You dont need an AI during PCT.

  12. #12

    Newbie here trying to learn.

    Let me start by saying that I am a newbie which is probably going to be pretty obvious so please don't flame me too bad, at least I'm doing my research now. I am replying here because I want to get to some of the more knowledgeable members on this forum and I can't PM anyone yet and have no way to ask questions. Specifically MATT seems extremely knowledgeable from all of the posts I've read.

    I did exactly what I shouldn't do and jumped on a cycle without any thought to PCT. After much research I know how important it is and would like to take actions for PCT and during cycle therapy. I'm not seeing any side effects right now after 5 weeks on Test Cyp, and Deca but I want to make sure I do this right.

    The problem is, I have my normal supplier (a good friend of mine) for my gear, he actually homebrews it, but he doesn't do anything about PCT nor does he care to know how to get it.

    I know that it's completely taboo to ask anyone on the forums where to get anything for PCT but can anyone point me in the direction of how to go about finding it or asking about it or WHATEVER..... if you can't go to your local supplier or ask anyone on the forums how do you even go about it?

    I've done hours of research and am still coming up with nothing. I'm assuming the websites that blatantly offer it for sale are bunk.

    If anyone could offer me any help at all I would greatly appreciate it.

    36 years old, training for 6 years but all natural.
    First Cycle

    From the research I've done it seems that these may be a bit high but it's what my long time user friends assured me was right.
    750mg/week of Test Cyp
    750mg/week of Deca Durabolin
    4 weeks in and no side effects or gyno now but I want to make sure I'm taking preventative measures and prepared for proper PCT.

    Thanks in advance to anyone who will help me. I won't be an idiot forever as I'll learn what the hell I'm doing but for now I need some help, I'll pass it on later when I learn properly.


  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by velocity90 View Post
    Let me start by saying that I am a newbie which is probably going to be pretty obvious so please don't flame me too bad, at least I'm doing my research now. I am replying here because I want to get to some of the more knowledgeable members on this forum and I can't PM anyone yet and have no way to ask questions. Specifically MATT seems extremely knowledgeable from all of the posts I've read.

    I did exactly what I shouldn't do and jumped on a cycle without any thought to PCT. After much research I know how important it is and would like to take actions for PCT and during cycle therapy. I'm not seeing any side effects right now after 5 weeks on Test Cyp, and Deca but I want to make sure I do this right.

    The problem is, I have my normal supplier (a good friend of mine) for my gear, he actually homebrews it, but he doesn't do anything about PCT nor does he care to know how to get it.

    I know that it's completely taboo to ask anyone on the forums where to get anything for PCT but can anyone point me in the direction of how to go about finding it or asking about it or WHATEVER..... if you can't go to your local supplier or ask anyone on the forums how do you even go about it?

    I've done hours of research and am still coming up with nothing. I'm assuming the websites that blatantly offer it for sale are bunk.

    If anyone could offer me any help at all I would greatly appreciate it.

    36 years old, training for 6 years but all natural.
    First Cycle

    From the research I've done it seems that these may be a bit high but it's what my long time user friends assured me was right.
    750mg/week of Test Cyp
    750mg/week of Deca Durabolin
    4 weeks in and no side effects or gyno now but I want to make sure I'm taking preventative measures and prepared for proper PCT.

    Thanks in advance to anyone who will help me. I won't be an idiot forever as I'll learn what the hell I'm doing but for now I need some help, I'll pass it on later when I learn properly.

    You can't ask for sources on this forum mate.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Your also jacking this thread..

  15. #15
    I'm not asking for sources, that's why I said I know you're not supposed to, I'm just asking for any type of advice anyone can give me because I don't know what else to do.

    I apologize for jacking the thread but it is about PCT and I know of no other way to communicate with knowledgeable members of this site since I can't message. I was hoping at least this way it would be seen.


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