Nice work, keep it up!
Plenty of muscle added... but you know me, i'm a straight shooter - imo you could have done that without adding so much body fat. Not knocking you at all, just sayin...
Either way, good job overall. Very interested to see how you turn out after the cut. When are you starting?
Well let me tell you then brother, mass you have achieved!
Yea, that sucks about the low test... sorry if you've mentioned it before but are you on HRT? If not, do you have plans to get on? Seems it would help a great deal with progress.
Anyway, definitely looking forward to seeing you cut. You have undoubtedly put on a good deal of LBM.
nice man. good job. im trying to do the opposite of you lol
your third pic shows a good amount of muscle gained, the trt will give you ability to hold that whilst cutting to where you want to be mate
lol yep so you know how it is. (so does everyone else i assume lol) i look in the mirror and see where i still have fat lol. forget the new veins i have appearing in my fore head i see fat lol. if only my fat loss would be even and not favor spots
the fore head thing is kind weird lol not a big fan of it
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