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Thread: Test Prop, Dbol, T3, Armidex - 8 week log

  1. #1
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    Jun 2004

    Test Prop, Dbol, T3, Armidex - 8 week log

    Starting a log, i will try to update this at least once a week,

    GOAL full six pack showing while trying to add some muscle, hoping to get to approx 170lbs ripped

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ID:	118757 this is my pic on day 1 im guessing im about 16%-18% body fat @ 195lbs (thought i was 190lbs but did the kg to lbs conversion wrong)


    Week 3-8 100mg Test Prop EOD (i spilled some transferring it and only have enough 5 weeks now)
    Week 1-8 30mg Dianabol - 15mg in the morning & 15mg evening
    Week 1-8 T3 working up to 100mcg daily tapering down towards end of cycle
    Week 1-9 Armidex 0.25mg EOD to avoid any sides and water retention.
    Week 9-12 Nolvadex 80mg ED 2 weeks then 40mg daily due to reduced effectiveness caused by other meds im on, have ordered liquid tore to replace but in case it doest get past customs this is the contingency


    Revised - is a few posts down


    Revised - is a few posts down
    Last edited by little men; 12-27-2011 at 09:41 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    good luck man...stick to it..

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    I didn't intend to critique but i couldn't help myself lol

    Your rep range is not ideal for hypertrophy and is there any reason you have hardly any compounds? Squats, dead lifts, bench press, military press etc.. Cardio should also be reviewed and I think you are doing too much abs. Don't forget abs are made in the kitchen.

    I also think your diet needs work. You should be aiming for 1-2g of protein per pound of bodyweight and drop all sugar while cutting. Add more fiberous vegtables and some solid pwo nutrition.
    Last edited by boxa06; 12-13-2011 at 07:11 PM.

  4. #4
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    Mar 2011
    plus- to show abs you need to lower the fat in your abdominal section. this is done by cardio and the kitchen as said above..ppl think that more sit ups will help...not saying dont strengthen abs..I am just reminding you that you need proper diet to get them..its a struggle to learn how many calories to take in everyday so you can achieve abs and not lose the muscle you have..

  5. #5
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    Jun 2004
    thanks guys, i am still tweeking everything as mentioned earlier, im dropping abs to once a week and am going to incorporate the changes advised in this thread and the other i have going in the workout section, day 3 today and feeling great, getting awesome pumps and feeling good, have dropped 1lb so far 24lbs to go to reach my goal.

    ended up doing hiit after abs yesterday so will maybe try hiit daily if the legs can take it.
    Last edited by little men; 12-28-2011 at 02:36 AM.

  6. #6
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    Jun 2004
    heres a pic of me from 2006-2007 era, been on and of with illness etc ive kind of got it down but still need help as i never get as ripped as i hope too, my weak points are getting my lower abs out, legs and lat width. I will rewrite my program and diet in the next day or so and post it up for review.

    Thanks again for the advice and assistance, i appreciate it

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ID:	118783
    Last edited by little men; 12-13-2011 at 08:06 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    No problems and good luck! Will be following..

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Atlanta, Georgia, USA
    good luck!

  9. #9
    baseline_9's Avatar
    baseline_9 is offline The Transformer ~VET~Recognized Staff Winner - $100
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    UK Get in the diet forum!
    You may get away with running dbol for the first 3 weeks without test but TBH I would just buy more test.

    As far as the PCT I would look to get clomid as well as the nolva.

    T3 looks ok, ADex is fine.

    What are your full stats including cycle history

  10. #10
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    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by baseline_9 View Post
    You may get away with running dbol for the first 3 weeks without test but TBH I would just buy more test.

    As far as the PCT I would look to get clomid as well as the nolva.

    T3 looks ok, ADex is fine.

    What are your full stats including cycle history
    been training on and off since 2003, 29 years, 5'11 @ 195lbs

    first cycle - pro hormone
    1-test 8 weeks cycle and pct with 6oxo

    second cycle - pro hormone m1t 6 weeks pct with nolva

    third cycle , cycle sust 250, dbol pct with nolva

    these were all pre 2006 after that in 2006 or 2007 i ran test enan and tren enan pct nolva and clomid made me vascular as anything but again lower abs were not as i wanted and were a weak point.the pic above is me about 3 months after the test tren cycle.

    since then ive done a few clen an t3 runs without gear short term with decent results but again being on and off from the gym maintenance has been impossible.

    This time i want to do it properly, ive got my health sorted and old injuries healed up so ready to give it 110% on and off cycle from here on.
    Have ordered toremifene citrate for pct and maybe run the nolva with it, not yet decided as meds im on reduce the effectiveness of nolva.

    diet and amended workout to follow today
    Last edited by little men; 12-28-2011 at 02:36 AM.

  11. #11
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    Diet for review

    Total Protein: 208 grams
    Total Carbs: 94 grams
    Total Fat: 70 grams
    Total Calories: 1927

    8am - Breakfast (54/27/10.6/471)
    AST VP2 Protein powder - 2 scoops
    Oats blended into shake
    1 Bannana
    Flaxseed oil 1 tbl spoon
    Multi v

    11pm snack(24/2/0/105)
    Canned chicken with light mayo / alternating with tuna

    2pm Lunch (24/7/20/306)
    Canned chicken with light mayo / alternating with tuna
    Handfull of almonds

    Pre Workout (38/9/18/350)
    AST Muscle XGF - 1 scoop

    Post Workout (38/49/18/500)
    AST Muscle XGF - 1 scoop
    20g dextrose
    20g maltdextrin

    8pm Dinner (30/0/3.6/195)
    100grams lean meats either chicken, turkey or steak
    bowl of mixed green salad with balsamic vinegar
    Last edited by little men; 12-16-2011 at 08:07 PM.

  12. #12
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    workout for review

    Incline Flys 2 warm up sets. 3 sets 8 - 10 reps each
    Flat Press 3 sets 8 - 10 reps each
    Decline Press 3 sets 8 - 10 reps each
    Pullovers 3 sets 8 - 10 reps each

    V-bar Pull downs 2 warm up sets. 3 sets 8 - 10 reps each
    Wide Grip Pull ups - full body weight - 3 sets 8 - 10 reps each
    Single Arm Rows 3 sets 8 - 10 reps each
    Hyper Extensions 3 sets 8 - 10 reps each

    Stationary Bike 10mins 30 secs flat out 30secs easy

    Decline Sit ups - with weights on chest - 2 warm up sets. 3 sets 8 - 16 reps each
    Hanging Leg Raises - with ankle weights - 2-3 sets 8 - 16 reps each
    Mountain Climbers 2 sets 15-30 secs ea
    Knee to elbow plank 2 sets 15-30 secs ea
    Plank 2 sets 15-30 secs ea
    Side Plank 2 sets 15-30 secs ea

    Stationary Bike 10mins 30 secs flat out 30secs easy

    Dumbell Lunges 2 warm up sets. 3 sets 8 - 10 reps each
    Leg Curl 3 sets 8 - 10 reps each
    Dumbell Calf Raises 3 sets 8 - 10 reps each
    Leg Extension 3 sets 8 - 10 reps each

    Standing Military Press 2 warm up sets. 3 sets 8 - 10 reps each
    Side Raises 2 sets 8 - 10 reps each
    Front Raises 2 sets 8 - 10 reps each
    Bent Over Side Raises 2 sets 8 - 10 reps each
    Dumbell Shrugs 2 sets 8 - 10 reps each

    Preacher Curls 3 sets 8 - 10 reps each
    Tricep Pushdowns 3 sets 8 - 10 reps each
    Wrist Curls 2 sets 20 - 30 reps each
    Reverse Wrist Curls 2 sets 20 - 30 reps each

    Stationary Bike 10mins 30 secs flat out 30secs easy


    Last edited by little men; 12-14-2011 at 11:38 PM.

  13. #13
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    Jun 2004
    weighed myself this morning and ive put on 3lbs in water weight, going to try consuming more water, drinking approx 2.5lts per day 84.5oz so going to try getting approx 3.5lts in from today onwards and see if that helps, if not once next week i will increase armidex to 0.25 ed in lieu of eod.
    Last edited by little men; 12-15-2011 at 06:08 PM.

  14. #14
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    Jun 2004
    weighed in this morning have dropped 2lbs with increase in water intake, looking in the mirror i definitely look like ive lost a touch of body fat this week, will update pic on monday with current weight. hit the gym yesterday and had a good workout, had alot more drive through my hiit routine so the diet seems to be giving me plently of energy to push through the work out as hard as i want to be and today im feeling pretty good, looking forward to getting through the next week

  15. #15
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    Jun 2004
    Day 8 on cycle UPDATE

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ID:	118881 Pic from today day 8

    Had a good workout, felt some pain in my left shoulder while doing pull ups so only did 1 set of pull ups and single arm rows as the pain was still their to prevent injury.

    I am still weighing 195lbs haven't dropped weight on the scales but am looking a little leaner in the mirror and the pics. No water retention so the armidex is doing its job, so far so good, can wait for next mondays pic and cant wait to start shooting my test prop.
    Last edited by little men; 12-27-2011 at 09:40 PM.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    just ordered a bottle of Primordial Performance DermaTherm Target to help reduce fat around my abs quicker. Saw some reviews and figurered why not give it a try. Looking forward to getting through the entire cycle to see how i come up

  17. #17
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    Jun 2004
    quick update, over the xmas weekend i got a very painfull knot in between my shoulder blades and cannot train as it is killing me. even to bend my neck in certain ways is hurting. im using tiger balm on the area every few hours so this week looks to be lost, first shot of prop is this friday, im doing an easy cardio in the meantime but hoping i can get at least a chest and abs session in this week, if not it is what it is and im not going to loose sleep.

    Im now 84.5kg or 186lbs from 195lbs so a 9lb drop in 18 days (originally stated i was 190lbs starting weight but realized my calc was wrong as i was 88-89kgs at start of my cycle so have revised previous posts),

    definatley looking leaner and am happy with the progress so far. more than i expected from the dbol only portion of the cycle, the real results should commence once the prop gets into my system.

    I also ordered a bottle of clen so if it gets through customs i will be running clen alongside my t3 for 2 to 3 weeks + the transdermal to help me cut up.
    Last edited by little men; 12-28-2011 at 02:42 AM.

  18. #18
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    Jun 2004
    well todays friday and i just pinned myself for the first time in years, was abit nervous but it went well, injected my thigh 1ml test prop, spent about 5 mins massaging it in and now just put my pants on and updating the thread, its a bit tender already, will do a cardio session this afternoon and hopefully that helps it work in abit more.

    My back is still sore so ive lost this whole week but its geting better so im sure by monday i should be able to hit the weights again. Weight is up from 84.5kg to 85kg maybe due to the lack of training. Hoping the prop gets to work straight away and starts to really aid my cutting.

    By the way first time on prop so have no idea what to expect but looking forward to it
    Last edited by little men; 12-29-2011 at 05:15 PM.

  19. #19
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    Jun 2004
    its been about 5 hours since i pinned and damn this shit hurts, not just where i pinned but the whole quad, i feel like ive copped a hit with a bat, should be fun doing cardio tonight with HIIT... see how we go i guess

  20. #20
    I'm suprised they havnt dug into u for not having a good base to begin with. No disprect intended bro but you could have easily achieved this without AAS. And regarding the bf% its all made in the kitchen and cardio. Check my thread that i posted and see my pics all natty n they still dug into me because of my age lol. All the best bro

  21. #21
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    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Antone000 View Post
    I'm suprised they havnt dug into u for not having a good base to begin with. No disprect intended bro but you could have easily achieved this without AAS. And regarding the bf% its all made in the kitchen and cardio. Check my thread that i posted and see my pics all natty n they still dug into me because of my age lol. All the best bro
    thanks for your input brother, No disrespect or offense taken. I agree i could have spent more time working on getting my base stronger than what it is and whilst i respect the views and opinions of other members on this forum at the end of the day we all make our decisions based on our own reasoning and circumstances.

    I will definatley check out your thread, and thanks again for your input .


  22. #22
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    Jun 2004
    Day 24 on cycle UPDATE

    Back is still playing up, no gym and minimal cardio from day 15 to day 22. kept my diet in check but no loss of weight.

    Hit the gym yesterday for a light chest workout and abs session and again my back started to play up. since starting the prop ive gone up to 85.5kg.

    This morning i upped my t3 to 80mcg so hopfully that can aid the fat to start coming off again. Also i think i am retaining water again but am not going to up the armidex yet. Im still waiting for my clen and trandermal to come in but as soon as they do ill be jumping on them straight away.

    Today is my 3rd shot of prop, got fevers and hot flushes the night of my second pin but so far no other signs of test flu thankfully.

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ID:	119196 Pic from yesterday day 23
    Last edited by little men; 01-02-2012 at 04:08 PM.

  23. #23
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    Jun 2004
    Had my 3rd prop pin yesterday first try hit close to a nerve so pulled out and started again, so far all pins have been effortless, I also started rubbing voltarin anti inflamitry gel on my quads and today their is definatley less next day pain than the other two pins without the voltarin.

    Again last night hot and cold flushes and fever which subsided after about an hour but so far so good, my body all over is noticeably thicker, still not leaning out as fast as id like, weighed in at 85.1kg this morning, im certain their water retention but if it is it will all drop off towards the end of the cycle as im on the fence about upping the armidex as it might hinder my gains.

    Saw an osteopath yesterday afternoon and my back is feeling good today so going to hit arms, might try light shoulder workout but am considering leaving shoulders for next week to give my back a chance to make full recovery. Back workout is out of the question for this week aswell hoping to do a light one next week.

    My toremifene arrived yesterday so i can confirm my pct will be nolva and torem.

  24. #24
    Join Date
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    sydney, australia
    def working keep it up

    only thing i suggest is train those legs. could be from that angle but they look like there lagging.

    1 day a week for an hour cant be that bad :P

    anyways im following keep it up mate

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by t-gunz View Post
    def working keep it up

    only thing i suggest is train those legs. could be from that angle but they look like there lagging.

    1 day a week for an hour cant be that bad :P

    anyways im following keep it up mate
    thank you for your encouragement.My legs are not showing well in the pics, i will take some pics of legs tommorow if i can but def in the next few days. they are developing well but as you said they are lagging slightly but i will post pics and let you guys critique and be the judge.

    I appreciate all you guys taking the time to follow.

    Thanks again

  26. #26
    Join Date
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    sydney, australia
    np we are all here to help eachother

    glad you take things on board not like others

    Dumbell Lunges 2 warm up sets. 3 sets 8 - 10 reps each
    Leg Curl 3 sets 8 - 10 reps each
    Dumbell Calf Raises 3 sets 8 - 10 reps each
    Leg Extension 3 sets 8 - 10 reps each

    this split. can i ask why is there no squats ? i think its really important to add them in.

  27. #27
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    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by t-gunz View Post
    np we are all here to help eachother

    glad you take things on board not like others

    Dumbell Lunges 2 warm up sets. 3 sets 8 - 10 reps each
    Leg Curl 3 sets 8 - 10 reps each
    Dumbell Calf Raises 3 sets 8 - 10 reps each
    Leg Extension 3 sets 8 - 10 reps each

    this split. can i ask why is there no squats ? i think its really important to add them in.
    I was of the impression lunges is the same as squats but if im wrong let me know happy to change over from lunges to squats.

    Thanks again

  28. #28
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    Jun 2004
    Day 26 on cycle UPDATE

    Weighed in this morning and back to 84.5kg abit like a yoyo i keep going up and down lol. The pic in one of the posts above from a few years back i was weighing 78kg so my goal is to get down to 76kg as i think the extra two kgs is what will get my bottom two abs showing.

    Had my forth prop injection today, again hit the wrong spot first shot so went again and all good but had no blood when aspirating but when i pulled the pin out a drop of blood came out which hasnt happened with the other pins, maybe i nicked a vein on the way in.

    My transdermal and clen both arrived today so just did first application of the transdermal about 5 mins ago and it stinks like shit to the point i might not even bother with it, will use it for the next few days and decide.

    Going to start the clen at 10mcg tommorow and see how i go working up cos the t3 has my heart going pretty hard all day and night.

    I also have a problem with my left arm developing quicker than my right so going to focus on isolation excersizes for arms and only pushing my left as hard as the right can go and then doing an extra set with the right arm to hit it that bit harder to force a speedy catch up. Is this the right way to fix this problem??? My right arm has the tatt its back to front cos the pic is taken from a mirror

    Also as promised i took a few more pics today for critique.

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ID:	119286
    Last edited by little men; 01-05-2012 at 02:51 AM.

  29. #29
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    Jun 2004
    Day 28 on cycle UPDATE

    Had my 5th prop pin today followed by HIIT on my stationary bike, on my second day of clen again only did 10mcg but am shaking like a leaf after my cardio. Weighed in this morning at 83.8kg so the clen looks to have broken the stalemate of 84.5kg. going to increase to 20mcg either tommorow or on monday.

    I have 4 weeks left on this cycle and am wondering if i should run the clen straight through with benedryl on week 3 or if i should run it for 2 weeks have two weeks off then run for the first 2 weeks of pct to help keep muscle with its anti catabolic properties. any advice?

    My right quad was still sore from the last pin 4 days ago but im hitting the quad about 5cms away from the previous pin so hoping im doing it right. got it on ice now for 30 mins then will have a shower and rub voltarin on it to aid recovery.

  30. #30
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    Day 31 on cycle UPDATE

    Had my 6th prop pin yesterday and it went so good i barely even feel any discomfort, My right quad on the other hand from my 5th pin is killing me still, i was shaking a heap when i pinned from the clen so i must have done some damage, no redness or anything just a hardish lump and pain to touch and when walking, might not pin the right quad tommorow and go into my delt or into my lower left quad as i did the left quad about 10cms from my hip.

    weight is 83.9kg had my cheat day on sunday and ate a few double cheese burgers at macdonalds for lunch then had a large pizza for dinner and my weight was 86.6kg yesterday and now has dropped back again, why do i put on weight like that when on a calorie binge then it drops off?

    t3 is at 80mcg, clen i did 2 days at 10mcg, 2 days at 20mcg and this morning ive bumped to 25mcg and will work up from their, just passing the half way point in the cycle by a couple of days so looking forward to the end result
    Last edited by little men; 01-09-2012 at 04:38 PM.

  31. #31
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    Jun 2004
    Day 36 on cycle UPDATE

    All is going well, weight is now 81.9kg from 88-89kgs or 195lbs to 180lbs definatley looking leaner. tried to take pics but im shaking so much from the clen at only 30mcg i couldnt get a clear pic but will get somopne to take some pics of me. T3 is still at 80mcg. I have 3 weeks left on this cycle so hoping i can drop the fat off in that time to get to 76kgs and then ill have a 10-12 week break then into my bulk cycle likely to be dbol 30mg 6 weeks and test cyp 500-750mg weekly for 13 weeks as im getting approx 80ml @ 250mg/ml so i have enough for 2 cycles after this one
    Last edited by little men; 01-14-2012 at 07:18 PM.

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Hey man well done on the progress! One suggestion I would make is for the last few weeks change up your routine and add in heaps of supersets to shock your body. You could go for an antagonistic split eg. Quads and hams, chest and back, delts with tri's and bi's then your hiit and rest or repeat. If you'd like any help putting something together let me know. Otherwise good luck and keep up the great work!

  33. #33
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    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by boxa06 View Post
    Hey man well done on the progress! One suggestion I would make is for the last few weeks change up your routine and add in heaps of supersets to shock your body. You could go for an antagonistic split eg. Quads and hams, chest and back, delts with tri's and bi's then your hiit and rest or repeat. If you'd like any help putting something together let me know. Otherwise good luck and keep up the great work!
    thanks, yeah if you have a routine you can paste i would def give it a go but dont go to any trouble if you dont as i am happy to hit the search button but as i said if you have a routine already drafted then i would be interested in giving it a shot

    thanks again

  34. #34
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    Mar 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by little men View Post
    thanks, yeah if you have a routine you can paste i would def give it a go but dont go to any trouble if you dont as i am happy to hit the search button but as i said if you have a routine already drafted then i would be interested in giving it a shot

    thanks again
    I've got some time so here goes..

    Quads and hams
    Squats superset hamstring curls 5 sets
    Stiff legged dead lifts superset lunges 4 sets
    Leg press superset calf raises 4 sets

    Back and chest
    Flat db press superset single db rows 5 sets
    Pull ups superset dips 3 sets
    Lat pull down superset flys 4 sets
    Bent over reverse flys superset shrugs 3 sets

    Delts, tri's and bi's
    Seated db shoulder press 5 sets
    Side lateral raises superset front raises 3 sets
    Close grip bb press superset bb curls 4 sets
    Standing hammer curls superset skull crushes 4 sets
    Cable rope tri pull down superset cable bar curls 3 sets

    Hiit plus abs

    Rest then repeat.

    Pyramid all weights 15-12-10-8-6 rep range if only 3 sets stop at 10, 4 sets stop at 8 or 5 sets go heavy for 6 reps. This split will improve frequency of muscles trained as you should be recovering pretty fast being on cycle. You can change excersises if you like depending how your gym is set out so it's easier. Oh and lift heavy!

  35. #35
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by boxa06 View Post
    I've got some time so here goes..

    Quads and hams
    Squats superset hamstring curls 5 sets
    Stiff legged dead lifts superset lunges 4 sets
    Leg press superset calf raises 4 sets

    Back and chest
    Flat db press superset single db rows 5 sets
    Pull ups superset dips 3 sets
    Lat pull down superset flys 4 sets
    Bent over reverse flys superset shrugs 3 sets

    Delts, tri's and bi's
    Seated db shoulder press 5 sets
    Side lateral raises superset front raises 3 sets
    Close grip bb press superset bb curls 4 sets
    Standing hammer curls superset skull crushes 4 sets
    Cable rope tri pull down superset cable bar curls 3 sets

    Hiit plus abs

    Rest then repeat.

    Pyramid all weights 15-12-10-8-6 rep range if only 3 sets stop at 10, 4 sets stop at 8 or 5 sets go heavy for 6 reps. This split will improve frequency of muscles trained as you should be recovering pretty fast being on cycle. You can change excersises if you like depending how your gym is set out so it's easier. Oh and lift heavy!
    thanks heaps i appreciate it very much, going to start this today...

    also i have a lump and pain in my right nipple i upped armidex yesterday to 0.5mg do i run this eod still at 0.5 untill the lump goes or ed?

  36. #36
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by little men View Post
    thanks heaps i appreciate it very much, going to start this today...

    also i have a lump and pain in my right nipple i upped armidex yesterday to 0.5mg do i run this eod still at 0.5 untill the lump goes or ed?
    Does the actual lump hurt? Also does your nipple hurt?

  37. #37
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    Jun 2004
    the lump just to the right side hurts to touch when applying pressure

  38. #38
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    Mar 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by little men View Post
    the lump just to the right side hurts to touch when applying pressure
    Ok well you did the right thing by uping the Arimidex. See how .5g eod day goes and if it doesn't improve try .5g Ed until its under control.

  39. #39
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    thanks brother, just feeling it it feels smaller and less sensitive than yesterday so will run .5 again tommorow then hopefully be able to drop to .25 to keep some estro in my system.

    Thanks again

  40. #40
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    Mar 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by little men View Post
    thanks brother, just feeling it it feels smaller and less sensitive than yesterday so will run .5 again tommorow then hopefully be able to drop to .25 to keep some estro in my system.

    Thanks again
    No worries bro keep the progress coming

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