Was hoping I could get some insight on this please. I am planning a future cycle of test prop/tren ace, but am unclear on the dosages. This will be my fourth cycle, the one before it being sus 750/wk, with tren ace 50mg E OD.
I opted for tren ace the first time, just in case I didn't get along well with it, i could drop it and have it out of my system faster. I've had no problems thus far with it however, zip. I was planning prop and ace EOD for the next cycle, but when I do the math, at 1cc of each EOD, that's only 350mg test prop/wk. I'm fine with 1cc ace EOD, as that will be twice the amount I am running on my now current cycle, but that doesn't seem like enough test, seeing as how I am now doing 750/wk. Was hoping to run around 500mg prop/wk with the 100mg ace EOD, but I don't want to inject 1 1/2 cc prop AND 1cc ace in the same injection site, I'm only comfortable with 2cc max in the same site, and I don't want to inject ED, and I don't want to inject the prop and tern in 2 seperate sites EOD, as at that point, I may as well inject ED.
Can someone please help me organize an injection protocol where I'm injecting EOD, but still getting enough prop with the tren in the same syringe? Does any of you feel that 350mg prop is sufficient with 350mg ace per week to have a sufficient amount of test? I'm just going off the basis that I've never used less than 500mg/wk of test, so I'm thinking 350mg/wk isn't enough. Maybe it is with the tren, correct me if I'm wrong. I could also just opt to run longer estered versions of each EOD, seeing as how test e and tren e concentrations are higher. That would solve my problem, as I could do 1cc test e 250 with 1/2 cc tren e 200 EOD, and be getting 875mg test e/wk and 350 tren e /wk, but I really wanted the faster acting esters, so it kicked in sooner.
Opinions please!