Ok so I am 5'10 179lbs and approx 12% bf. I am educated in sport science and also nutrition and will be consuming 3800+cal (i did do my TDEE) ED to try and bulk up to about 190-195lbs. I will be lifting 5-6 days per week with 3 days of cardio/plyo/sprint work to add to my athleticism. I have been familiarising myself with aas over the past couple of weeks and have learnt a great deal. I would just like a final opinion on my cycle before I commit to anything. Below is the proposed cycle;
10 week cycle 300mg 1cc deca with 300mg 1cc test-e each week.
Pct 20mg nolva starting 21 days after last deca shot EOD for 20 days
The reason why I ask is that with such a small dose of deca, do I need to consider any HCG or AI. (Isnt nolva similar to an AI?) I do know that deca is still very hard on the hpta, that's why I am asking. Also, what is the likely risks of such damage and possible gyno?
A lot of people have told me to steer away from the deca for a first cycle And I presume that the likely damage is the reason why. My main question is, if deca has such a high risk during the first cycle, would it surely not have the same risk on any cycles after that?
Any thoughts/opinions/refinements would be appreciated.