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Thread: cycle help please?

  1. #1

    cycle help please?

    My friend let me use her name to ask my question.

    I am a 35 years old male who is 5 foot 11, 215lbs and maybe 15%bf. I have used AS before and have been training for about 12 years. I am planning my next cycle and thought I might be able to get some help. thetiffster said that there was alot of knowlegable people on AR who dont mind helping others out. This is probobly going to be my next cycle.

    Test cyp 1-16 every 4 days at 400mg
    Eq 1-16 every 4 days at 200mg
    Test prop 1-4 everyday at 100mg
    Winny 10-16 everyday at 50mg
    Milk Thistle 8-16 everyday at 600mg
    Triflex 8-16 everyday at recommended dose
    Clen 10-11 and 14-15 everyday at 125mg
    Clomid 18-20 at 300mg on day one, 100mg on days 2-10 and 50mg on days 11-20

    I would run the eq at a higher dose but I have test 200 and eq 200 and I want to keep my injections at 3ccs every 4 days.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2003
    right here
    One thing I'd do is run the Winny 2 weeks past your last Test Cyp shot (Winny 12-18) so you will be able to start Clomid right after that. The only other opinion I'd have is that I take it you are running the Test Prop for a jump start, so I would lean more torwards Test Prop 1-4 @ 75-100mg/EOD. That's just my 2cents. Good luck with your next cycle.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    I agree with the running the winny 12-18. Other than that it looks like a pretty well thought out cycle. I didn't see any anti-e's listed for the cycle itself. I would recommend at the very minimum having Nolvadex on hand.

    Please register and use your own account. It is against board rules for a male to use a female account for obvious reasons.

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