glad to have you back, bro! glad to see youre eating again too, thought you were going manorexic on ushahah, workout sounds good, get back at it man
glad to have you back, bro! glad to see youre eating again too, thought you were going manorexic on ushahah, workout sounds good, get back at it man
It's good to be back manI've used glutes for most of my shots this cycle and I was due to pin test e on the same night as the HCG so I thought I'd go delt. It was only .2ml of HCG so it wasn't that bad. Glutes are my favourite but I still try rotate with quads so I don't get scar tissue build up.
Thanks bro and yea it felt like I was gonna be a stick if the weight kept dropping lol you should give that workout a go it's pretty awesome.
Day 75
Apitite was definitely back last night and today woke up weighing 84.1kgsit was good being back at the gym with all the boys on a Monday night. If I couldn't train I'd hate life! Plan to hit delts and arms tonight.
gland to hear your on the mend
Day 75
Had a really good delt and arm session tonight! Did..
Seated behind head military press 5 sets pyramided
Seated db press superset side lateral raises 4 sets pyramided
Incline bb front raises superset standing db front raises 4 sets db raises pyramided
Bb curls superset weighted bench dips 4 sets pyramided
Ez bar preacher curls superset db skull crushes 4 sets pyramided
Rupe cable curls strip set 5 sets
Cable push down strip set 5 sets
Weights took 62 mins plus 20 mins cardio
Day 76
Woke up weighing 84.1kgs. Feeling pretty shredded at the momentI'll put some new pics up soon! I'm due to hit legs and lower back tonight but my hamstrings are still sore from Sunday's workout so I'll have to go for lower back and quad excersises. I'll also do some abs tonight as I haven't done them since getting sick.
Day 76
Trained legs and lower back tonight. Started with dead lifts and for some reason it's taking me ages to get anywhere near my pb for that excercises after stopping for 6 months. Aimed to hit lower back and quads this session as my hams were still tender from Sunday.
Dead lifts 6 sets pyramided
70 degree leg press superset leg extensions 4 sets pyramided
Smith machine squats 2 sets of 50kg for 100 reps (something different :P it hurt!)
Decline bench bb sit ups 4 sets
Fit ball crunches 4 sets
Bench leg raises 4 sets
Weights took 52 mins plus 20 mins cardio
Hey boxa great to see you are feeling better.
Day 77
Woke up weighing 84.5kgs. Did worked 13 hours of physical work today so I ate carbs in first 6 meals (50g per meal except meal 1) and none in the last 2. So ended up eating 520g protein, 340g carb and 85g fat which combined is 4205 calories. I'd hate to have to do this work every day lol I'd have to eat 5k calories on training days!
Took 1.2ml test e in the right quad.
Day 78
Woke up this morning weighing 84.6kgs. Today is another rest day and will have a carb meal today probably in meal 4 this afternoon with a shake.
Over the last week I've noticed an increase in veins. I had veins popping from when the test kicked in but now I have veins that weren't even visible before popping out eg. Across my chest, across my side and rear delt. I tried to take new pics but they're not showing. I'll try again tomorrow.. My camera sucks!
I still have a few weeks left plus PCT but I'd like to say thanks to all you guys that have posted, given advice and given support. This cycle wouldn't have gone as well without it!
Once again man amazing job at your log. Mine wont hold a candle but im more so tracking it just to motivate myself.
Day 79
Woke up this morning weighing 85.5kgs! I made it back up to this weight eating at 3.7k calories instea of 4k... Interesting! I plan to hit back and chest today after meal 2. Always train better with more than 1 meal in me.
Diet comments At 3700 calories I had lean gains but at 4000 calories I did notice a bit of fat gain. 3700 is clearly still adding weight for me but it did stall at one stage. It is 400-500 above tdee.
Also I've completely changed from oats to oat bran over the last few weeks. Almost the same macros..
HCG comments a few things I has noticed that hcg may help contribute to is increased apitite, muscle gain and veins popping.
Training comments I was extremely happy with the training split I followed through most of the cycle and especially this new training split I just began. These are my 2 favourite types of splits even though I don't use them all year round. I also prefer the cardio at 20 mins. It allows me to bulk easier than if I do any more.
Last edited by boxa06; 01-20-2012 at 05:07 PM.
Strewth bro. You werent kidding about those veins. Looking great definitely. You must be stoked with the outcome here.
Nicely done.
Day 79
Had a mental back and chest session today! Did..
Flat bb press superset bent over bb row 5 sets pyramided (max of both were 10 reps 100kg, 5 reps 110kg)
45 degree incline press superset reverse grip lat pull down 4 sets pyramided (last set 3 times to failure)
T bar row superset 30 degree incline flys 4 sets pyramided
Bench support reverse flys superset cable pull overs 4 sets pyramided (last set 3 times to failure)
Bb shrugs 4 sets pyramided
Weights took 59 mins plus 20 mins cardio
Day 79
Appetitte has been up this week! Maybe due to the new training style/split. Snuck in a protein bar yesterday and another 2 today to keep me full.
Day 80
Woke up weighing 84.5kgs. Weights's dropped but still looking good so doesn't matter! About to hit delts and arms this morning. Pumped!
solid work mate.
keep at it, your killing it![]()
Interesting point raised here. I've 5g of test and some members are advocating a 10 week cycle at 500mg/w whereas my initial plan was 12 weeks at 400mg/w and perhaps up the dose to 500mg for the last 2 weeks to utilise all the test. I'll probably stick with my initial plan though and do the 12 weeks at the slightly lower dose.
Thanks manit's so sad that it's almost over though
It's a hard decision to make but for me it took 6 weeks for the test e to really kick in so it would be a shame to had finished 4 weeks later. If it kicked in at week 4 it would make sense to stop at week 10 but I think for a first expierience with test e you'd wonna trial it at 12 weeks incase it does take ages to kick in.. I'm very happy with the dose I had chosen but everyone is different bro so you've gotta wait and find outyou're almost ready to start soon huh
Day 80
Just trained delts and arms..
Side lateral raises superset military press 5 sets pyramided
Single leaning db side lat raises superset with single cable lat raises 4 sets pyramided
Standing preacher ez bar curls superset skull crushes 5 sets pyramided (skull crusher pb 8 reps of 50kgs)
GIANT SET - cable overhead tri extensions, tri push down, stranding db curls, standing db hammer curls 4 sets pyramided
Weights took 47 mins plus 20 mins cardio
I'm due for a shot of HCG tonight and it's meant to be my last get e shot tomorrow but a few weeks ago I decided to extend it 1 extra weekI've got just enough! It's gonna be such a shame to finish because I'm having the best workouts I've ever had in my 5 and a half years of lifting! Intense and heavy! Hope I keep alot after PCT!
Dont worry man if u continue with no changes in workout or diet ur gonna end up looking better and feeling a lot better when ur done with pct and u can keep most of ur strength post cycle I'm a lot stronger now than before cycle hcg during cycle and nolva/clomid pct is magic...keep us posted.Originally Posted by boxa06
Day 81
Had a shot of HCG last night but before I did it I drew all of it to see how much I had. Looks like I've only got enough for 4 shots all together which is fine. I think I'm shooting 1000-1250iu but you lose some at the end of the syringe every pin. I think I made the solution too strong.
Woke up weighing 85.5kgs this morningplan to hit legs and lower back tonight!
Day 81
Just had an awesome leg session!!
Squats 8 sets pyramided (pb 10 reps of 160kgs, 6 reps of 180kgs, 3 reps of 200kgs!)
Verticals leg press superset laying hamstring curls 5 sets pyramided
Standing hamstring curls superset leg extensions 5 sets pyramided
Decline bench sit ups 4 sets
Decline bench leg raises 4 sets
Weights took 69 mins (took my time warming into the squats) plus 20 mins cardio
Day 81
Took 1.2ml in the left quad! That's the 12 weeks down but I have 2.3ml left for week 13. My gf booked me a holiday for next week so I'm due to pin this Friday (I'll be home) and last shot on Tuesday night but I'm leaving Monday morning. Not sure if I should pack the shot or just have it before I leave. At least on this holiday there is a gym nearby plus one in the resort and all I'll be doing is training, eating, sleeping and relaxingI'm gonna pack tins of tuna, protein power, oats, vitamins and even scales lol I don't care I'll bring the kitchen! Lmao!
Also I've noticed my balls have recovered a bit todayHCG must be working!
Last edited by boxa06; 01-23-2012 at 04:36 AM.
Day 82
Woke up this morning weighing 85.1kgs. My boys are definitely back after that second shot of HCG so hopefully this will make PCT easy. I plan to hit back and chest tonight can't wait!
Good to see that the boys are back in town... HCG can be a ball saver, and gain keeper. Oh you're very right it will help. Looking good man; can't wait for the next set of pics.
Looking really good in the latest pics mate. You have done a real solid job this cycle. I bet your glad you got the HCG![]()
Day 82
just trained back and chest..
wide lat pull down superset 30 degree inline db press 5 sets pyramided (max was 120kgs 10 reps/ 45kgs 10/15 reps with spot)
close grip cable row superset wide grip dips 4 sets pyramided (dips were 25-15 reps failure)
close grip chin ups superset flat db flys 4 sets pyramided
up right rows superset cable pull overs 4 sets pyramided
weights took 45 mins plus 30 mins cardio
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