Day 82
At training my left shoulder felt fine but when i cooled off my left elbow started to kill! it feels like tennis elbow which i've had years ago. i've got an ice pack on it as i'm typing this.. hope it's not here to stay!
Day 82
At training my left shoulder felt fine but when i cooled off my left elbow started to kill! it feels like tennis elbow which i've had years ago. i've got an ice pack on it as i'm typing this.. hope it's not here to stay!
Mate if I can get results like that i'll be stoked.
Day 83
Woke up weighing 85.2kgs. My elbow hasn't hurt since putting ice on it last night but I might go buy some anti inflammatory gel to put on it. The real test will be when doing weights.
Due for shoulders and arms either tonight or tomorrow morning (Australia Day public holiday). It's my last session until Saturday.
Left quad is killing me from that pin Monday night. Dam quads suck to pin even after all this time!
Well done mate had a read through you achieved great results from such a low dose. Keep up the good work.
Melb or syd??
looking good, goodto see the weight going up again, your on the home stretch now
Day 83
Officially decided to make today a rest day so added 50g of carbs to meal 4 and that'll be it for the day. Plan to hit delts and arms tomorrow morning on Australia day before heading to the beach![]()
whats plans after this?
You've done really well with this mate. It shows how moderate dose of test alone is really only what alot of first/second/third cycles needs. What you have achieved is from your dedication, pre cycle prep, and proper laid out diet that was followed. This should be an example to what can be achieved without the need to add 2-4 extra compounds. Enjoy your Aussie day tomorrow.
Day 84
Woke up weighing 85.5kgs. Plan to hit shoulders, arms and possibly some abs this mornig. Hope my elbow is ok during training, I'll use anti inflammatory gel pre workout.
Day 84
Feeling a bit fatigued from all the hardcore training lately but managed a good session today. Went slightly lighter and had no trouble with my elbow
Seated bb shoulder press 5 sets pyramided (max 20 reps 50kgs, 15 reps 60kgs rest 10 secs another 6 reps then again another 3 reps)
Side lateral raises triple drop set 3 sets failure
Front db raises 3 sets failure
Cable bar curls superset push down 5 sets pyramided
Cable rope curls superset rope push down 4 sets pyramided
Cable bent over circle rope curls superset cable rope French press 4 sets high volume
Decline bb sit ups 4 sets
End of bench leg raises 4 sets
Weights took 60 mins plus 20 mins cardio
Impressive results and great info. Will be doing a cycle very soon like yours and this has helped me a ton. Keep it up bro!
I've thought about it. That way I can be held accountable. Seems to be worth it according to this thread!Originally Posted by boxa06
The only thing I'm concerned about is my post cycle and keeping my gains.
It's good to record it so you can always look back and it doesn't help with accountability plus support from others.
If everything is done correctly you should keep alot of gains. I actually think I'll lift harder during PCT than on cycle to try keep my gains. At the end at least you know you gave it your all!
Day 85
Woke up weighing 85kgs. I was at the beach all day yesterday and my 4th meal ended up being marinated chicken breast with 1 slice of bread. Tasted so good! I know it was marinated in a sugary concoction but I rarely cheat and at least it was breast!
This morning I took a shot of 1.1ml in the left glute. It was due tonight but since I have to move my last shot forward by 1.5 days I moved this one forward by half a day. I have about 1.1-1.2ml left for Monday mornings shot in 3 days time. That will sadly be my last test e shot. Hopefully blood levels remain stable through this messing around!
Today is a rest day and brought a 50g carb meal I'll have soon.
Day 85
I ran out of mass gainer protein yesterday so I'll go back to my wpi/dextrose mix that I usually use. This is the diet that I'll be using until the end of PCT. I'll be keeping most things the same but I'll re write it and post it anyway.
Protein /carbs/fat
Meal 1 8.30 am
124g of oat bran
300g egg whites
30g whey
Universal animal pak
500mg vit c
Meal 2 10.30-11am
220g chicken breast
210g veggies
Meal 3 1.30pm
Same as meal 2
Meal 4 4-4.30pm (pre wo)
Large tin of tuna
124g oat bran mixed in 30g of protein powder
Meal 5 7-7.30pm (pwo)
45g wpi
84g dextrose
Meal 6 8.30pm
300g home made lean beef or kangaroo pattys
200g veggies
Meal 7 11pm
50g micellar casien
8 1000mg fish oil tabs
1 500mg calcium tab
Total 456/286/64
Total calories 3544
When I train in the morning I will take in meal 1 plus half of the carbs from pre wo meal in 1 go. Then have my pwo meal. The ppwo meal I have been adding in the rest of pre wo meal 40g carbs and finding this works well to spread out carbs evenly. Also when I train in the morning I will still have that larger red meat meal at night as this is when I always get really hungry and I think that meal will tie me over nicely.
When I eat kangaroo in meal 6 sometimes I add fat to make up the fat macros as roo is leaner than beef.
I try to get a balance of protein and energy at 50/50.
On rest days I won't eat pre or pwo meal but am starting to have carbs in the first few meals so make sure I am caloric surplus. If I am doing labour intesive work (2nd job) I will add more carbs while I'm working.
Last edited by boxa06; 01-26-2012 at 07:25 PM.
Question, meal 2 and 6, how did you get so much protein from that? Kangaroo and chicken have about 22g protein per 100g.
So, is the HCG worth it or needed for a test only cycle in your opinion?
Very nice man. Good to see your doing well... your gains are pretty crazy. I just updated my log missed about 5 days worth of posts. Just been really crazy.
Day 86
Woke up weighing 84.9kgs. I don't think I'm eating enough on my rest days! I think
That has been my only weak point throughout this cycle. I really have to get that right!
Trained legs and lower back after meal 1 but had to adjust my workout because I got sunburn on thurs and didn't wonna lean any bars on my back.
Dead lifts off the rack 7 sets sets pyramided
Walking db lunges 4 sets pyramided
Db squats superset db stiff legged deads 4 sets pyramided
Leg extensions superset laying hamstring curls 3 sets pyramided using pause 10 seconds twice every set
Weights took 60 mins plus 20 mins cardio
Day 87
Woke up weighing 85.2kgs. Had a BBQ at my mums last night so ate heaps of meatabout to hit chest and back then head to work. It's my last day at work for a week!
Day 87
Just hit chest and back. Didn't have as much energy as usual as I went hard yesterday plus cleaned my house for 5 hours with my gf for before we go on holiday tomorrow. It was also hot all day so I just felt dehydrated and had lack of ATP. I was empty after the second excercise and decided to listen to my body for once!
Db bench supported rows superset flat db press 6 sets pyramided (max, row was 6 reps 42.5kgs, press 6/10 reps 50kgs with spot)
Pull ups superset 45 degree incline smith machine press 4 sets pyramided
Medium grip cable row superset cable flys 2 sets rest pause twice, high volume
Cable crunches 4 sets pyramided
Bench heal extensions 4 sets (know idea what to call them lol)
Weights took 50 mins plus 20 mins cardio
Looking good man. I almost got all my gear and going to run a cycle just like yours. Still unsure about the HCG but reading more on it. Keep hitting it hard and have fun on holiday!
Day 88
Woke up weighing 85.7kgs! Gonna take my last shot this morning then head to the airport.
Day 88
Ended up having 1.45ml test e in the vial so I took it all in the right glute! Also took a who of HCG last night and it kinda looks like the vial is empty after only 3 shots! Hopefully enough for my last! Half my suitcase is protein powder, oats, scales, vitamins etc. I'm not even exaggerating! My gf is looking at me going wtf hahaha
nice work bro keep up the hard work not goin to lie you inspire me. I think I might do a similar cycle.
Last edited by b1ackhawk40; 01-29-2012 at 08:26 PM.
Day 88
Away on holiday
Today was a rest day because I travelled for 5 hours to get to our holiday destination. Staying in a 5 star resort but I've brought all my scales, vitamins, oat bran, protein powder etc. Went to the supermarket and bought staples like tuna, eggs and other things as we're only going to be eating out twice a day and I need 6-8 meals a day.
Apitite has been through the roof today!
Decided to delete all the estimates because it's kinda doing my head in on holiday! I will accept it as a week of lighter dieting while still trying to eat as best I can without all the counting.
Last edited by boxa06; 02-02-2012 at 04:58 AM.
Day 89
Away on holiday
Woke up weighing 85.9kgs! I actually thought I'd lost weight yesterday lol plan on hitting delts and arms today.
Last edited by boxa06; 02-02-2012 at 05:00 AM.
Day 89
Away on holiday
Had a ruthless delt and arm session at the gym here.
Seated db press superset standing bi curls 5 sets pyramided
Standing military press superset hammer curls 4 sets pyramided
Side laterals superset reverse cable curls 4 sets pyramided
Bent arm side laterals superset db French press 4 sets pyramided
Cable side laterals superset kick backs 4 sets pyramided
Db front raises superset over head tri extensions with angled bar 4 sets pyramided
Weights took 49 mins plus 20 mins cardio
Last edited by boxa06; 01-30-2012 at 08:57 PM.
Enjoy your vacation! Awesome results, glad I got a chance to check in.
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