Without singling out one company over another, are there any opinions as to the quality of liquid PCT items from research chemical companies?
Particularly I mean Liquid Tamoxifen, Clenbuterol, Arimidex, and so on.
I am in PCT now, using liquid Tamoxifen @ 20mg/day and Clenbuterol. I dropped the extra water, and the very slight gyno I had is gone. I'm also leaning up nicely, but also losing a bit of strength. Nothing to go nuts about, but the loss is there. I am also noticing a bit of acne on my back. I want to be sure that when I think I'm taking 20mg of Tamoxifen, I'm really getting it, and keeping the most of what I can from my last cycle's results.
While it is considerably less expensive, I'm wondering if I ought to spring for the more expensive pharma or underground lab stuff (pills) from a supplier? My next cycle I want to do optimally from start through PCT.