Hey guys. I am a natural male lifter, I lift 4 days per week and go swimming 1 day per week. I am 21 years old, 6'1", 211 pounds as of Saturday with around 15-16% bodyfat (pics can be posted if needed). I have been training seriously for around 2 years now. I am currently in University and I have 6 classes and 3 labs this semester (over a full load) so time is pretty pressed. I still get to the gym and train like an animal for 5 days a week regardless. My nutrition is on par, I am carb-cycling right now with 5 days at a low carb of ~120g/day and 1 medium day ~200g and 1 carb-up day ~350g with my protein at ~240g/day and fat around ~110g/day. I eat healthy on every day except carb-up where if I need something to cheat I will use it up on that day. Currently cutting, last year I got to 190 around 12% and this time I want to get to 190 with under 10% BF. I was thinking of just a 80mg/day for 6 weeks anavar cycle. I don't want to get huge I just want the fat to come off and the muscle to stay on with maybe like 3-4 pounds gained of muscle. If I were to go through with this, I realize I am too young and will accept other options, what kind of PCT am I looking at? Any help is very much appreciated!!!