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Thread: pct depression advice needed

  1. #1

    pct depression advice needed

    i am in my last week of post cycle theraphy only 4days left this is my first cycle

    my cycle was
    1-4 dbol 30mg ed
    1-12 test e 500mg per week
    10-14 winstrol 50mg ed
    12-14 test prop 100mg eod
    14-18 Nolvadex 40/40/20/20 and zma every night

    feeling down tired unmotivated . having trouble sleeping only 5hrs a night, broke out in small bit of acne on face
    lost lost 10lbs of my 20lbs gain think it was mostly water loss dow

    no loss in Libido if anything has increased

    any advice . is this due to maybe testtostrone low or the nolvadex or maybe that i didnt use clomid any advice much appreciated

  2. #2

    pct depression advice needed

    i am in my last week of post cycle theraphy only 4days left this is my first cycle

    my cycle was
    1-4 dbol 30mg ed
    1-12 test e 500mg per week
    10-14 winstrol 50mg ed
    12-14 test prop 100mg eod
    14-18 Nolvadex 40/40/20/20 and zma every night

    feeling down tired unmotivated . having trouble sleeping only 5hrs a night, broke out in small bit of acne on face
    lost lost 10lbs of my 20lbs gain think it was mostly water loss dow

    no loss in Libido if anything has increased

    any advice . is this due to maybe testtostrone low or the nolvadex or maybe that i didnt use clomid any advice much appreciated

  3. #3

    pct depression advice needed

    i am in my last week of post cycle theraphy only 4days left this is my first cycle

    my cycle was
    1-4 dbol 30mg ed
    1-12 test e 500mg per week
    10-14 winstrol 50mg ed
    12-14 test prop 100mg eod
    14-18 Nolvadex 40/40/20/20 and zma every night

    feeling down tired unmotivated . having trouble sleeping only 5hrs a night, broke out in small bit of acne on face
    lost lost 10lbs of my 20lbs gain think it was mostly water loss dow

    no loss in Libido if anything has increased

    any advice . is this due to maybe testtostrone low or the nolvadex or maybe that i didnt use clomid any advice much appreciated

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Planet Earth
    Did you take any hcg during your cycle?

  5. #5

    pct depression advice needed

    i am in my last week of post cycle theraphy only 4days left this is my first cycle

    my cycle was
    1-4 dbol 30mg ed
    1-12 test e 500mg per week
    10-14 winstrol 50mg ed
    12-14 test prop 100mg eod
    14-18 Nolvadex 40/40/20/20 and zma every night

    feeling down tired unmotivated . having trouble sleeping only 5hrs a night, broke out in small bit of acne on face
    lost lost 10lbs of my 20lbs gain think it was mostly water loss dow

    no loss in Libido if anything has increased

    any advice . is this due to maybe testtostrone low or the nolvadex or maybe that i didnt use clomid any advice much appreciated

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by johnburke
    i am in my last week of post cycle theraphy only 4days left this is my first cycle

    my cycle was
    1-4 dbol 30mg ed
    1-12 test e 500mg per week
    10-14 winstrol 50mg ed
    12-14 test prop 100mg eod
    14-18 Nolvadex 40/40/20/20 and zma every night

    feeling down tired unmotivated . having trouble sleeping only 5hrs a night, broke out in small bit of acne on face
    lost lost 10lbs of my 20lbs gain think it was mostly water loss dow

    no loss in Libido if anything has increased

    any advice . is this due to maybe testtostrone low or the nolvadex or maybe that i didnt use clomid any advice much appreciated
    Try to add some d aspartic acid, i was pretty much same on my pct but d aspartic work great on me!

  7. #7
    Try to add d aspartic acid 3g ed, vitamin d 3 3000ui ed. . .

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    Last sentence. And, are you still going to the gym? And i would be happy about the libido if nothing else.

  9. #9
    Blood work. When Im on cycle nothing can get me depressed. However, off cycle I have to constantly work on preventing depression. Getting outside, natural sunlight, eating well, cardio... etc. Other than that the key is to keep moving, even if you feel like you cant pull yourself together for a great lift go anyway and do your best.

  10. #10
    Also if youre unable to get more than 5hrs sleep naturally I would recommend getting something over the counter for the time being. Now is not a good time to deal with sleep deprivation.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    very weak PCT bro..

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    dont ask for a source thx
    Quote Originally Posted by RuckusDC5 View Post
    very weak PCT bro.. had no issues on comming up with the money for your cycle so why did you cheap out on your pct? the most important part of cycling imho...its your chance to retain your gains as much as possible by getting your natty test up and running again as soon as possible...the longer your test levels are low the longer it will be for you to feel normal again and in the meantime you will watch what you gained slowly wonder your depressed...i hope your at least still training and your keeping up with your diet...

  13. #13
    Try to add d aspartic acid 3g ed, vitamin d 3 3000ui ed. . in what way will this benifit me

    I did hcg a week before pct . 1000iu . i didnt no what i was doing and only found out how to take hcg properly

    yes still training wit less volume dow and allowing more time for recovery

    What did i do wrong with my pct so i can improve it next time

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Carving Stone with Steel
    Quote Originally Posted by xelnaga View Post
    Blood work. When Im on cycle nothing can get me depressed. However, off cycle I have to constantly work on preventing depression. Getting outside, natural sunlight, eating well, cardio... etc. Other than that the key is to keep moving, even if you feel like you cant pull yourself together for a great lift go anyway and do your best.
    What if your always depressed?

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