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Thread: Nolva a no-no on a Deca cycle???

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2007

    Nolva a no-no on a Deca cycle???

    I made a thread about my second cycle at the AS-Q&A thread, but I guess I should be directing it here since it's about PCT.

    I always thought Nolva/Clomid is a staple in PCT, well at least before I started planning this 2nd cycle. My first was a Test C only cycle, did Nolva @ 20mgs & Clomid @ 50mgs for 4 weeks. Did quite well on that. But I've been reading & it seems that Nolva is not advisable as part of a PCT on a cycle including Deca. It makes progesterone sides worse. I'm doing a Test E/Deca cycle btw.

    My original plan was to run HCG @ 250ius 2x/week the whole cycle, Adex .25mgs eod, then Nolva/Clomid for the actual PCT. But now I think I'm dropping Nolva.

    Any advice guys? I need to be clarified on this one.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Nolva should nt be run during a cycle of deca , however , it is my understanding it can be run for pct. just stop taking the deca 3 or 4 weeks prior to the end of your test.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Thanks for the reply, jandj.

    However after reading further about this, I think I'm gonna drop Nolva completely. Instead I'll be using Clomid @ 50mg & Aromasin @ 12.5mg for a month. Seems like the better option.

    Anyone agrees with this?

  4. #4
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    I still use nolva/clomid after my 19-nor cycles and have good results.

  5. #5
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    Dont drop the nolva, the whole 'increased sides issue' is broscience. it really doesnt work like that, it used to be a common thing no to use nolva during a deca cycle but its now known to have little to no effect on the progesterone sides. Besides control estrogen on cycle and ull control progesterone.

    Nolva/clomid combo is the best pct for any cycle. I would go with that, and not use an AI in pct. So no i dont agree with your 'better option'.

    Run the nolva 2 weeks longer than clomid also.

  6. #6
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    Aug 2007
    ^^ Thanks for the input guys. I don't know. I'm still leaning towards the Clomid/Aromasin PCT. It just makes more sense to me. After reading some more about this, yeah some people say the "no nolva pct for a deca cycle" is a myth. But also some reported they did make gyno sides worse. & I've read some very interesting articles about it. I guess there is still that chance, & it differs from person to person. So I'm just gonna lean on the safe side.

    Besides, clomid & nolva are very similar chemically. So either of the two will be good enough. Plus, aromasin not only "kills" estrogen, but increases test also. Therefore making it a very good addition to a PCT.

    I'm still trying to learn guys, so bear w/ me. I really appreciate the responses though, & respect your experiences.

  7. #7
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    Clomid and nolva are similar but way different also. Read swiftos thread on it for more info... I just haven't had time to write mine due to school

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Airnzah View Post
    clomid & nolva are very similar chemically. So either of the two will be good enough. Plus, aromasin not only "kills" estrogen, but increases test also. Therefore making it a very good addition to a PCT.
    I recently posted a study by Dr Scally that explained why clomid and nolva together would be most effective. In other words even though similar their is greater benefit in the combo. It was in a thread titled "Are both necessary" I believe. Im sure you could look it up.

    Also you have to look at HOW ai's (aromasin) increase test. If you consider that factor in my opinion they arent the best or most prudent addition to pct. IMO Serms are - based on their moa and a combo is optimal.

    The nolva / deca myth has been thoroughly disspelled at this stage.

  9. #9
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    I used nolva/clomid for my deca/test pct and it worked great.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    I actually agree that clomid/nolva PCT is most effective. I always thought that until I started doing research about PCT's for 19nors. I see a lot of conflicting info regarding this, so I'm still a bit confused. If anyone can actually link me up to a study debunking the "nolva not for deca" argument, I'll be really grateful.

    Quote Originally Posted by jamotech View Post
    I used nolva/clomid for my deca/test pct and it worked great.
    How'd you dose it bro?

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