Day 97
9 days after last shot
Today I started dosing d Aspartic Acid dosed twice daily at 3g per dose. From Saturday (next training session) I will start taking BCAA's during training and VIT C PWO.
Day 97
9 days after last shot
Today I started dosing d Aspartic Acid dosed twice daily at 3g per dose. From Saturday (next training session) I will start taking BCAA's during training and VIT C PWO.
What is that???Originally Posted by boxa06
Day 98
10 days after my last shot
Woke up weighing 86.4kgs. Worked my physical job today so I thought I would try spread my carbs more evenly throughout the day. Had 1 as per normal, then for the next 5 meals I'll have around 35g or carbs per meal. Then for meal 7 and 8 I'll cut them out.
Have you done recent measurements bro?
Good idea I used animal test and it was alright.Originally Posted by boxa06
Yea man they were on the last page a few posts below the before and after pics I'll copy and paste here for ya..
Day 96
Measurement comparisons from day 1..
Quads day 1 24.5" Now 26.75"
Chest day 1 43" Now 46"
Arms day 1 15.25" Now 16.125"
Waist day 1 31" Now 32.75"
Calves day 1 16" Now 17.25"
Day 99
11 days after last shot
Woke up weighing 86.6kgs. Haven't dropped much weight at all so far. Today is another rest day then start my 5 day rotation again tomorrow. I have 3 35g carb meals at work and I am finding it good spreading the carbs throughout the day more on rest days. Thinking of changing my split soon as I'll probably not be healing as fast when the test completely wears out. I'm still hitting every muscle group every 3-5 days, thinking of changing to every 4-6 days.
wow man full on looking good keep it up
Boxa, you have inspired many of us. Thank you so much for sharing your experience with us. I have read this entire thread and will continue to follow you throughout your PCT. Once again, fantastic job!
Day 100
12 days after last shot
Woke up this morning weighing 86.5kgs. Just had meal 1 and gonna go hit chest and back this morning. I will start having 10g of BCAA's during the workout as of today and also 2-3g of VIT C pwo (already take .5g in the morning in my animal pak so aiming for 3g daily mega dose to lower cortisol).
Last edited by boxa06; 02-13-2012 at 12:27 AM.
Day 100
12 days after last shot
Had a pretty good chest and back session. I felt pretty tired and average/natural this morning so I decided to start stickig mostly to compound movements, go heavy and keep the workouts short. Was impressed with my lifts today
30 degree incline db press superset bb row 6 sets pyramided (max 50kg for 5/9 reps with spot, 110kg for 5 reps)
Reverse grip lat pull down superset flat db press 4 sets pyramided (hit the 50kgs for press still)
Bent over double db rows superset cable flys 4 sets pyramided
Weights took 45 mins plus 20 mins cardio
Day 101
13 days after last shot
Woke up shocked weighing 85kgs. I feel as if I've dropped a bunch of water.. Another reason for the low weight was I had diarrhea early last night. I suspect it was from the megadose of VIT C but I'll try it one more time tonight before coming to that conclusion.
I'm thinking of changing my routine to a 4 day split but am undecided wheather to go for a straight forward routine or keep the supersets involved to get the maximum workout in a short amount of time. The 2 options I came up with are..
Straight forward
Chest and bi's
Delts and tri's
Back and tri
Quads and hams
Chest and bi
Delts and abs
i like the fact that you're in and out of the gym in 45mins. short fast and sweet, during the pct, is crucial. keep up the great work Boxa!
serious one of the best logs ive seen. u gave it hell
and it paid off nicely.
big increased measurements and the pics are just unreal. very inspiring.
proud of u bro![]()
Yep I'm trying to get in and out fast especially over the next 4 weeks as you said is crucial
Thanks heaps broall the support you and the guys have given me on this thread just keeps me going at 110% every week. I could have never imagined how much of an impact in a positive way, all of the support from you guys gives me!
glad we could keep u going when the times get tuff mate.
u got great photos before and after so at least if u ever get down u can refer to them and this log as well.
with the training routine u have got a good choice between 2.
i think the superset one be good as it will tax u hard thus spending less time in the gym whislt doing the old shity pct lol
either option is good though as u def know what ur doing![]()
Yea it'll be good to read through this log next time I cycle and improve on anything I thought I could have done better this time round.
I was leaning towards the superset style for PCT so that another vote for that program
What's going on with you bro? You stopped that log you were doing. Did you end up going back to keto diet?
yeah i started that diet and i just got bloated heaps from it. lol must of been carb senstive. but it was low so im not sure.
i was kinda doing keto in a way but not.... for 5 weeks. it was going well but i want to move to a more stable easier to follow diet
so i signed with a mate of mine and gonna train with him and his diet protocols. so see how things go. just wanna get teh 4 top abs out and ill be pumped haha
after this next 4 weeks. i might do a slow lean bulk/ try and drop some fat along the way as well but add some size slowy.
Day 101
13 days after last shot
Been having to go toilet alot today (number 2) 4 times. It may be the vitamin c but not sure.. All solid though today lol trained delts and arms tonight and felt weaker. So shiit! Pct starts tomorrow..
Db shoulder press 5 sets pyramided (max was 37.5kgs for a few reps)
Db push press super e z bar curls 4 sets pyramided
Bent arm side laterals superset standing db curls 4 sets pyramided
French press superset seated e z bar raises 4 sets pyramided
Single db kick backs superset side laterals 4 sets pyramided
44 mins plus 20 mins cardio
Great great read. Are you using hcg in this cycle?
Great progress pal, this cycle log has taught me a lot! Thanks.
Day 102
14 days after last shot
PCT day 1
Woke up this morning weighing 85.6kgs. This morning I took liquid tomox 40mg and liquid clomid 100mg and it was disgusting!!! I have to figure out a way to take it that hides the taste. Tonight I'm due to hit legs and lower back.
Day 102
PCT day 1
Just trained legs and lower back. Felt pretty good but went heavy and kept it short. Energy was good today and labido is still good, morning wood etc.
Dead lifts off rack 6 sets pyramided (max 140kgs 10 reps, 160kgs 5 reps) getting back up there!
Wide stance Olympic squats 6 sets pyramided
70 degree leg press superset hammer strength hamstring curls 4 sets pyramided (max press was 16 plates)
Weights took 44 mins plus 20 mins cardio
Hey Boxa, this is an awesome thread!!! It really has me excited about starting my cycle next month!!!
How tall are you? I would like to get a comparison because my starting weight should be approx 82kg.
Great results tho, I only hope I can see the same.
Hey boxa i put half a mouth full of water in my mouth then squirt chem into mouth then swollow chem + water already in mouth then chase with more water, somtimes you taste it and others you dont but either way even when you do its heaps easier than without anything.
Also got me some d aspartic acid after seeing it in your thread to go with my pct, never heard of it b4 so thanks for sharing again
That's what I did bro and it just tasted fkd! Maybe I'm jut being soft lol but it sucks waking up in he morning to a fresh glass of research chems. So today I'm gonna try mix it into my pre workout coffee (cold).
D Aspartic Acid is meant to be good stuff! Have you read up about it? They have studies that show it increases natural testosterone by up to 33%.
Day 103
PCT day 2
Woke up weighing 85.3kgs. I'll try taking liquid tomox and clomid in my pre workout coffee today. Due to hit chest and back tonight.
Day 103
PCT day 2
Ok so I've had to edit my diet again because the brand that make my oat bran changed the product so the macro's are now different.
Protein /carbs/fat
Meal 1 8.30 am
150g of quick oats
300g egg whites
30g whey
Universal animal pak
Meal 2 10.30-11am
220g chicken breast (cooked weight)
110g wholemeal pasta (cooked weight)
100g veggies
Meal 3 1.30pm
Same as meal 2
Meal 4 4-4.30pm (pre wo)
Large tin of tuna
188g oat bran mixed in 30g of protein powder
Meal 5 7-7.30pm (pwo)
45g wpi
84g dextrose
Meal 6 8.30pm
300g home made lean beef or kangaroo pattys
200g veggies
Meal 7 11pm
50g micellar casien
4 1000mg fish oil tabs
1 500mg calcium tab
Total 486/330/88
Total calories 3992
When I train in the morning I will take in meal 1 plus half of the carbs from pre wo meal in 1 go. Then have my pwo meal. The ppwo meal I have been adding in the rest of pre wo meal 40g carbs and finding this works well to spread out carbs evenly. Also when I train in the morning I will still have that larger red meat meal at night as this is when I always get really hungry and I think that meal will tie me over nicely.
When I eat kangaroo in meal 6 sometimes I add fat to make up the fat macros as roo is leaner than beef.
I try to get a balance of protein and energy at 50/50.
On rest days I won't eat pre or pwo meal but am starting to have carbs in the first few meals so make sure I am caloric surplus. If I am doing labour intesive work (2nd job) I will add more carbs while I'm working.
Last edited by boxa06; 02-17-2012 at 03:15 AM.
Day 103
PCT day 2
I noticed today my pants were a bit loser around the waist. So I did all measurements again and everything was the same except my waist had dropped 3/4" to now be 32" (waist). I feel as though I've dropped a bit of water that was hanging around on my lower abs.
Day 103
PCT day 2
Just took 100 clomid and 40 tamox in my coffee and tasted like there was vodka in my coffee lol better than doing it straight like yesterday! Time for back and chest![]()
Day 103
PCT day 2
Had a crazy back and chest session! Hit some new pb'sI felt like I was back on cycle today! Maybe it's the daa or clomid or nolva or all 3!
Flat db press superset wide lat pull down 5 sets pyramided (max 15 reps 45kgs, 12/8 reps 50kgs with spot/ 130kgs 8 reps)
Close grip cable rows superset 30 degree db press 4 sets pyramided (max row 220 8 reps)
Reverse grip lag pull down superset pec dec 4 sets pyramided (pec dec was high volume whole stack)
Weights took 40 mins plus 20 mins cardio
maybe try some more water in your mouth, yeah i read up on the d aspartic after i read it in your thread and ordered it on the spot, im 1 1/2 weeks into pct and have zero libido even turned down a late night booty call which is not like me. hopefully get back to normal soon
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