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Thread: Someone please explain:Kigtropin, jintropin, **********, genotropin, etc

  1. #1
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    Someone please explain:Kigtropin, jintropin, **********, genotropin, etc

    I can't find a single decent thread that explains the difference between all the hgh brands. Just a bunch of conflicting post on how ove is better than the other and v vice versa

  2. #2
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    Why is hyge censored?

  3. #3
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    Humatrope (from Eli Lilly). This was the first brand of HGH to become widely available.
    Genotropin (from Pharmacia/Upjohn).
    Saizen (from Serono Laboratories).
    Norditropin (from Novo Nordisk)
    Nutropin (from Genentech)
    Tev-Tropin is a brand of HGH that is manufactured in Israel and approved for sale by the FDA in the United States. A long and complicated patent dispute kept Tev-Tropin off the market for many years. The patent dispute was settled in 2004, and Tev-Tropin began to be sold in the United States shortly thereafter. Like the other forms of HGH now sold in the United States, Tev-Tropin is the 191-amino-acid hormone that is identical to natural human growth hormone.

    Serono also makes two additional brands of HGH, Serostim and Zorbtive, for special uses in diseases that require high doses of HGH.

    In addition to these brands, there are 3 FDA-approved "bio-generics," formally named "follow-on protein products" by the FDA.

    Omnitrope, manufactured by the Sandoz division of Novartis, was approved by the FDA on May 31, 2006.

    In most countries where Omnitrope is sold, the price has been about 25 percent less than the other brands. It has taken a long time for Omnitrope to begin to penetrate the U.S. market well, but it appears that situation has finally changed. Some pharmacies now sell Omnitrope at prices considerably below other brands of HGH.

    Valtropin, made by LG Life Sciences, was approved by the FDA on April 19, 2007. The approval of Valtropin was not announced through the normal FDA channels, and the pharmaceutical press did not find out about its approval until several months later. It is sold in Europe, but it has been very slow to appear on the U.S. market.

    Accretropin, produced by Cangene, was approved by the FDA on January 23, 2008.

    Nine pharmaceutical companies are now authorized to sell HGH by prescription in the United States. All of these brands contain real high-quality injectable HGH made with recombinant DNA technology. Each of the brands is a little different in the packaging and mode of delivery, though."

  4. #4
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    are the color tops and kigs are all the exact same crap with different labels and tops
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  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    are the color tops and kigs are all the exact same crap with different labels and tops
    Actually they are not... there are threads on another board where people have gotten not only the HGH tested for its content but blood work.... Stay away from kigs right now...

    But the bottom is line for purity is basically you have Pharma grade and you have Generic Chinese...

    Pharma is in a world of its own...

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by soulstealer View Post
    Actually they are not... there are threads on another board where people have gotten not only the HGH tested for its content but blood work.... Stay away from kigs right now...

    But the bottom is line for purity is basically you have Pharma grade and you have Generic Chinese...

    Pharma is in a world of its own...
    No actually they are. So what if they had it "tested"? That means jack shit in reality. And The brands they had tested were all board sponsors as well. How hard would it be for a board sponsor to compensate hundreds of people to endorse and promote their product and run logs or post up blood work?

    Read this about testing GH.*#.TzajM4l5mc0

  7. #7
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    What about non generic kigs and jins that come in fancy little boxes and have stamped caps, serial numbers, etc

  8. #8
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    jins are made my a legit pharmaceutical company. Kigs are not
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  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by soulstealer View Post
    Actually they are not... there are threads on another board where people have gotten not only the HGH tested for its content but blood work.... Stay away from kigs right now...

    But the bottom is line for purity is basically you have Pharma grade and you have Generic Chinese...

    Pharma is in a world of its own...
    like sgt said. They test board sponsors so i doubt the results anyway. But those test even if accurate doesn't prove they are bio available.

    I can get "gh" in any color top with any amount of gh in the vial i want from 1 source. Its all the same crap with a different label
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  10. #10
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    ^^^ edit that out its against the rules
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  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    jins are made my a legit pharmaceutical company. Kigs are not
    So Gixx, how does Vitex by Alpha rate amongst these?

  12. #12
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Razr, had to delete your post. can't post links to sources.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flier View Post
    So Gixx, how does Vitex by Alpha rate amongst these?
    it looks like a ugl to me. The company only makes bbing related drugs. They have eq. EQ isnt approved for humans
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  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    it looks like a ugl to me. The company only makes bbing related drugs. They have eq. EQ isnt approved for humans
    Yeah...comes from India.
    But, it is all that is available in Scandinavia now. National competitors use it and says it´s ok, so I got 6 months worth, and will give it a try.
    I asked in another post, but since I have you "on the line" my IGF-1 and HGH levels are elevated, is this a sign of good quality?
    Or can these levels be elevated with crap HGH, and experience no anabolic or metabolic benefit?
    Because my last run with Hyge I never experienced any benefit, even though I had elevated levels.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flier View Post
    Yeah...comes from India.
    But, it is all that is available in Scandinavia now. National competitors use it and says it´s ok, so I got 6 months worth, and will give it a try.
    I asked in another post, but since I have you "on the line" my IGF-1 and HGH levels are elevated, is this a sign of good quality?
    Or can these levels be elevated with crap HGH, and experience no anabolic or metabolic benefit?
    Because my last run with Hyge I never experienced any benefit, even though I had elevated levels.
    i've heard mixed reactions on there stuff. Peptides could raise your levels also.
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  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    i've heard mixed reactions on there stuff. Peptides could raise your levels also.
    Gonna get a prescription in FL when I go, then there will be no guessing.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Razr, had to delete your post. can't post links to sources.
    That was not a source, I was explaining the different GH brands and only had links to the company website, you cant buy anything at all
    How is that a source? Also I have posted that link b4 and no one had a problem with it.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Razr. View Post
    That was not a source, I was explaining the different GH brands and only had links to the company website, you cant buy anything at all
    How is that a source? Also I have posted that link b4 and no one had a problem with it.
    The site had links to sources were you can buy , we don't allow sources. Thanks.

  19. #19
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    Wow ok, if it did, I need to go look again cause Im out of gh! Thanks!!

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flier View Post
    So Gixx, how does Vitex by Alpha rate amongst these?
    Alpha Pharma is a HG company, not a UGL based out of India. Most of their products are approved by various western FDA's for use.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by wmaousley View Post
    Alpha Pharma is a HG company, not a UGL based out of India. Most of their products are approved by various western FDA's for use.
    im dont disagreeing with you. And that is what they claim on their website. I cant find that supported any place else. So are you taking their sites word for it or do you have another reason to believe it? Also the sell eq. Since when does any real pharm company make eq for human use?
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  22. #22
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    They also state dose to use for anabolism which is not an intended use for HGH

    And they produce Tren which again as gixxer said about EQ, I'm not aware of any human use for Tren?

  23. #23
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    I know of plenty of human uses for tren

  24. #24
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    LOL me too but you know what I mean. medical uses

  25. #25
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    Wanna hear more about this too.
    My Vitex is arriving tonight, and I´m starting tomorrow.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by DanB View Post
    They also state dose to use for anabolism which is not an intended use for HGH

    And they produce Tren which again as gixxer said about EQ, I'm not aware of any human use for Tren?
    alot of other boards also say they are a ugl.
    I think they claim all the fda and licenses on their site to make it look good. Even look at their site. Its a template set up. What pharmaceutical company uses a template from a website to make their site
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  27. #27
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    [QUOTE=gixxerboy1;5897165]alot of other boards also say they are a ugl.
    I think they claim all the fda and licenses on their site to make it look good. Even look at their site. Its a template set up. What pharmaceutical company uses a template from a website to make their site[/QUOTE

    Exactely what I think myself, I mean me or you could set up a site tomorrow and make a few claims, some fancy labels and BOOM charge pharm prices

    Actually . . . . .Lol

  28. #28
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    lol. i almost did years ago.
    im sure it fools alot of people. Also some are so desperate to find stuff they want to believe its real
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  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    lol. i almost did years ago.
    im sure it fools alot of people. Also some are so desperate to find stuff they want to believe its real
    Yep and perfect example of this is the banner ad here selling ''tren'' etc

  30. #30
    I just did a quick search and couldn't find a single product made by them that's approved by the FDA. You can call them HG all you want but to me it's just another generic ugl pharmacy from India.

  31. #31
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    Theyre definitely a ugl, hopefully they put as much work into their product quality as they put into their business front

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pac Man View Post
    Theyre definitely a ugl, hopefully they put as much work into their product quality as they put into their business front
    I´ll start tomorrow, and do BW in 4 weeks.
    BW don´t lie, I think.

  33. #33
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    Theyre definitely a ugl, hopefully they put as much work into their product quality as they put into their business front

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