Ive been going bak and forth but i wanna get in high gear.. Not be on cruise control.. Heres wat i came up with.. For the sake of space and not taking this thread over ill just post figures i came up with and u telk me wat u think if u dont mind
187lbs 11%bf ( calipers put me at 8.65% but for sake of argument about accuracy i figd 11 % would allow for error)
Bmr: 2000
Tdee: 3100
Sun: high (off) 2600cals/290p/250c/49f
Mon: mod (chest) 2200cals/290p/150c/49f
Tue: mod (back) 2200cals/290p/150c/49f
Wed: mod (legs) 2200cals/290p/150c/49f
Thu: zero (cardio) 1760cals/290p/40c(veg)/49f
Fri: zero (shoulders,arms) 1760cals/290p/40c(veg)/49f
Sat: zero (cardio) 1760cals/290p/40c(veg)/40f