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Thread: ** The ASK GB ANYTHING thread (diet/nutrition related) **

  1. #561
    Jimmy has posted a great example of a carb cycle diet here.

    Not to speak for GB, but typically when you cycle carbs, your other macros stay the same ED, so a low carb day is lower total cals and a high carb day is higher total cals.

  2. #562
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    N. Hollywood on Radford
    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post
    Very interesting!! I haven't thought about it before, but they could work very together. The way they work is similar, albeit different timings, but synergistically they might be potent. As long as you're hitting your macros, you should be ok. My only initial concern would be the high carb day/days - you'll be cramming an extraordinary amount of carbs in a really short time which could lead to fat gain and be completely counter productive.

    If you write up a proposed plan and want me to look it over, lemme know.
    I started a thread on it. So far 104 views and no replies so maybe you can help me out.

  3. #563
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    N. Hollywood on Radford
    Quote Originally Posted by Sgt. Hartman View Post
    Jimmy has posted a great example of a carb cycle diet here.

    Not to speak for GB, but typically when you cycle carbs, your other macros stay the same ED, so a low carb day is lower total cals and a high carb day is higher total cals.
    Hummm....If that's the case then I did this all wrong and might have to rework my plan. I guess we'll see.

  4. #564
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    Quote Originally Posted by slfmade View Post
    GB, you quoted my question, but forgot to answer. LOL
    Hmm, wtf?!?! Let's try this again....

    Quote Originally Posted by slfmade View Post
    So In your opinion, what should the macro split look like on Low, medium, and high carb days? And should your total calories stay the same each day, just adjusting the macros?
    I keep protein and fats the same, only the carbs change. In essence, you're killing 2 birds with one stone because you're also calorie cycling via carb manipulation. Generally, this is how carb cycling is done.

  5. #565
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    New Jersey
    BUMP!!! What r you gonna do about it?!?!?

  6. #566
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    gbrice, i have a million dollar question. as i remember you used to be fat and sloppy and outta shape. what motivated you to change things up? what do you use for motivation currently? how can somebody like myself, win the battle between giving in on junk food (mainly candy) and staying strong on my diet. I started a new diet on sunday--went clean 2days, but this evening in class, got a craving for candy n bought sum twizzlers. just wana kik myself in the arse for not being strong.

  7. #567
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpowell View Post
    gbrice, i have a million dollar question. as i remember you used to be fat and sloppy and outta shape.
    Thanks for putting it so softly, lmao! But yes, i sure was

    Quote Originally Posted by jpowell View Post
    what motivated you to change things up?
    My wedding. I just wasn't going to be a fat groom. I didn't want to look back at pictures from one of the happiest times of my life and regret being fat. So, after years of being lazy and unmotivated, I finally got off my ass, stopped making excuses and feeling bad for myself, and did something about it.

    Quote Originally Posted by jpowell View Post
    what do you use for motivation currently?
    I think most will agree that staying motivated is the hardest part of this game. We all have our ups and downs, but I try and stay focused on my short term goals, and when I'm feeling bad about myself, I look back at old fat pics side by side with new pics and I'm blown away with how far I've come. We don't see the everyday progress, so it's hard to appreciate. But if you showed me a pic 4 years ago of how I look today, I probably would have passed out. I never thought this was possible - yet I'm still hungry for much, much more.

    Quote Originally Posted by jpowell View Post
    ghow can somebody like myself, win the battle between giving in on junk food (mainly candy) and staying strong on my diet.
    Realize that you are in control. You choose to put the food in your mouth, nobody's forcing you. Hold yourself accountable and stop giving in to instant gratification. Realize that you're worth it. The food tastes good for a few minutes, then you feel like shit. Being in shape feels great ALL the time. Relish in the compliments people give you.

    Quote Originally Posted by jpowell View Post
    I started a new diet on sunday--went clean 2days, but this evening in class, got a craving for candy n bought sum twizzlers. just wana kik myself in the arse for not being strong.
    Call it an isolated incident and move on. We all slip up; make slip ups few and far between, the exception, not the norm. I hope this helps!

  8. #568
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    Sep 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post
    I carb cycled 3 moderate days, 3 zero carb days (fibrous veggies only), and 1 high carb day. My moderate days had workouts geared towards growth/maintaining, while my zero carb days were all depletion oriented. My high carb day was my rest/off day.

    There are many ways to carb cycle, but I see too many people setting up schedules with no rhyme or reason, like - GB, what do you think of:

    Monday - High
    Tues - Mod
    Wed - Low
    Thurs - High
    Fri - Low.... etc etc etc

    when I ask why it's set up that way, they don't even know, nor do the workouts make sense with the set up.
    GB can u explain what u mean here? Thx

  9. #569
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Very well said my Man.! Thanks alot.

  10. #570
    Join Date
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    Blackpool U.K.
    Gb ur like 1 big fountain of knowledge looking at this thread, I cud probably learn sum thin from every question uv answered but just haven't gt the time to read it all lol, I was jus wondering how much of a difference would it make if u wer on a cycle of say test n deca, n u had a cheat day every saturday havin an unhealthy selection for every meal say bowl of sugary cereal in mornin, mcdonalds for lunch, dominos pizza for dinner n snacks of sweets n chocolate n stuff in the evening, how much of a difference to the over all gains and the health/side effects like acne n gyno u get do u think this would make to the user

  11. #571
    Join Date
    May 2011
    GB very quick
    300g protein 100g carbs 100g fat VS 300g protein 300g carbs 15g fat or less

  12. #572
    Join Date
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    bump for post #568

  13. #573
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    Bump for post #568

  14. #574
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    Quote Originally Posted by --->>405<<--- View Post
    bump for post #568
    Quote Originally Posted by --->>405<<--- View Post
    Bump for post #568
    Quote Originally Posted by --->>405<<--- View Post
    GB can u explain what u mean here? Thx
    lol, thx for the bumps!!!

    What I mean is my carb days were used for the bigger/growth type workouts; i.e. deads, squats, bench press, etc. It would be difficult to hit these lifts with max intensity while depleted.

    On my non-carb days, workouts were more cardio intensive; higher reps, shorter rests, lighter lifts, etc. The diet and the workout always go hand in hand, complimenting each other. Does this make sense?

    Quote Originally Posted by jimmycool View Post
    Gb ur like 1 big fountain of knowledge looking at this thread, I cud probably learn sum thin from every question uv answered but just haven't gt the time to read it all lol, I was jus wondering how much of a difference would it make if u wer on a cycle of say test n deca, n u had a cheat day every saturday havin an unhealthy selection for every meal say bowl of sugary cereal in mornin, mcdonalds for lunch, dominos pizza for dinner n snacks of sweets n chocolate n stuff in the evening, how much of a difference to the over all gains and the health/side effects like acne n gyno u get do u think this would make to the user
    I wouldn't worry much about acne, etc. If anything, the gear will probably help with nutrient partitioning and allow you some wiggle room to get away with this to some degree. But my view is - why waste money and time on gear if you're not going to be serious about it? Make it count, get everything out of it that you possibly can.

    Quote Originally Posted by JimmySidewalk View Post
    GB very quick
    300g protein 100g carbs 100g fat VS 300g protein 300g carbs 15g fat or less
    What's the goal??? 2 completely different macro splits. I can tell you that the 2nd one is really bad - 15g of fat? Not nearly enough in any diet.

  15. #575
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Yeh it does make sense.. Assuming u have:
    1 high carb
    3 moderate
    3 zero (except veggies)

    Im wondering how this would look macro-wise and workout-wise where it relates to myself..

    Does itnmatter whether i do:

    Sun: high
    Mon: zero
    Tue: zero
    Wed: zero
    Thu: mod
    Fri: mod
    Sat: mod


    Sun: high
    Mon: mod
    Tue: mod
    Wed: mod
    Thu: zero
    Fri: zero
    Sat: zero


  16. #576
    Join Date
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    New Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by --->>405<<--- View Post
    Does itnmatter whether i do:

    Sun: high
    Mon: zero
    Tue: zero
    Wed: zero
    Thu: mod
    Fri: mod
    Sat: mod


    Sun: high
    Mon: mod
    Tue: mod
    Wed: mod
    Thu: zero
    Fri: zero
    Sat: zero

    Definitely, it makes a world of difference. The point of the high carb day is to refeed/restore depleted glycogen stores. You wouldn't follow that by zero carb days - you'd follow it by your heavy workout days, for which you'd want to keep glycogen stores topped off, hence the moderate days. Then deplete, and repeat. (I know that sounds corny and I wasn't trying to be cute lol)

    So the 2nd example is the way to go.

  17. #577
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    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post
    What's the goal??? 2 completely different macro splits. I can tell you that the 2nd one is really bad - 15g of fat? Not nearly enough in any diet.
    Well the second one is the one i currently use actually.. I'm doing well strength increased alot on it but i am looking for improvements. Its kind of funny because my strenght and gains come in bursts. Its like i stay the same no matter what i do, and then all of a sudden boom, i'm amased by the strenght increase and gains i get, diet beeing pretty much the same.

    Anyways, i am looking for a lean bulk, but when i say lean i really mean lean. I dont want to cover up. Really didnt know what to do(cut or bulk) so i thought i would go for a very lean bulk right now, i'm not looking to get kilos in, but to get quality muscle while staying lean. I'll keep this up until the end of april beginning of may and then start to cut.

    What would your aproach be for the lean bulk and also the cut ? I'm at 200 pounds 5'11 with about 13-14% bf

    The reason my bell rang was because i was watching this video of ric drasin talking about the '70s BB diet. He said they kept fairly lean year round with high protein low carbs and moderate-high fat. This way when they would cut for a show they wouldnt do cardio almost at all, maybe some running but not too much, and they worked it out by tweaking the diet.
    I am not looking for keto diet though, dont think it would suit me.
    Last edited by JimmySidewalk; 02-19-2012 at 09:38 AM.

  18. #578
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Thx for responding on a sunday in my thread ive been posting about feeling stagnated.. It may just be in my head but after 5 months of the same routine im thinkn a change (esp to the carb cycle) for where i am in my progress is the way to go.. Itll re-challenge me and break up my routine.. Seems like the rite move?? Ive been going bak and forth but i wanna get in high gear.. Not be on cruise control.. Heres wat i came up with.. For the sake of space and not taking this thread over ill just post figures i came up with and u telk me wat u think if u dont mind

    187lbs 11%bf ( calipers put me at 8.65% but for sake of argument about accuracy i figd 11 % would allow for error)

    Bmr: 2000
    Tdee: 3100

    Sun: high (off) 2600cals/290p/250c/49f
    Mon: mod (chest) 2200cals/290p/150c/49f
    Tue: mod (back) 2200cals/290p/150c/49f
    Wed: mod (legs) 2200cals/290p/150c/49f
    Thu: zero (cardio) 1760cals/290p/40c(veg)/49f
    Fri: zero (shoulders,arms) 1760cals/290p/40c(veg)/49f
    Sat: zero (cardio) 1760cals/290p/40c(veg)/40f

    Tryin to get as lean as possible.. Have 68days til cruise.. Ill also be doing fasted am cardio mon thru sat.. Possible intervAls fasted on moderate days and steady state on zero days.. Will take 10g bcaas prior to all cardio and figd id add 10g bcaas post cardio on zero days as well as another 10g bcaas in the middle of the afternoon on zero days..

    So this will basically be a 10week cut revamp...

    All cardio will be 45 mins.. Intervals for 30 mins and 10 mins moderate after plus warmup and cooldown.. Also on my first zero carb day do u think itd be beneficial to do an interval in the am and then another cardio session at nite to try and further get rid of Glycogen stores??

    Thx bro

    P.S. Let me know if u think my high carb day numbers look high enuff .. This keeps me at 700g carbs for the week (except zero carb veggies days puts me over a little) which is where im at currently..
    Last edited by --->>405<<---; 02-19-2012 at 10:09 AM.

  19. #579
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Hey GB when u can pls chk out my thread.. Complete carb cycle is posted thx

  20. #580
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    GB My wife (who just startd a diet) wants to know if she can have blk beans and kidney beans for carb sources?

  21. #581
    Join Date
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    new york
    Is whole milk a decent fat source? (like 3 cups of whole milk a day) (i get 75G fat total(from almonds, meats, olive oil) , but im curious if whole milk fats are any good or if i should just replace them with almonds, but i already eat alot of almonds a day. so id like to mix it up and have whole milk contribute to my daily fat intake.. if its beneficial)

  22. #582
    Join Date
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    New Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by JimmySidewalk View Post
    Well the second one is the one i currently use actually.. I'm doing well strength increased alot on it but i am looking for improvements. Its kind of funny because my strenght and gains come in bursts. Its like i stay the same no matter what i do, and then all of a sudden boom, i'm amased by the strenght increase and gains i get, diet beeing pretty much the same.
    I've said this before, maybe in this thread, but strength gains and/or muscle growth are not linear; as you're experiencing, you can be stagnant for X amount of time and suddenly have a growth spurt with little to no change in diet or training regimen.

    Quote Originally Posted by JimmySidewalk View Post
    Anyways, i am looking for a lean bulk, but when i say lean i really mean lean. I dont want to cover up. Really didnt know what to do(cut or bulk) so i thought i would go for a very lean bulk right now, i'm not looking to get kilos in, but to get quality muscle while staying lean. I'll keep this up until the end of april beginning of may and then start to cut.

    What would your aproach be for the lean bulk and also the cut ? I'm at 200 pounds 5'11 with about 13-14% bf
    I'd have my fats higher than 15g/day no matter what I was doing, cut, bulk, or otherwise. 15g/day is way too low and you are asking for health issues. I'd bump the fats asap, significantly (45g or so)

    Quote Originally Posted by JimmySidewalk View Post
    The reason my bell rang was because i was watching this video of ric drasin talking about the '70s BB diet. He said they kept fairly lean year round with high protein low carbs and moderate-high fat.
    Agreed. And what you are doing is nowhere near this ^^

    Quote Originally Posted by JimmySidewalk View Post
    This way when they would cut for a show they wouldnt do cardio almost at all, maybe some running but not too much, and they worked it out by tweaking the diet.
    I am not looking for keto diet though, dont think it would suit me.
    No doubt a lot of people have the ability to add lean mass with little fat gain, making the cutting process much more bearable. I'm not a fan of keto either (not to say it doesn't work; i've seen it work very well for some people, it's just not for me), but am a big fan of carb cycling. There is a lot already posted on this (see my conversation with 405) in this thread and elsewhere on the board. You should research and look into it, I believe it may be the answer you're looking for.

    Quote Originally Posted by --->>405<<--- View Post
    Thx for responding on a sunday in my thread ive been posting about feeling stagnated.. It may just be in my head but after 5 months of the same routine im thinkn a change (esp to the carb cycle) for where i am in my progress is the way to go.. Itll re-challenge me and break up my routine.. Seems like the rite move??
    Definitely. You can't continue to do the same thing forever. Our bodies have an amazing ability to adapt, and eventually will. The saying goes 'if you always do what you always did, you'll always get what you always got'. Something like that. Point being - change is good. Keep pushing yourself out of your comfort zone.

    Quote Originally Posted by --->>405<<--- View Post
    Ive been going bak and forth but i wanna get in high gear.. Not be on cruise control.. Heres wat i came up with.. For the sake of space and not taking this thread over ill just post figures i came up with and u telk me wat u think if u dont mind

    187lbs 11%bf ( calipers put me at 8.65% but for sake of argument about accuracy i figd 11 % would allow for error)

    Bmr: 2000
    Tdee: 3100

    Sun: high (off) 2600cals/290p/250c/49f
    Mon: mod (chest) 2200cals/290p/150c/49f
    Tue: mod (back) 2200cals/290p/150c/49f
    Wed: mod (legs) 2200cals/290p/150c/49f
    Thu: zero (cardio) 1760cals/290p/40c(veg)/49f
    Fri: zero (shoulders,arms) 1760cals/290p/40c(veg)/49f
    Sat: zero (cardio) 1760cals/290p/40c(veg)/40f
    Man, other than the workout split, this is frighteningly close to what I did (and will do again in a month)... you been reading up on me??!?!

    This is a very good diet routine IMO and I expect that with your level of dedication (which exceeds mine by a landslide), you'll see excellent results and will catapult to the next level.

    Quote Originally Posted by --->>405<<--- View Post
    Tryin to get as lean as possible.. Have 68days til cruise.. Ill also be doing fasted am cardio mon thru sat.. Possible intervAls fasted on moderate days and steady state on zero days.. Will take 10g bcaas prior to all cardio and figd id add 10g bcaas post cardio on zero days as well as another 10g bcaas in the middle of the afternoon on zero days..
    I wouldn't do the intervals fasted, BCAA's or not. The energy demand is just too high... yes we want to deplete glycogen, but intervals (assuming the intensity is high as it should be with true HIIT) just demand too much IMO. I'd stick with moderate steady state. Don't be a zombie, by all means work up a sweat, breath heavy, but don't destroy yourself with intervals. My .02

    Quote Originally Posted by --->>405<<--- View Post
    So this will basically be a 10week cut revamp...

    All cardio will be 45 mins.. Intervals for 30 mins and 10 mins moderate after plus warmup and cooldown.. Also on my first zero carb day do u think itd be beneficial to do an interval in the am and then another cardio session at nite to try and further get rid of Glycogen stores??
    I'll tell you what - if you want to do intervals, keep it limited to 10 mins and then follow that with 20 mins of stead state. That's what I'd do anyway. 30 mins of intervals is WAY too much, especially fasted. Personally I wouldn't even do 30 mins in the fed state, but that's just me. HIIT should be short and intense, 30 mins is too loog IMO.

    Quote Originally Posted by --->>405<<--- View Post
    Thx bro

    P.S. Let me know if u think my high carb day numbers look high enuff .. This keeps me at 700g carbs for the week (except zero carb veggies days puts me over a little) which is where im at currently..
    Again, VERY close to my own numbers. I know we're different and you definitely have more LBM than I do (hence a higher TDEE as well - ps, how tall are you?) - so be prepared to adjust if needed, but I think it's a good starting point for sure.

    Quote Originally Posted by --->>405<<--- View Post
    Hey GB when u can pls chk out my thread.. Complete carb cycle is posted thx
    Will do bro!

    Quote Originally Posted by --->>405<<--- View Post
    GB My wife (who just startd a diet) wants to know if she can have blk beans and kidney beans for carb sources?
    Absolutely. All kinds of beans and leguemes are viable carb sources, you/she doesn't have to limit it to black or kidney. White/Navy, Garbanzo (chick peas), etc. Needless to say, but stay away from the canned baked beans that are loaded with sugar.

    Quote Originally Posted by Twin View Post
    Is whole milk a decent fat source? (like 3 cups of whole milk a day) (i get 75G fat total(from almonds, meats, olive oil) , but im curious if whole milk fats are any good or if i should just replace them with almonds, but i already eat alot of almonds a day. so id like to mix it up and have whole milk contribute to my daily fat intake.. if its beneficial)
    Not really. Whole milk is high in saturated fat (which is vital in small quantities, but you should be getting enough from meats etc.) I wouldn't replace with almonds either. While nuts have a decent fat profile, fish oil is your best source IMO. Generally, with the exception of a couple tsp of PB (my sweet treat), fish oil is my only supplemented fat source.

  23. #583
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Man gB the work really piles up on u bro! Thx for takn the time to answer all my questions as far as how tall i am.. 5'9" ...

  24. #584
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    Quote Originally Posted by --->>405<<--- View Post
    Man gB the work really piles up on u bro! Thx for takn the time to answer all my questions as far as how tall i am.. 5'9" ...
    It's just that I'm not able to get on here even 1/4th the time I used to.

    Grr, I hate you for being 5'9 and the same weight as me (well, not currently, but a few months ago) - and leaner to boot. Funny, but I had your front double bi pic side by side with one of mine (because I like your symmetry) so I could try and pinpoint what's wrong with my physique... you are at such a genetic advantage to me... I have these long ass arms which was what stood out to me the most next to your pic. Long muscle heads = more difficult to build up. I wouldn't mind so much if I were 6'2, but i'm fvcking 5'11!!!

  25. #585
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    Sep 2011
    LOL.. Thx for the compliment man!! Ive dun the same thing with ur pics.. U have good definition in ur chest which is a challenge for me and u have visible abs.. Also a challenge for me and u have a nice back ..

    U know after being on this site for a little while i realized ive never in my life done a bulk.. All my weight liftimg experience has been dun in a deficit.. Cuz id get fat and cut.. Get down in bf and either get lazy or get hurt and then get fat again and have to cut.. Ive cut so much it NEVER occurred to me (until i got on here) that i need to eat at a surplus to gain muscle.. I dont know where i thought the muscle was gonna come from LOL.. But i certainly didnt think itd be from additional calories! Ive always had a tendency to get fat if i stop workn out..

    Im really lookn forward to getn thru this cut and maintaining for a couple months and starting a lean bulk to see how i fare... Its gonna be somethin ive never dun and itll go against wats been engrained into my psyche for years -->>>>. ( starve urself to keep from getting fat)

    P.S. Do u think i should do a 3day split workout-wise so im not lifting on low carb days?

    Mon: chest/bis
    Tue: back/tris
    Wed: legs/shoulders

    And thats all the lifting i do each week? Except ab work on 2 or 3 of the other days?? Leg day i can fit in shoulders cuz i do 12 sets of squats and thats it.. I like the routine and fig since im cutting it should suffice to maintain.. I can throw in shoulder supersets.. Especially for the first 6 squat sets or so.. Im not goin real heavy (225-315lbs x 10reps) so they dont take a ton out of me.. I do all my lifting at lunch so i only have 45 mins.. Then once i get to maintenance and bulk i can change up when i have more "eligible days" due to carbs..??

  26. #586
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    Quote Originally Posted by --->>405<<--- View Post
    LOL.. Thx for the compliment man!! Ive dun the same thing with ur pics.. U have good definition in ur chest which is a challenge for me and u have visible abs.. Also a challenge for me and u have a nice back ..
    Lmao, funny!! And thanks...

    Quote Originally Posted by --->>405<<--- View Post
    U know after being on this site for a little while i realized ive never in my life done a bulk.. All my weight liftimg experience has been dun in a deficit.. Cuz id get fat and cut.. Get down in bf and either get lazy or get hurt and then get fat again and have to cut.. Ive cut so much it NEVER occurred to me (until i got on here) that i need to eat at a surplus to gain muscle.. I dont know where i thought the muscle was gonna come from LOL.. But i certainly didnt think itd be from additional calories! Ive always had a tendency to get fat if i stop workn out..
    Man, this sounds so much like me it's not even funny. I started out weight training when I was fat, and remained in a deficit the entire time as well. The difference between the 2 of us is that based on your recent progress (cutting), you must've built quite a nice muscular base, even while you were training in a deficit all that time (ps - how long have you been training overall?), while I on the other hand cut, dropped to 177lbs and realized I was pretty much just skinny - not much there to work with. My problem is that I was fat for SO long, I seriously screwed up my body... insulin resistant, inefficient nutrient partitioning, you name it. Bottom line my body LOVES storing excess calories as bodyfat, and doesn't do much for building muscle - even when the environment for muscular growth is present. Kind of defies the rules, lol - lucky me!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by --->>405<<--- View Post
    Im really lookn forward to getn thru this cut and maintaining for a couple months and starting a lean bulk to see how i fare... Its gonna be somethin ive never dun and itll go against wats been engrained into my psyche for years -->>>>. ( starve urself to keep from getting fat)
    Same here - except i'm still getting fat, lol! Hopefully you'll fare better than I am right now - I believe you will.

    Quote Originally Posted by --->>405<<--- View Post
    P.S. Do u think i should do a 3day split workout-wise so im not lifting on low carb days?

    Mon: chest/bis
    Tue: back/tris
    Wed: legs/shoulders

    And thats all the lifting i do each week? Except ab work on 2 or 3 of the other days?? Leg day i can fit in shoulders cuz i do 12 sets of squats and thats it.. I like the routine and fig since im cutting it should suffice to maintain.. I can throw in shoulder supersets.. Especially for the first 6 squat sets or so.. Im not goin real heavy (225-315lbs x 10reps) so they dont take a ton out of me.. I do all my lifting at lunch so i only have 45 mins.. Then once i get to maintenance and bulk i can change up when i have more "eligible days" due to carbs..??

    I think you can and should lift on your non-carb days, just don't be hitting deads and squats. No problem with working shoulders, arms, even back. Lifting will help further deplete glycogen. Keep the rest periods short - you should be breathing as if you're doing cardio in between those sets.

    PS - you can hit 315lbs for 10 on squat? I hate you even more!!! Oh - and how come we haven't seen your wheels?

  27. #587
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    My legs r ok.. Theyre startn to get a little shape to them.. 24" (not sure if thats good or bad)... I think i took a pic or 2 awhile back..

    If u think i should lift on low carb days i could switch my leg day around and do:

    Mon:chest (moderate)
    Tue: back (moderate)
    Wed:legs (moderate)
    Thu: cardio/abs(low)
    Fri: shoulders (low)
    Sat: arms/abs (low)
    Sun: off (high)

    Ive never been good at knowing how to put together a Workout.. i workout intense but prob am lacking knowledge of proper structure..

    Should i do 10g bcaas on low carbs days:
    1.Pre am cardio
    2.pre w/o

    Basically 3x/day for those 3 days?? If not how much/often? And should i take them regardless of whether im lifting or not? Would ab work count?

  28. #588
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    Nov 2009
    New Jersey
    Workout looks fine for a single bodypart split routine. IMO structure is overated; that's not to say it's useless, but IMO as long as the muscle group is being stimulated and then allowed enough time to repair, how can that be wrong? One inherent problem with single bodypart splits though is TOO much rest; 6 full rest days is overkill and unnecessary, unless you're really obliterating the muscle - and most people don't know that level of intensity (even if they think they do). I'm currently doing a single bodypart split for the most part, but am doing 10 sets, max 6 reps - HEAVY. Still proabably could workout again before 6 days (with the exception of legs), but allowing the week.

    BCAA's always before and after fasted cardio and/or training. I wouldn't bother with BCAA's PWO if you're eating a PWO meal right away, however it definitely won't hurt (except your wallet).

  29. #589
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Pwo meal on low carb days will be 2scoops whey only.. No carb.. Still dont need bcaa?

  30. #590
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    New Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by --->>405<<--- View Post
    Pwo meal on low carb days will be 2scoops whey only.. No carb.. Still dont need bcaa?
    How soon after the shake is your PPWO meal?

    In any event, i'd personally make it 1 scoop of casein and 1 scoop of whey, preferably 2 scoops of a blend ( ON Pro Complex is my go to). I like an array of amino profiles and absorption rates.

  31. #591
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Carb cycling sounds good gb, but with my crazy schedual it would be hard to keep count each day of what day of cycle it is.
    Would the diet with 300g protein 100g fat and 100g carbs morning and around training work ?
    I doubt the '70s BB kept it ketosis so i guess they got in some carbs as well just enough for training and the rest of the energy came from fat.

    The ric drasin guy said that fat does not get converted into fat in our body, thus is can only be used as fuel and the rest is flushed. And carbs get stored as fat and then get used. Is this true ?

  32. #592
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    Nov 2009
    New Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by JimmySidewalk View Post
    Carb cycling sounds good gb, but with my crazy schedual it would be hard to keep count each day of what day of cycle it is.
    Would the diet with 300g protein 100g fat and 100g carbs morning and around training work ?
    Anything can 'work' if the numbers are right (total calorie wise) and you are consistent. Personally, I don't like higher fat diets, they've never done much good for me.

    Quote Originally Posted by JimmySidewalk View Post
    The ric drasin guy said that fat does not get converted into fat in our body, thus is can only be used as fuel and the rest is flushed. And carbs get stored as fat and then get used. Is this true ?
    Wha-wha-WHAT???? I had to read it twice. Are you sure this is what he's saying? Can you quote the article here?

    Dietary fat is the macro nutrient most likely to be stored as bodyfat! If dietary fat was used as fuel only and the rest was flushed, we'd all be walking around looking great. Yes carbs can be converted and stored as fat, but that's not as likely to happen as with dietary fat. Protein is least likely, but still possible. Bottom line is overall calories.

    Carbs are stored as glycogen and then used for energy when the demand is there. Fat is also stored and used as energy, when there is no glucose present, and/or glycogen stores have been depleted.

  33. #593
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    May 2011
    Here is the video where he talks about it, go to 3:10

  34. #594

    Is CM Punk on steroids says so, what do youthink

  35. #595
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    new york
    What do you think of my new workout split?

    monday chest /triceps.
    tuesday back/biceps.
    wednesday legs.
    thursday shoulders.
    friday biceps/triceps.

    first time training a muscle more than once a week. I want to see how i do.. (currently bulking)

    I mean i did push ups/pull ups 3x a week when i first got started into lifting and saw good results, but im sure that was just newb gains. anyways i want to give this routine a shot. whats your opinion on it.

  36. #596
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    Sep 2011
    GB im curious.. On low carb days if only carbs come from broccoli and asparagus and i ingest less than 50g worth for 3 consecutive days is it possible i will achieve ketosis on day 3?? If so is this state part of wats advantageous to having 3 consecutive "veggie only" low carb days and would it be more beneficial to reduce carb count further to say 40g to further increase the likelihood of achieving ketosis??

  37. #597
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    Nov 2009
    New Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by JimmySidewalk View Post
    Here is the video where he talks about it, go to 3:10
    I'll watch it as soon as I can, thanks for posting it bro.

    Quote Originally Posted by Twin View Post
    What do you think of my new workout split?

    monday chest /triceps.
    tuesday back/biceps.
    wednesday legs.
    thursday shoulders.
    friday biceps/triceps.

    first time training a muscle more than once a week. I want to see how i do.. (currently bulking)

    I mean i did push ups/pull ups 3x a week when i first got started into lifting and saw good results, but im sure that was just newb gains. anyways i want to give this routine a shot. whats your opinion on it.
    The only thing being trained (directly) 2x a week is arms... what's the rationale behind that? Not criticizing you, just curious.

    Tbh, I haven't done a single bodypart split in nearly a year... i'm not a fan of that type of training as I personally feel we generally don't require nearly as long to rest/repair as people think, and that means missed opportunities for further growth (legs are one exception however). So, I can't fairly comment on this split. As far as single bodypart routines go, it's fine - but would need to see your excercises, sets and reps to give any feedback.

    Quote Originally Posted by --->>405<<--- View Post
    GB im curious.. On low carb days if only carbs come from broccoli and asparagus and i ingest less than 50g worth for 3 consecutive days is it possible i will achieve ketosis on day 3?? If so is this state part of wats advantageous to having 3 consecutive "veggie only" low carb days and would it be more beneficial to reduce carb count further to say 40g to further increase the likelihood of achieving ketosis??
    50g is higher than most people need to achieve ketosis, however ketosis isn't the goal of the depletive portion of a carb cycle. We simply want to deplete glycogen stores as much as possible which will force the body to rely on bodyfat as it's primary fuel source. Realize that ketones will be produced and burned as fuel even though you won't be in full ketosis. Full on ketosis is when your body has switched from a primarily glucose burning metabolism to a fat burning metabolism. Even with CKD, you don't get very deep into ketosis, and less so (if at all) with a short period of carb/glycogen depletion.

  38. #598
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    N. Hollywood on Radford
    GB...What type of training program would be most beneficial on a carb cycle? I was planning on doing a HIT routine, but now I'm worrying that the intensity might be too much on a carb cycle.

    I plan on running this as an IF style carb cycle and I would have that going for me in that the majority of the carbs I do have would be coming pre and post workout.

    Due to my split which is very similar to 405 for both diet and training. All of my lift days would fall on mod carb days except for arms. Would HIT training for arms just be too much on a no/low carb day? Sorry for all the questions, I've got 1 1/2 weeks to get this mapped out and I feel like I'm running out of time.

  39. #599
    for a 150lbs male whats better to bulk?

    BMR=2675, 267gPROTEIN, 267gCARBS, 59gFATS or 40/40/20

    BMR=2550, 187gPROTEIN, 375gCARBS, 34gFATS 30/58/12

  40. #600
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    New Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by slfmade View Post
    GB...What type of training program would be most beneficial on a carb cycle? I was planning on doing a HIT routine, but now I'm worrying that the intensity might be too much on a carb cycle.

    I plan on running this as an IF style carb cycle and I would have that going for me in that the majority of the carbs I do have would be coming pre and post workout.

    Due to my split which is very similar to 405 for both diet and training. All of my lift days would fall on mod carb days except for arms. Would HIT training for arms just be too much on a no/low carb day? Sorry for all the questions, I've got 1 1/2 weeks to get this mapped out and I feel like I'm running out of time.
    To be honest, all training programs 'work' as long as the 3 major factors are in place:

    1 - create an anabolic environment, i.e. workout with intensity and give your muscles a reason to grow

    2 - eat enough to grow

    3 - allow enough rest to grow

    Aside from hormonal and metabolic functions, that's the criteria, in a nutshell of course. To say this or that is better would really be splitting hairs. Some people respond better to heavy weight, lower reps, and vice versa. Some people respond better to high volume, others to low volume with higher intensity. I wish I could give you a solid answer, but it really comes down to knowing yourself and what you respond best to. Unfortunately, this takes a couple good years of trial and error IMO.

    Quote Originally Posted by JonesStreet View Post
    for a 150lbs male whats better to bulk?

    BMR=2675, 267gPROTEIN, 267gCARBS, 59gFATS or 40/40/20

    BMR=2550, 187gPROTEIN, 375gCARBS, 34gFATS 30/58/12
    I don't like either. In the first example, 267g of protein is overkill for a 150lb male. 200g would be plenty, i.e. 67g of 'wasted' calories, or calories that could be better distributed via carbs. 40/40/20 is a good starting point, but I almost always adjust based on the individual.

    I like the 2nd example better, but carbs are super high and fats are too low. I'd go with something like 35/50/15 or 35/45/20

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