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Thread: Give me a good reason why Iran should NOT have nucluar weapons.

  1. #1
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    Give me a good reason why Iran should NOT have nucluar weapons.

    I have got into a debate with my brother why Iran should not have nuclear weapons. I do NOT what them to have that kind of capability as the region is too unstable as it is.

    My brother has come back with the following remarks...

    Iran have as much right to Nuclear power as any other country. If he resided next to the bullies that are Israel then he would want to arm myself with nuclear weapons.

    Whats your thoughts on why Iran should or should not have that kind of capability?

  2. #2
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    Their crazy...

  3. #3
    Tigershark's Avatar
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    Because thier leader believes he is a God. And he is bat shit crazy!

  4. #4
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    Because I said so.....

  5. #5
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    Because their inability to secure them would make the rest of the world nervous and cause more international drama than anyone knows what to do with.

    Arguably nobody should have them. But the "I should have one because they do" will just make more countries nervous and tense.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Julz_W View Post
    Because their inability to secure them would make the rest of the world nervous and cause more international drama than anyone knows what to do with.

    Arguably nobody should have them. But the "I should have one because they do" will just make more countries nervous and tense.
    i agree but Pakistan has them and i think that place is more unsecured then Iran.
    I dont think any country should be able to tell another country what they can have.
    Lots of counties have them that we havent been friends with. And we were the only country ever to use them.
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  7. #7
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    When was the last time someone lit off a nuke......not in our lifetime.......if Iran gets them we'll understand why they shouldn't have them. Isreal is not the devil they just refuse to take shit from these morons.....much like the U.S. refuses too. Iran will nuke Israel and then all hell will break loose.

  8. #8
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    Iran has already said time and again that once they procure nuclear weapons they will blow Israel off the map and use them elsewhere as they see fit. And that includes giving them to terrorists to use all over the world to promote the terrorist agenda.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shol'va View Post
    Iran has already said time and again that once they procure nuclear weapons they will blow Israel off the map and use them elsewhere as they see fit. And that includes giving them to terrorists to use all over the world to promote the terrorist agenda.
    Iran is very provacative with the rest of the world. To deny the german holocaust happened is beyond ignorant and insensitive. To say that they will use nuclear weapons (their president said this) to annihlate Isreal is unnacceptable.

    We all know that Iran's nuclear program is only partly for the purpose of energy. The other part, the clandestine part, is for weapons of mass destruction. Iran should NOT be a part of the nuclear club.

    It was a huge mistake to allow Pakistan to join the club. their government is insufficient to safeguard those weapons. should that government fall, which is not beyond the realm of possibilities, then we will be forced to go in and secure them with any means necessary. You do NOT want the Taliban or any other terrorist organization having access to those weapons. If we go in, then that means war, and that also means we will rebuild their country, jusst like Iraq/Afghanistan.

    OP's brothers' comment "Iran have as much right to Nuclear power as any other country" is dangerously niave. Countries that are essentially dictitorial in nature (Sorry, this is how i see Iran, a modified form of dictatorship, since the president defers to an unelected power, the clerics), and dangerously unstable, do not have the basic requirements necessary to safe guard those assets and to assure the rest of the world they are for defense only.

    At this point, it's pretty stupid for a country to want nuclear weapons, for no other reason than.... any country that uses nuclear weapons against another country is pretty much assured there will be nuclear retaliation. if not from the victim country, then some other country that does have nuclear weapons.

    the main reason a country would want nuclear weapons is that it promotes their diplomatic abilities so that when they threaten to use, we have to pay more attention to them, and bargain with them to NOT use them. Look at the bullshit we have to put up with North Korea.

  10. #10
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  11. #11
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    i think iran should have nukes.....dropped on them.

  12. #12
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    I am with Roman he said it all.

  13. #13
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    How is USA going to pretend its the worlds police and tell every country what they can and cant do if every country has the power to tell them to go fuk them selves ?

  14. #14
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    Case and point how would US like if New Zealand waltzed into LA and grabbed 10 citizens that have never stepped foot out side of the US and dragged them over there to put them on trial under there laws because they hosted a movie made in NZ like Lord of the Rings ?

  15. #15
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    US Justus .. ya goto love it... Or will Shoot ya lol
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  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gym_ View Post
    How is USA going to pretend its the worlds police and tell every country what they can and cant do if every country has the power to tell them to go fuk them selves ?
    There's already enough people that feel the Americans aren't handling the world police role and recently have only made a handful of screwups compared to what you'd expect from the people with the biggest guns.

    The statement was give a good reason - only 1 is needed. Simply the reason is "Because nobody should have them." Nukes as WMDs are a simply the final "**** you" to an opposing force. Any country uses their full capacity of nukes and that'll leave their enemy and most of the surrounding places totally f'ing rooted so the less there are - the less likely someone does something stupid and an international shitfight breaks out.

  17. #17
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    Stop feeding them.. in 5 years the "herd" will be thinned enough to be manageable..

    That statement isn't really try anymore since China is now exporting food as well..
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  18. #18
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    I'm more worried about the rise of Muslim extremism that has taken over Iraq, Libya, and currently taking over Syria with the backing of the Muslim Brotherhood and Al Quada.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by spywizard View Post
    Stop feeding them.. in 5 years the "herd" will be thinned enough to be manageable..

    That statement isn't really try anymore since China is now exporting food as well..
    I sort of agree with this.

  20. #20
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    It becomes pretty obvious who is American and who isn't depending on your outlook.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by xo3et View Post
    Iran have as much right to Nuclear power as any other country. If he resided next to the bullies that are Israel then he would want to arm myself with nuclear weapons.
    By that token , we and / or Israel have just as much "right" to ensure they don't get them. Iran's theocracy has decreed that it is their national mission to wipe the Satan of Israel and the United States off the map. Ahmadinejad reiterates this in nearly every public appearance he has.
    The other issue is that Iran will use these weapons unilaterally, without care of retaliation. They want to be the world's first nuclear suicide bombers.

  22. #22
    In one of my political science classes we studied effective foreign policies for different states. Appearing unpredictable and capable of acting against your own interests is a foreign policy. By convincing the rest of the world that you are dangerous and deranged, you get more attention than if you we a completely benign spot on the map.

    The world has created a spoiled a spoiled brat mentality with countries that follow the above foreign policy. The worse they behave the more attention and perks they receive ( within reason).

    I cant think of a single reason why Iran should be permitted to own a nule, and I could go on for hours about why they should not. So I conclude they should not.

  23. #23
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    because iran is pursuing them with threats against israels existence at the same time. no other country that has pursued them has done so with threats but instead with the idea of using them as a deterrent. israel does not care about the idea that iran has the right to nuclear technology. they can put two things together and they know whats going to happen. thats all that matters to them. they dont care about the "correctness". that kills you off.

    i just hope that if israel does do something we dont get dragged into a ground war.

  24. #24
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    Israel in a ground war? Nope, it will be quick and extremely painful if Israel is provoked into war, unlike the US they won't fvck around!

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by JD250 View Post
    Israel in a ground war? Nope, it will be quick and extremely painful if Israel is provoked into war, unlike the US they won't fvck around!
    No joke. Israel doesn't play around with anything pertaining to security.

  26. #26
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    It will be started and over before we even know about it. Israel isn't constrained by the types of imbeciles that lead this country.

  27. #27
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    It's the age old argument, if you have a gun, why can't I have one?

    Nuclear weapons as we know, are the ultimate deterrent, and since Israel procured a nuclear arsenal, she has not had her neighbours attempting to attack her.

    Now, Iranian people are fine and number among the most shrewd business people in the world. It's their regime that is worrying. Dinijad is a dickhead, but an ineffectual dickhead. Do people really believe he has power? North Korea are crazy, they have nukes....yet they have not used them. Iran, upon getting nukes, are not going to nuke anyone. What it will do, is cause a nuclear arms race in the most unstable region of the world, and sooner or later, one of those nations will attack the other one, because, you know, they believe in God.

    People forget as well just how hard it is to make a nuclear weapon and to fire one. You don't just take a nuclear device, slap on some masking tape and find the nearest missile. Making a WMD is extremely difficult, time consuming and resource heavy.

    Iran and Israel are as bad as each other. Before this century is out, a middle eastern country will be nuked at some point. The Middle East is only a threat to the Middle East. The West needs to focus on getting it's economies back on track and not letting the likes of China or India fill the gap we're beginning to open in regards to globalisation.

    Why is it we can tell Iran what to do, but we don't tell the Saudi's what to do. Saudi Arabia, that has among the most cruelest regimes in the world, but has massive oil reserves.

    The West uses the Middle East. Once there is no more oil, no one will give a shit about that part of the world anymore and muslim paranoia will die down.

    Quote Originally Posted by oatmeal69 View Post
    It will be started and over before we even know about it. Israel isn't constrained by the types of imbeciles that lead this country.
    And yet it's Israel that tells your country what to do. You should tell them to **** off, support themselves, and worry about getting yourselves back on track.

  28. #28
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    Don't really know enough to debate this honestly but from what I've seen they shouldn't have them in my opinion

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flagg View Post
    People forget as well just how hard it is to make a nuclear weapon and to fire one. You don't just take a nuclear device, slap on some masking tape and find the nearest missile. Making a WMD is extremely difficult, time consuming and resource heavy.
    Actually, it's ridiculously easy for even a small organization to make one. All they need is semi-modern industrial tools (basic cnc machines, etc.) and rudimentary electronics such as those that come in any modern automobile. The extremely difficult part is enough weapon-grade plutonium, which they are moments away from making themselves. They have the means to deliver already.
    Quote Originally Posted by Flagg View Post
    And yet it's Israel that tells your country what to do. You should tell them to **** off, support themselves, and worry about getting yourselves back on track.
    Agreed. The first step is to remove the idiot in chief here.

  30. #30
    Join Date
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    I think we should all have nuclear weapons; it's only fair. And, it would prompt the survival of the fittest.

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