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Thread: Stacking for second time But more extreme in put please?

  1. #1

    Stacking for second time But more extreme in put please?

    Ok so here is some of my back ground, I played college football using gear during the off season, i was 340LB no clue on bf but I was massive not cut just big. This being said I had no clue what pct was. Now I weigh 240LB and around 18% to 20% I am also 6ft 3in. I would consider myself decent shape. But now that I'm getting back into the game and starting my stacks back up. I used some sust, and oral win together. I started reaching out to new substances that I've never used and doing more research. I'm going to list my plan and then explain my reasoning for what I've come up with and would like any experienced in put.


    1- 10 Sust 400 mg
    1-2 Deca 300mg
    3-4 Deca 600 mg
    5-6 deca 900 mg
    6-8 deca 600 mg
    9-10 deca 300 mg
    3- 6 Tren A 75mg eod
    5-10 Win 50mg EOD

    1-10 Caffeine 400mg a Day ( I know just hear me out)

    6-8 Proviron 50mg ED
    8-10 Proviron 25mg ed
    11-12 Nov 100 mg ed
    13-14 nov 50mg ed

    Ok so my reasoning for all this. The Sust 400mg for 10 week is for the TREN A, my understanding is that you need test while on Tren to sustain your test level.
    I'm using tren to cut as well as to help harden, the win is as well to cut and harden, yes i understand that this maybe a double dose effect but i feel like this would work.
    The deca is of course for mass, with low water retention, meaning i will gain mass while cutting fairly well.
    Ok so your wondering about the caffeine, caffeine is the only Natural thing that will put fat cells in the blood stream so the Energy that is in a fat cell is used or discarded either in urine or
    Well shitting it out.

    Like i said this is my second cycle since i was a complete noob college athlete just shooting because i knew it would make me big. Also i know diet is a big thing I dont drink anything other than juice or water, and my calorie intake is around 2000 a day, while taking in massive amounts of protein. So this is my idea of the mass vs cut theory that alot of people say is a constant battle. But knowing the componds and chemistry of how each of these substances work i feel this would be a good cycle. So this being said I know im not an expert and my studies my be off or right on target so please no bashing just input thank you.

  2. #2
    Click image for larger version. 

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    This is my physic to date just in case you were wondering on my size and bf

  3. #3
    You're misinformed about caffeine. Caffeine does not mobilize fat cells into the blood stream.

  4. #4
    6'3 240 18% bf... Those pictures don't reflect your numbers.

  5. #5
    what do you mean my numbers? But yes, my numbers may be a little high do to the tapping method i used to determine my bf

  6. #6

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    that isnt a good cycle for multiple reasons
    your diet is going to dictate if you bulk , or cut or get hard. You dont keep adding different chemicals for different goals.
    you dont taper like you did with the deca.
    the winny timing would be off
    your pct is very weak and probably wont get you recovered after that cycle with 2 19nors.
    no ai or anything for prolactin issues.
    No reason for 4 different chemicals and those dosages at your stats and 2nd cycle
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  8. #8
    Hi Beast,
    What is the purpose of the Deca pyramid?

  9. #9
    This isnt my second cycle i have done several through out, shooting some ideas. and AI what would your recomend, also I am going to pick up some clomid. also I have Sus Dec and tren now was going to pick
    the winny up shortly.
    I normally pyramid every thing so my body will adjust up and down.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    pyramidingis very old school
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  11. #11
    so what would your recommend for AI and what would you do different with the deca.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    test tren and winny in more then enough.
    i would use aromasin
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  13. #13
    thanks so i should save my deca then? for another round.

  14. #14
    so should i use Aromasin with the nova
    and is there anything that i should consider taking during the cycle

  15. #15
    Save the deca and run the tren the whole cycle.

    Check the pct forum as yours is very weak for running a 19nor. I'd do tamox 40/40/20/20/20/20 tore 120/120/60/60/60.

    Run exemestane for the whole cycle and have some caber on hand for prolactin sides just in case.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    First, you said that this is your second cycle. Then you retracted and said that it wasn't. Which is it? Either way, at 23 years old you are still a bit young to be running multiple compounds. Especially advanced ones.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by Beast37185 View Post
    so should i use Aromasin with the nova
    and is there anything that i should consider taking during the cycle
    aromasin during cycle, i would look into hcg during cycle also
    clomid and nolva for pct
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by stpete View Post
    First, you said that this is your second cycle. Then you retracted and said that it wasn't. Which is it? Either way, at 23 years old you are still a bit young to be running multiple compounds. Especially advanced ones.
    im confused also. but its says second stacking. so maybe he has done multiple cycles but this is his second with multiple compounds?
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  19. #19
    yeah I have done solo cycles but this was my plan for my second stack

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