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Thread: Serostim scam?

  1. #1

    Serostim scam?

    whats up ya'll I'm new to the forum on few different ones aswell but this forum seemed the least biased so thought i'd post my question here. I was told these are export version of sero and i just dont know. I'm wondering if anyone here has used or come across these. Any help is much appreciated..... getting scammmed succcccks!!!!!Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG_0978.JPG 
Views:	3003 
Size:	201.9 KB 
ID:	120564Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG_0979.JPG 
Views:	2248 
Size:	242.5 KB 
ID:	120565

  2. #2
    I started a thread about these months ago mate. You'll be able to find it in the archive. Didn't really get a straight answer, but from personal experience from using them for around 4 months, alternating between 3iu, 6 on 1 on to 5iu, 5 on, 2 off, I can say that I think they're rubbish. They look so convincing too!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Glass Case of Emotion
    Does the box and vials have hollowgrams?

  4. #4
    To test you HGH, 1. Reconstitute it. 2. Bring a pot of water to a boil. 3. Put your HGH vial (which you are sacrificing) into the boiling water for 2 min. 4. Look to see if the solution turns milky/cloudy white.

    If your HGH is real it will turn cloudy/milky white after this procedure.

    5. Let the vial set aside at room temperature for one day. 6. If the solution becomes clear again and you don't see any milkyness then the HGH is fake.

    If it stays clear its fake

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by affliction316 View Post
    I started a thread about these months ago mate. You'll be able to find it in the archive. Didn't really get a straight answer, but from personal experience from using them for around 4 months, alternating between 3iu, 6 on 1 on to 5iu, 5 on, 2 off, I can say that I think they're rubbish. They look so convincing too!
    It must really piss you off that someone had you putting shit in your body for 4 months and paid for it too ?

  6. #6
    I got scammed on the real looking box of serostim looked exact with seals. Came from Miami

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by juicyjohnny View Post
    To test you HGH, 1. Reconstitute it. 2. Bring a pot of water to a boil. 3. Put your HGH vial (which you are sacrificing) into the boiling water for 2 min. 4. Look to see if the solution turns milky/cloudy white.

    If your HGH is real it will turn cloudy/milky white after this procedure.

    5. Let the vial set aside at room temperature for one day. 6. If the solution becomes clear again and you don't see any milkyness then the HGH is fake.

    If it stays clear its fake
    again this isnt a diffinitive test and is not accurate. Wh had this debate and you agreed. Just because something turns cloudy doesnt mean its gh
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by juicyjohnny View Post
    To test you HGH, 1. Reconstitute it. 2. Bring a pot of water to a boil. 3. Put your HGH vial (which you are sacrificing) into the boiling water for 2 min. 4. Look to see if the solution turns milky/cloudy white.

    If your HGH is real it will turn cloudy/milky white after this procedure.

    5. Let the vial set aside at room temperature for one day. 6. If the solution becomes clear again and you don't see any milkyness then the HGH is fake.

    If it stays clear its fake
    Wow you're really thick. There are thousands of compounds or chemicals that will turn cloudy when heated.

    OP this is not a definitive test but just a ridiculous theory of an ignorant poster.

  9. #9
    Copying labels and branding on a box is super easy. Hologram is a little more difficult but can be copied. Sorry to hear that you got scammed. Better luck next time.

  10. #10
    Thank you scotch, I'm over it

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    again this isnt a diffinitive test and is not accurate. Wh had this debate and you agreed. Just because something turns cloudy doesnt mean its gh
    What can you boil that stays cloudy ? that you can put in the hgh puck ? Maple syrup ?
    Please fill me in instead of just saying its not a definitive test, Prove my ignorance.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Sgt. Hartman View Post
    Wow you're really thick. There are thousands of compounds or chemicals that will turn cloudy when heated.

    OP this is not a definitive test but just a ridiculous theory of an ignorant poster.
    Turn cloudy and stay cloudy ? fill me in please

  13. #13
    If it stays clear it is fake why is everyone so angry about this fact

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    post proelia praemia
    Ok well if the chinese can make something that gives same sides as hgh without actually containing any then I'm sure they can easily make something turn cloudy aswell, hell a kid in a science lab in school could do that, its basic chemistry

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by affliction316 View Post
    I started a thread about these months ago mate. You'll be able to find it in the archive. Didn't really get a straight answer, but from personal experience from using them for around 4 months, alternating between 3iu, 6 on 1 on to 5iu, 5 on, 2 off, I can say that I think they're rubbish. They look so convincing too!
    I saw your thread but didnt look like u got firm answer on it and i had already got em. Yours was one of the only ones i found with same packaging and dosage
    Quote Originally Posted by M302_Imola View Post
    Does the box and vials have hollowgrams?
    no hollow grams anywhere
    Quote Originally Posted by juicyjohnny View Post
    To test you HGH, 1. Reconstitute it. 2. Bring a pot of water to a boil. 3. Put your HGH vial (which you are sacrificing) into the boiling water for 2 min. 4. Look to see if the solution turns milky/cloudy white.

    If your HGH is real it will turn cloudy/milky white after this procedure.

    5. Let the vial set aside at room temperature for one day. 6. If the solution becomes clear again and you don't see any milkyness then the HGH is fake.

    If it stays clear its fake
    I tried this today and it stayed clear. I understand that even if it did turn cloudy it might not be real but since it stayed cleared is it definitly not HG??? Man being new to this suckss and i know u have to pay your dues but not to a f'ing scammer...

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by juicyjohnny View Post
    Turn cloudy and stay cloudy ? fill me in please
    This is what you say in your other thread.

    human growth hormone - somatropin - denatures irreversibly however and so heat denaturing without any noticable renaturing of the native and active protein structure would show that the human growth hormone - somatropin - was in fact real. Yes, the human growth hormone - somatropin - could be substituted with other heat sensetive proteins that don't reversibly renature, but these proteins are exclusively used in research. I can tell you from experience that such proteins are far more expensive than human growth hormone - somatropin - . This would make sense since they are just as difficult to extract in active form, and are not being used by hundreds of thousands of people for medical purposes.

    So, bottom line; if you have a protein that denatures in heat irreversably, it is either human growth hormone - somatropin - , or an enzyme/protein that is at least as expensive (more likely a lot more expensive).
    What makes you think that fake GH would be substituted with another protein based lyophilized powder? That's ridiculous. There are literally thousands of chemicals or compounds that could turn cloudy and stay cloudy when heated and I have no idea why you think that bunk GH would be faked with another protein based recombinant hormone.

  17. #17
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    Carving Stone with Steel
    Serostim® (somatropin rdna origin) is available in 5 mg and 6 mg vials for single dose administration. Serostim® (somatropin rdna origin) is also available in 4 mg and 8.8 mg vials for multi-dose administration. Each 4 mg vial contains 4.0 mg (approximately 12 IU) somatropin, 27.3 mg sucrose, 0.9 mg phosphoric acid. Each 5 mg vial contains 5.0 mg (approximately 15 IU) somatropin, 34.2 mg sucrose and 1.2 mg phosphoric acid. Each 6 mg vial contains 6.0 mg (approximately 18 IU) somatropin, 41.0 mg sucrose and 1.4 mg phosphoric acid. Each 8.8 mg vial contains 8.8 mg (approximately 26.4 IU) somatropin, 60.19 mg sucrose and 2.05 mg phosphoric acid. The pH is adjusted with sodium hydroxide or phosphoric acid to give a pH of 7.4 to 8.5 after reconstitution with Water for Injection, USP. The pH is adjusted with sodium hydroxide or phosphoric acid to give a pH of 6.5 to 8.5 after reconstitution with Bacteriostatic Water for Injection, USP (0.9% Benzyl Alcohol).

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by affliction316
    I started a thread about these months ago mate. You'll be able to find it in the archive. Didn't really get a straight answer, but from personal experience from using them for around 4 months, alternating between 3iu, 6 on 1 on to 5iu, 5 on, 2 off, I can say that I think they're rubbish. They look so convincing too!
    How old are you?

  19. #19

  20. #20
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    Glass Case of Emotion
    Quote Originally Posted by Batman81 View Post
    no hollow grams anywhere
    Out of the 4-5 Serostim kits I have had in my hands all of them had hollowgrams on the box and every vial. I'm thinking you have been scammed bro...sorry to hear!

  21. #21
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    Sep 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by M302_Imola View Post
    Out of the 4-5 Serostim kits I have had in my hands all of them had hollowgrams on the box and every vial. I'm thinking you have been scammed bro...sorry to hear!
    all mine do too
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  22. #22
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    I dont get why they say the 6mg vials are for single use and the 8.8 are for multi use..
    Why would aids patients inject 18iu at once?

  23. #23
    Because they're lucky and that's a typical dose of what they get prescribed.

    Well, maybe not too lucky......

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sgt. Hartman View Post
    Because they're lucky and that's a typical dose of what they get prescribed.

    Well, maybe not too lucky......
    Is that once a day? 18iu?

  25. #25
    I really don't know other than having read studies on GH. There's a lot of studies on GH done on AIDS patients because they're pretty much the only ones that get it prescribed other than children who are GH deficient.

    From what I've read 18iu EOD seems to be a typical dose to prevent or reverse muscle wasting due to the HIV.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sgt. Hartman View Post
    I really don't know other than having read studies on GH. There's a lot of studies on GH done on AIDS patients because they're pretty much the only ones that get it prescribed other than children who are GH deficient.

    From what I've read 18iu EOD seems to be a typical dose to prevent or reverse muscle wasting due to the HIV.
    I read they get prescribed steroids as well,
    Actually Serostim is prescribed for HIV wasting..I wonder if magic Johnson uses it and that is why he has stayed so healthy

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    OK that settles it. I'm gonna find some HIV patients who need to make a little extra $$$ and let them get it for me.

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