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Thread: thank god i got accepted to the forum : urgent pct question

  1. #1

    thank god i got accepted to the forum : urgent pct question

    I have taken many cycles and pct in the past according to the "book" and been o.k. Grew well, ate well, and slept well. I also suffered from severe anxiety 10 years ago. I am 38 with no fertility problems. I started feeling anxious a few months ago and thought about starting a cycle, my last one being 8 months ago. I took for three weeks 400 mg tren acetate, 400 mg test propianate, and 1000 mg sustanon weekly. The anxiety got bad so I stopped after 3 weeks. My last injection of Sustanon was day 21. It is now day 37. I believe that my anxiety was triggered more so because of the hormonal imbalance caused by the cycle. I am very nervous about the pct (if I need one that is.) At this point whether or not I lose the gains is irrelevant. My mental stability is the issue. Do I need a pct after such a short cycle or will my hormones eventually get in check? Can I put it off for calmer times? If I do need one what would be the minimum necessary in order to not rock the boat and not cause me more anxiety? I am in a tight place here and would like your good info.


  2. #2
    3 weeks of running that would definitely shut you down. You need to run a full pct, you're better off dealing with pct than dealing with low test levels.

  3. #3
    what will low test levels cause? Will they cause anxiety?

  4. #4
    Anxiety, depression, lethargy, erectile dysfunction.

  5. #5
    should a full pct cause these things because of the hormonal swing?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Just get some Nolva ASAP.

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