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Thread: 2011/12 Summer Test Enanthate Cycle Log

  1. #561
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    wow great gains bro, im starting a propionate course in the next couple of months for the first time and deciding wether or not to run anti e? would you say the arimidex you ran kept the water retention at bay? i might just leave it out for my first course and see how it goes. My diets clean and i do a fair amount of cardio so shouldnt be too much of a problem but i dont want moon face or anything, your gains look solid and hard would you attribute that to the anti e you ran?

  2. #562
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by CmyZFly View Post
    Great job !!! Switch up cardio sesh for better results
    Thanks! What do you mean switch up cardio? As in style or cardio or machine? I stick to LISS cardio but did you mean HIIT or something?

    Quote Originally Posted by adamjames View Post
    wow great gains bro, im starting a propionate course in the next couple of months for the first time and deciding wether or not to run anti e? would you say the arimidex you ran kept the water retention at bay? i might just leave it out for my first course and see how it goes. My diets clean and i do a fair amount of cardio so shouldnt be too much of a problem but i dont want moon face or anything, your gains look solid and hard would you attribute that to the anti e you ran?
    Thanks mate! Is it gonna be your first cycle? If so I wouldn't run an ai unless you get sides. I didn't need it and ate clean and had minnor water retention. I got more water retention on my first cycle which was test prop but I ate everything. I think diet will determine how you'll look more than an ai.

  3. #563
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Day 113

    PCT day 12

    Woke up this morning weighing 84.3kgs. I couldn't believe my weight this morning! Yesterday I smashed down 8 meals. First 5 with carbs then had an hour sleep lol then egg white shake with a protein bar and headed out for a massive dinner! 2 souvlaki (250g cooked weight each) chicken and lamb plus pitta bread and Greek salad. That meal would have been 1k calories on its own. Then casien before bed. I'm shocked by the weight drop! I just did a quick calculation and I ate 4246 calories yesterday. All from oats, oat bran, wholemeal pasta, pita (only 1 meal), chicken breast, tuna, lamb and egg whites.

    After today's morning weigh in I added 20g more carbs to my breakfast plus brought in 4 40g carb meals (220g chicken, 133g wholemeal pasta). I'm gonna carb up today as it is another rest day before my 5 day training cycle which starts tomorrow.
    Last edited by boxa06; 02-23-2012 at 04:51 PM.

  4. #564
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Ljubljana Slovenia
    Fark Bro sounds like you doing everything you can to hang on to that weight gain. Have you dropped the clomid completely? If so, i'm interested to know how you recover.
    Last edited by Blaz Kavlic; 02-23-2012 at 10:52 PM.

  5. #565
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by boxa06 View Post
    Thanks! What do you mean switch up cardio? As in style or cardio or machine? I stick to LISS cardio but did you mean HIIT or something?

    Thanks mate! Is it gonna be your first cycle? If so I wouldn't run an ai unless you get sides. I didn't need it and ate clean and had minnor water retention. I got more water retention on my first cycle which was test prop but I ate everything. I think diet will determine how you'll look more than an ai.

    Yeah its my 1st cycle, my diets clean as hell but ill be on around 400 grams carbs daily and ill have 1 cheat day in there aswell for my 1st course as its a pure bulker, ill see how it goes without the anti e like you say and im also leaving out hcg for the 1st cycle although some are advising taking it at a small does throughout my entire 7 month course, may throw it in on my second phase once i know what sides to expect.....cheers

  6. #566
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Blaz Kavlic View Post
    Fark Bro sounds like you doing everything you can to hang on to that weight gain. Have you dropped the clomid completely? If so, i'm interested to know how you recover.
    Hey bro yea trying to hold on! I dropped the clomid altogether.. I'm gonna replace it with torem next pct.

    Quote Originally Posted by adamjames View Post
    Yeah its my 1st cycle, my diets clean as hell but ill be on around 400 grams carbs daily and ill have 1 cheat day in there aswell for my 1st course as its a pure bulker, ill see how it goes without the anti e like you say and im also leaving out hcg for the 1st cycle although some are advising taking it at a small does throughout my entire 7 month course, may throw it in on my second phase once i know what sides to expect.....cheers
    7 month course? Full on! I'd use HCG..
    Last edited by boxa06; 02-24-2012 at 03:53 PM.

  7. #567
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Day 114

    PCT day 13

    Woke up this morning weighing 84.3kgs. I've eaten so much food the last few days and dropped weight. I guess it's only been 2kgs and is to be expected on discontinuing AAS. I'm changing the routine up from today and it's gonna be..

    Quads, hams, calves
    Delts, tri's
    Back, traps, rear delts
    Chest, bi's

    So I'll kick it off today with legs. Gonna have a couple meals before I get in the gym today!

  8. #568
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    yeah shes full on alright, ill add hcg into the mix at some point either week 8 or week 18 to keep the little boys firing, wanna see how the test treats me for at least the 1st 8 without hcg and hopefully without anti e. What you got planned for your next course?

  9. #569
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    almost 2 weeks in to pct id say the weight loss is minimal, should stablizise over the next week, i dont think you will go lower than 83kg to be honest, good luck. on a side note my pct going well, libido is back, running torem, nolva, clen, d aspartic with tribulus

    looking forward to seeing your overall kept gains after pct, i will update my log in 3 weeks with a post pct pic

  10. #570
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by adamjames View Post
    yeah shes full on alright, ill add hcg into the mix at some point either week 8 or week 18 to keep the little boys firing, wanna see how the test treats me for at least the 1st 8 without hcg and hopefully without anti e. What you got planned for your next course?
    Yea good idea and maybe take a higher dose of HCG towards the end to help with PCT. Next cycle I'm either gonna add another compound but more likely just to do test e again on its own but higher dose can't wait!

  11. #571
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by little men View Post
    almost 2 weeks in to pct id say the weight loss is minimal, should stablizise over the next week, i dont think you will go lower than 83kg to be honest, good luck. on a side note my pct going well, libido is back, running torem, nolva, clen, d aspartic with tribulus

    looking forward to seeing your overall kept gains after pct, i will update my log in 3 weeks with a post pct pic
    Yea I don't think I'll drop much more. Most of it seemed to be that fullness you get while being on cycle from more glycogen in the muscles. My lifts are still going well so as long as that's kept going I should be good

    It's good that your PCT is going well! I'm gonna run torem next time with tamox.. How do you find it? My labido has also been fine.

  12. #572
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Day 114

    PCT day 13

    Just trained legs and was much easier without the super setting. Gave me a chance to really make sure I'm loffing my heaviest! I'm really glad I've changed back to normal (Thanks dooie)!

    Squats 6 sets pyramided (20 reps of 80,100,120, 15 reps 140, 10 reps 160, 10 reps with spot 180kgs)
    Vertical leg press 4 sets pyramided
    Leg extensions 4 sets high volume
    Laying ham curls 4 sets pyramided
    Standing ham curls 4 sets pyramided

    Weights took 44 mins plus 20 mins cardio

  13. #573
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by boxa06 View Post
    Yea I don't think I'll drop much more. Most of it seemed to be that fullness you get while being on cycle from more glycogen in the muscles. My lifts are still going well so as long as that's kept going I should be good

    It's good that your PCT is going well! I'm gonna run torem next time with tamox.. How do you find it? My labido has also been fine.
    the torem tastes horrible, need a big mouth full of water with it, the nolva im lucky i get in tabs so no taste, libido started coming back around the end of week 2 pct for me, still not 100% but getting their, got another 3 weeks of pct to go

    im up to 81.5kg with cals around 2300-2500 a day now, ive put a small amount of weight on around my lower abs but my arms and chest are bigger now then on cycle. preping for my lean bulk which i should drop that extra fat and bulk up, either going to be 10 weeks of 100mg test prop eod / 60-80mg anavar daily or 14weeks 250mg test cyp twice weekly so 500mg / 60-80mg anavar daily in april or may

  14. #574
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by little men View Post
    the torem tastes horrible, need a big mouth full of water with it, the nolva im lucky i get in tabs so no taste, libido started coming back around the end of week 2 pct for me, still not 100% but getting their, got another 3 weeks of pct to go

    im up to 81.5kg with cals around 2300-2500 a day now, ive put a small amount of weight on around my lower abs but my arms and chest are bigger now then on cycle. preping for my lean bulk which i should drop that extra fat and bulk up, either going to be 10 weeks of 100mg test prop eod / 60-80mg anavar daily or 14weeks 250mg test cyp twice weekly so 500mg / 60-80mg anavar daily in april or may
    Lean bulk sounds good man! I'd probably leave the anavar out until next summer though.. Not much point going into winter. I'd go with test c for 12 weeks lean bulk and if diet is good you'll get really good results.

  15. #575
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Day 115

    PCT day 14

    Had diarrhea last night so woke up light at 83.9kgs. I'm starting to look natural again lol sucks! I'm looking very lean though and I'm still eating around 4k calories a day. Hit delts and tri's this morning. I'll say it once again, it feels good not having to superset!

    Seated db shoulder press 5 sets pyramided (max 2 sets 35kgs 6/8 reps spotted)
    Hammer strength plate loaded shoulder press 4 sets pyramided
    Bent arm side lateral raises 4 sets pyramided
    Db front raises 4 sets pyramided

    Seated skull crushes 4 sets pyramided
    Cable push down 4 sets pyramided
    Cable rope French press 4 sets pyramided

    Weights took 50 mins plus 20 mins cardio

  16. #576
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Syd, Aust
    Quote Originally Posted by boxa06
    Day 114

    PCT day 13

    Just trained legs and was much easier without the super setting. Gave me a chance to really make sure I'm loffing my heaviest! I'm really glad I've changed back to normal (Thanks dooie)!

    Squats 6 sets pyramided (20 reps of 80,100,120, 15 reps 140, 10 reps 160, 10 reps with spot 180kgs)
    Vertical leg press 4 sets pyramided
    Leg extensions 4 sets high volume
    Laying ham curls 4 sets pyramided
    Standing ham curls 4 sets pyramided

    Weights took 44 mins plus 20 mins cardio
    Haha no worries man! It feels amazing to lift to your max doesn't it! Keep changing up ur routine every 8 -12 weeks and you will keep moving forward!

  17. #577
    Hey Boxa..what supplements and/or vitamins did you take during your cycle.?

  18. #578
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by dooie View Post
    Haha no worries man! It feels amazing to lift to your max doesn't it! Keep changing up ur routine every 8 -12 weeks and you will keep moving forward!
    Yea I usually get bored after 8 weeks lol but I've ran out of good programs so I'm having to rotate old splits but trying to come up with new excercises.

    Quote Originally Posted by Revelations View Post
    Hey Boxa..what supplements and/or vitamins did you take during your cycle.?
    I took universal animal pak, fish oil tabs, wpc, wpi, casien and dextrose. I use all the supplements all year round anyway.

  19. #579
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Day 116

    PCT day 15

    Last night I had a dinner to go to. Since I've been dropping weight for meal 5 I didn't hold back. When I should have stuck to protein and fiberous veg that late in the day I had pasta, bread, lean fish, salad and finished off with gelati woke up this morning weighing 85kgs. Feeling fuller today. Due to hit back, traps and rear delts tonight.

    Measurements this morning are..
    Arm 16 1/8"
    Chest 45 1/2"
    Quad 26 1/4"
    Waist 32"

  20. #580
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Day 116

    PCT day 15

    I also lowered tamox dosage from 40mg to 20mg per day today. I'll run it at 20mg for another 2 or 3 weeks.

  21. #581
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Day 116

    PCT day 15

    Feeling tired and low on energy but once I'm in the gym I'm feeling ok. Still lifting heavy which is good. Back, traps and rear delts plus through in some abs.

    Wide grip lat pull down 5 sets pyramided (max 120kgs 10 reps)
    Underhand grip bent over bb rows 4 sets pyramided (max 100kgs 10 reps)
    Close hammer grip pull ups 4 sets
    Dead lifts off rack 4 sets pyramided (max 140kgs 10 reps)
    Reverse pec dec 4 sets pyramided

    Hanging leg raises 4 sets

    Weights took 44 mins plus 20 mins cardio

  22. #582
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Day 117

    PCT day 16

    Feeling pretty fatigued the last few days and have no drive to do anything. Could be alot of things tamox, low test, low e etc.. Still getting morning wood so hopefully it's just the tamox because I hope my natural hormones are recovering. I'll definitely get blood work done though. Woke up this morning weighing 85kgs. Due to hit chest and bi's tonight.

  23. #583
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Day 117

    PCT day 16

    Took some mesomorph (pre workout drink) before training today and felt amazing! I think I'll have to use pre workout during PCT. Lifted very well

    Flat db press 5 sets pyramided (max 50kgs 6/11 reps with spot)
    45 degree incline smith machine press 4 sets pyramided
    30 degree incline flys 4 sets pyramided high volume

    Standing wide grip bb curls 4 sets pyramided
    Standing db hammer curls 4 sets pyramided
    45 degree incline db curls 4 sets high volume

    Weights took 48 mins plus 20 mins cardio

  24. #584
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Hey bro! i'm impressed by your results, well done!!!

    Did you feel any signs of over training wile using this split:
    Quads, hams, lower back
    Chest, upper back
    Delts, tris, bis

    I personally look for a training routine but even with AAS use this training routine in particular, looks a bit challenging.Please advice.

    How about that DAA, is it for real? There are concerns and studies across about aspartame, aspartic acid and N-methyl-d-aspartic acid neurotoxicity injected in large quantities in the brains of rats. About D-aspartic acid, which is an endogenous substance that occurs naturally in the body, I have not heard anything concrete, except for some concern.
    Last edited by Maka; 02-28-2012 at 06:04 AM.

  25. #585
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Maka View Post
    Hey bro! i'm impressed by your results, well done!!!

    Did you feel any signs of over training wile using this split:
    Quads, hams, lower back
    Chest, upper back
    Delts, tris, bis

    I personally look for a training routine but even with AAS use this training routine in particular, looks a bit challenging.Please advice.

    How about that DAA, is it for real? There are concerns and studies across about aspartame, aspartic acid and N-methyl-d-aspartic acid neurotoxicity injected in large quantities in the brains of rats. About D-aspartic acid, which is an endogenous substance that occurs naturally in the body, I have not heard anything concrete, except for some concern.
    I posted on you thread before I read this post here. I actually suggested you this routine lol for me there came a point where I was recovering so quickly and had so much more energy to smash it in my training sessions. Conventional training left me feeling I could keep going for hours but didn't ever want to exceed 1 hour. That's why I started hitting this antagonistic routine. Also it help get shredded as fuuuaark toward the end of my cycle while still putting on size! If you feel like you've reached this point give it a go. I was at that point by week 8. How long left on cycle? I will say though don't do this routine for more than 4 weeks because it stopped being as effective so maybe use it last 4 weeks up to PCT.

    The DAA is working for me. I'm not sure what you're saying in your above post but I'm not a rat and I don't inject it lol the studies I have seen have been on humans and show up to 33 percent in total testosterone.

  26. #586
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Day 118

    PCT day 17

    Woke up this morning weighing 84.8kgs. I noticed in the shower his morning that my boys look even fuller lol hopefully the worst of it has past. I'm also trying like hell to keep all my gains and so far so good. I still look big but not as lean although I am still lean and happy with myself. Just missing those freaky veins that come out while you're on! I'm trying like crazy on all my heavy sets and so far no strength loss, only energy loss. Tonight I'm due to hit legs then 2 days off.

  27. #587
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Everythings looking good man, its nice to see a mini PCT log at the end!

  28. #588
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by JonnyConcrete View Post
    Everythings looking good man, its nice to see a mini PCT log at the end!
    Thanks man I think it might be helpful for readers to know what I'm going through during PCT.

  29. #589
    Quote Originally Posted by boxa06

    Thanks man I think it might be helpful for readers to know what I'm going through during PCT.
    Yep..I'm taking note of the pre workout supplement during PCT, might come in handy.

  30. #590
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Revelations View Post
    Yep..I'm taking note of the pre workout supplement during PCT, might come in handy.
    Yea definitely save pre workout for PCT

  31. #591
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by boxa06 View Post
    The DAA is working for me. I'm not sure what you're saying in your above post but I'm not a rat and I don't inject it lol the studies I have seen have been on humans and show up to 33 percent in total testosterone.

    I made some research and it shows up N-methyl-d-aspartic acid (NMDA) and aspartame have been shown to have neurotoxic effects when NMDA receptors are overactivated (see )

    Eventualy Daa was found to be safe where NMDA was not. Daa is not ndma, i think that is the main difference.
    Id had have to dig up the rest and dont feel like it.

    The 33 % in total testosterone bost was achived in 12 weeks , right? Who knows maybe further use can bring it up more!

    Quote Originally Posted by boxa06 View Post
    I posted on you thread before I read this post here. I actually suggested you this routine lol for me there came a point where I was recovering so quickly and had so much more energy to smash it in my training sessions. Conventional training left me feeling I could keep going for hours but didn't ever want to exceed 1 hour. That's why I started hitting this antagonistic routine. Also it help get shredded as fuuuaark toward the end of my cycle while still putting on size! If you feel like you've reached this point give it a go. I was at that point by week 8. How long left on cycle? I will say though don't do this routine for more than 4 weeks because it stopped being as effective so maybe use it last 4 weeks up to PCT.
    I have the same "symptoms" lol, recovery is incredible! Thanks!

  32. #592
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by boxa06 View Post
    Lean bulk sounds good man! I'd probably leave the anavar out until next summer though.. Not much point going into winter. I'd go with test c for 12 weeks lean bulk and if diet is good you'll get really good results.
    just picked up 85ml test c 250mg per ml, enough for 3 x 14week cycles im wrapt, yeah was thinking leave the var for summer but i want to do some topless waitering for some extra cash on the weekends and i think i deserve a treat, ill buy some more for summer aswell, i cant wait to jump on now, got to get all my ai's etc on hand now then blood work then im back lol....

  33. #593
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Maka View Post
    I made some research and it shows up N-methyl-d-aspartic acid (NMDA) and aspartame have been shown to have neurotoxic effects when NMDA receptors are overactivated (see )

    Eventualy Daa was found to be safe where NMDA was not. Daa is not ndma, i think that is the main difference.
    Id had have to dig up the rest and dont feel like it.

    The 33 % in total testosterone bost was achived in 12 weeks , right? Who knows maybe further use can bring it up more!

    I have the same "symptoms" lol, recovery is incredible! Thanks!
    Oh so they're to different things.. I get ya now. Sorry I couldn't be more detailed in my pm I'm just pressed for time at the moment but you can go back to when I started the split and follow my routines. I pyramided most of the time eg. 15,12,10,8 reps. The last 2 sets being 110% effort! Let me know how ya go

    Quote Originally Posted by little men View Post
    just picked up 85ml test c 250mg per ml, enough for 3 x 14week cycles im wrapt, yeah was thinking leave the var for summer but i want to do some topless waitering for some extra cash on the weekends and i think i deserve a treat, ill buy some more for summer aswell, i cant wait to jump on now, got to get all my ai's etc on hand now then blood work then im back lol....
    Hahaha I can't believe you posted on my thread to tell me that. You must be really excited lol let me know when you begin and I'll follow your progress again!

  34. #594
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Day 118

    PCT day 17

    Just trained legs! Went with some different excersises today and surprised myself on how strong I was at them.

    Hack squats 5 sets pyramided (max 210kg plus whatever the machine weighs 14 reps)
    Front squats 4 sets pyramided (max 9 100kg, 5 reps 120kgs)
    Walking bb lunges 4 sets pyramided
    Plate loaded hammer strength lying ham curls 4 sets pyramided

    Cable crunches 4 sets high volume

    Weights took 53 mins plus 20 mins cardio

  35. #595
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Syd, Aust
    Quote Originally Posted by little men

    just picked up 85ml test c 250mg per ml, enough for 3 x 14week cycles im wrapt, yeah was thinking leave the var for summer but i want to do some topless waitering for some extra cash on the weekends and i think i deserve a treat, ill buy some more for summer aswell, i cant wait to jump on now, got to get all my ai's etc on hand now then blood work then im back lol....
    85ml!!! For one cycle!! Wow! U really stocked up! I'll take 30ml off you just incase cops raid your stash!

  36. #596
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by dooie View Post
    85ml!!! For one cycle!! Wow! U really stocked up! I'll take 30ml off you just incase cops raid your stash!
    Lol he wrote enough for 3 cycles so lets hope it's not all for 1 hahaha

  37. #597
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Day 119

    PCT day 18

    Woke up this morning weighing 84.8kgs. Worked 10 hours phsically today to brought 4 40g carb meals to work. Then had a massive dinner out with the boys. 250g chicken, 250g lamb plus Salad and pita bread. This is my cheat meal for the week I've eaten at this place the last 3 Thursday's in a row lol today was a rest day and so is tomorrow.

  38. #598
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Syd, Aust
    Quote Originally Posted by boxa06

    Lol he wrote enough for 3 cycles so lets hope it's not all for 1 hahaha
    Hahaha didn't see that!
    Box what r ur meals ur taking to work? Do u cook at the start of the week or every night?

  39. #599
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by dooie View Post
    Hahaha didn't see that!
    Box what r ur meals ur taking to work? Do u cook at the start of the week or every night?
    Basically same meals as last diet I posted. Eg. 220g chicken (cooked), 100g veg and 100g wholemeal pasta. Sometimes I drop the veg and increase pasta if I need more carbs sometimes. I usually cook every second night. I'm soooo sick of cooking lol been doing it for a couple of years now though. Do you cook?

  40. #600
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Day 120

    PCT day 19

    Woke up this morning weighing 84.6kgs. Today is a rest day. I'm happy with my weight staying at that and I feel like it won't change much from here as if started to feel recovered from atrophy the last few day. More aggression etc. For anyone following it feels like your body just runs out of test about 3 weeks after your last shot the for a week you feel crap. Then out of nowhere your body just amazingly knows it has to produce test and within days you can tell the difference

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