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Thread: major help needed!!!!!!!j

  1. #1

    major help needed!!!!!!!j

    i got two bottles of trenabol 300 from a buddy. he told me to inject 300cc's twice a week. he also said i wouldnt need to take anything else just the tren to see results. im a first time user so i dont know if he knows what hes talking about or not lol i havent worked out for about three years cuz i was busy with a kid and a sick father so im finally wanting to get back into it. im 6'0 255lbs and have some man boobs lol i want to get rid of them and get some muscle back. so i was wondering if soneone coul tell me what else i needed to take with that tren if anything. such as protein,estrogen blocker, test,and also i was wondering if i could take male enhan***ent pills while taking this. any and all help is much appreciated thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    your friend knows nothing, don't listen to him.

    if you have man boobs, you likely have a high bf%. and if i were you, i would get on a diet and bring that waaay down before starting any aas my friend. otherwise you'll be looking at some serious side effects. take a look at the nutrition section on this site and get a diet dialed in properly to reduce your bf. THEN maybe look at aas. and i wouldn't be starting of with tren either. read up on your own and educate yourself and don't listen to your "buddy".

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    dont take the tren. You are going to end up in a train wreck brother.

    You probably have high BF% and you will experience bad estrogenic side effects from just that. And that is the beginning.
    As stated above, diet time and education time.

  4. #4
    You're 22 and this will be your first cycle? Stay far away from your buddy, he's gonna get you hurt. Wait for a few more years. Maximize your natural potential and in the meanwhile, read read read and learn from this forum.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    tren alone= very bad idea
    tren as a first cycle= very bad idea
    steroids with high bf%= very bad idea
    22 and steroids = very bad idea
    taking steroids when just starting to work out= bad idea

    you have a kid, time to make smarter decisions regarding your health
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    ^^^^^Everything gixxer said.

  7. #7
    Thanks sooooooo much guys! I'm gonna have to tell him how damn stupid he is lol. But do u guys have some ideas on some good workouts and supplements to reduce my bf%? I'd like to at least get rid of my tits b4 summer. I know I'm starting late but i plan on working extremely hard all help is much appreciated. Thanks.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    hit the nutrition section here. A proper diet is going to do more then any supplement
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    With the 100 lb plates.
    Semajelah....glad you're here man. Spend time here and you'll learn so much. Don't be in a rush. Also get back in the gym and get a good foundation for a few years before you try AAS. In the mean time learn and prepare yourself.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    FL, Gym
    Quote Originally Posted by semajelah View Post
    Thanks sooooooo much guys! I'm gonna have to tell him how damn stupid he is lol. But do u guys have some ideas on some good workouts and supplements to reduce my bf%? I'd like to at least get rid of my tits b4 summer. I know I'm starting late but i plan on working extremely hard all help is much appreciated. Thanks.
    A cleaner diet, cardio at least 4x week, maybe a fat burner to help you out if you don't already have high bp. A lot of people have gotten great results from lipo6. If your just starting to workout then steroids are definitely not right for you

  11. #11
    So is e-teston the same as that trenabol? The bottles I have say e-teston but the guy told me it was trenabol

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by semajelah View Post
    So is e-teston the same as that trenabol? The bottles I have say e-teston but the guy told me it was trenabol
    no its not. your guy has know clue or is trying to screw you, either way walk away
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  13. #13
    I love this forum I've learned a lot already lol like finding a new guy haha but is e-teston any good? I don't plan on taking it for awhile but what should I take it with if anything?

  14. #14
    Is e-teston and good? Is it better that trenabol? What should be taken with it and how should it be taken? I'd rather ask you guys these questions than my so called buddy

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