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Thread: Restarting TRT on Androgel

  1. #41
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    This test was 24 hrs after your last application right? If so there can be a good swing upward during your peak. With me it was 2-300 pts as I tested a couple times 6 hrs after application to check it. When I was doing the 1.62 I was prescribed 6 pumps per day.

    I didn't see shbg above and your estradiol has doubled. What are your plans now?

  2. #42
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    Jan 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    This test was 24 hrs after your last application right? If so there can be a good swing upward during your peak. With me it was 2-300 pts as I tested a couple times 6 hrs after application to check it. When I was doing the 1.62 I was prescribed 6 pumps per day.

    I didn't see shbg above and your estradiol has doubled. What are your plans now?
    The draw was at 8:30am on a Saturday, so it was at least 24 hours since the last application. However, I may have missed the Friday morning application. Would my levels be much more understated if were 48 hours since the last application? And what would the timing be for testing peak levels while on gels?

    I didn't do the shbg because it wasn't listed as part of the follow-up labs, although I realize now it would've been helpful. At the same time, my free levels theorectically might be higher if total was higher.

    Yes, e2 has doubled, but I don't have any untoward effects so far. Although I expect e2 to end up at the high end of normal with my next dose increase.

    The dosing adjustment recommendation for the 1.62% allows for a 20.25 mg increase if pre-dose serum levels are less than 350 mg/dl, so I could go up to 60.75 or 81 mg. I'll ask for a new prescription of 5g/day (81 mg) and do that for 28 days, then do labs again. Hopefully, I wont need an AI at that dosage and my levels and well will be improved.

    What is your recommendation as far dose? Should i go to 60.75 or 81 mg on gel? Or should I just go back to test-cyp injections?

  3. #43
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    If you missed the prior day you'd just come in a little lower, that's all. Just factor it in then. It is just numbers. It's really about how you feel! I went with 6 hrs after application and did it twice to be consistent to check higher values. Yes, free will be higher. Gel mimics your natural T level rise and fall moreso than Injection.

    Just keep an eye on your E2. Many people on gel just don't need an AI. Nothing wrong with titrating up slowly and monitoring results. Just be sure you apply the day before your testing so it really IS 24 hrs later! Your call totally between gel/cyp. All about how you feel, time constraints, family etc. Find what works and stick with it!

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