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Thread: Clen first user , Advice plz

  1. #1

    Clen first user , Advice plz

    Im 26 ( turining 27 in by april) , stats : 5'11 , 71kg, 13% bf. My major fat gathers in my butt area and lower abdominal nd thats it. i used to have a lean body throughout my teen years and whole bachelor period. have 1 year of experience in body building just to keep wife satisfied and convince her that im a healthy individual ( cuz i smoke alot since my family began to sadly pass away). Since im new to this website, i went through threads for a few hours. i heard that clen helps to burn fat quickly but i don know if its a AAS or anything else cuz people used to inject it to their horses before contests. i can easily get gears but i don noe hows clen dosing and how long is enough to see it kickin in and notice the results ? also would it help to burn fat in my butt and lower abs area ? Thanks . Mike

  2. #2
    and i dont have any experience with any AAS , im informed of most of them and their type , but i sadly never gave it a try ,

  3. #3
    Clen is not a steroid, to humans. In bovine and horses it acts as a steroid. It make pork look red like beef and leans out the animal for better protein production. People in China's been keeling over eating clen tainted meats recently. In humans, it's used as a bronchial dilator. It is the main ingredient in asthmatic inhalers. You can start with 20mcg the first day and increase 20mcg per day until you hit 100mcg or 120mcg. If you got the shakes too bad or you feel like you're gonna have a heart attack just drop back 20mcg. Some of the sides to clen are bad shakes (initially), elevated heart rate (my resting heart rate was 120bpm), cold sweat, and cramps. Take 3g to 5g of Taurine to prevent cramping. Take Clen for two weeks in a row then take two weeks off. Continue this cycle until you're satisfied with the results. With your stats you can lost fat by diet and cardio. I don't think you need Clen.

  4. #4
    thanks man , really appreciate your concern. personally im a type of person that if i don see result really quick i would discontinue what im doing and totally get frustrated. so im gonna stick to my diet till may and ill give it a try by then starting at 20mcg .

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Hey scotch, without taking ketofen how many cycles can you run on clen? Im doing 2wks on/off and was going to repeat that after that. Is it ok to run more cycles after that or should I hold off? Thanks.

    Sorry to high jack the thread, but Im sure you would like to know also.

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