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Thread: The Official Graveyard Thread

  1. #441
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Razr. View Post
    I'd buy that for a dollar!

  2. #442
    Join Date
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    Interesting read.. Thx for the entertainment fellas

  3. #443
    Join Date
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    actually i really like this thread. it serves like a reminder of the rules, and teaches newbies what not to do. i hope it will never be deleted.

  4. #444
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    Quote Originally Posted by asiandude
    actually i really like this thread. it serves like a reminder of the rules, and teaches newbies what not to do. i hope it will never be deleted.
    I agree..
    If this is deleted because a member gets out of line, what about the HOS thread or any controversial topic in here. It's not the vets/mods job to babysit. If someone can't handle themself properly.. goodbye..

  5. #445
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    *edit.. double post

  6. #446
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    Quote Originally Posted by Razr. View Post
    Dec11 account does not say banned either, does not mean anything

    Dec11 does not say banned because it was a mutual understanding of the banning... if you knew as much as you think you do you would know that... He had some issues he and I dealt with them for a long is not public business... We do not talk about the why or what of what is happening on the board to everyone... like it or not...

    While this has been an entertaining thread and most have followed the rules... I feel it would be better closed until further notice... I am sorry guys I try to be fair and allow you to talk about what you like in this section as I feel this is the internet and you are adults... I advocated for this section to be a free for all section (for the most part with limited rules) and thus far it has worked great!!! thanks to all that have continued to abide!!!
    Every man has the ability to be a fool, it is what he does to recover that shows who the fool really is.

    Those who believe that they are exclusively in the right are generally those who achieve something.
    ~Aldous Huxley~

    Completely Cleanse Your Body of Steroids in Only 5 Days! -

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  7. #447
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    I CHANGED MY MIND!!! I will not allow one member to ruin it for all... ENJOY!!!
    Every man has the ability to be a fool, it is what he does to recover that shows who the fool really is.

    Those who believe that they are exclusively in the right are generally those who achieve something.
    ~Aldous Huxley~

    Completely Cleanse Your Body of Steroids in Only 5 Days! -

    Help Stop Steroid Abuse - Click Here!

  8. #448
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    I'm gone for 1 day and .....................................

  9. #449
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
    JohnnyVegas is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Thank you for not closing this thread. While being borderline bad taste - it is mostly harmless fun.

    I really liked Dec11 and liked Xelnaga but realize this forum is NOT real life and we only see a sliver of each other. I am so much more than my lifting, and so are all of you. This allows for shenanigans, and I have learned that people who are perma-banned have always broken a big rule.

  10. #450
    Join Date
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    lol gixx said iud

    so admin, you're a hot chick?

  11. #451
    Join Date
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    This thread was my idea!

    Just sayin'...

  12. #452
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    If this thread was just a place for people to report who has been banned then it wouldn't be so bad. It's a way to let the forum know I guess..... HOWEVER..... it's also an outlet for banned members to rally the troops. It's happened before..... banned members contact their friends from this site through email..... their friends come on here and bitch and complain and scream that this place is unjust. While most have good intentions - a few bad apples will always poison the water.

    I still think the thread is a bad idea all together but if it can be kept clean then it can be useful to some extent.


  13. #453
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
    JohnnyVegas is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    I still think the thread is a bad idea all together but if it can be kept clean then it can be useful to some extent.

    Luckily the internet is full of self-restraint and proper manners.

  14. #454
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyVegas View Post
    Luckily the internet is full of self-restraint and proper manners.
    Can you point me to that site? I tried to google it and my computer laughed at me
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  15. #455
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by asiandude
    the toilet looks rather neat, but the bedroom looks filthy indeed! can she find the bed or just lay down on the pile of laundry?
    OK here

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	ForumRunner_20120328_102013.jpg 
Views:	155 
Size:	43.2 KB 
ID:	121477

  16. #456
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
    JohnnyVegas is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    Can you point me to that site? I tried to google it and my computer laughed at me

  17. #457
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyVegas View Post
    i was so expecting porn when i clicked that lol
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  18. #458
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
    JohnnyVegas is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    i was so expecting porn when i clicked that lol
    I wish I would have thought to do that. Heh.

    It is a shame that being civil isn't valued in our society like it used to be. I know I will seem like a dork for saying that on this dude-ish forum.
    Last edited by JohnnyVegas; 03-28-2012 at 12:39 PM.

  19. #459
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyVegas View Post
    I wish I would have thought to do that. Heh.

    It is a shame that being civil isn't valued in our society like it used to be. I know I will seem like a dork for saying that on this dude-ish forum.
    Nothing wrong with that..... people SHOULD be civil. I live day in and day out trying to treat people the way I want to be treated. I'm the guy who holds the door for the hot girl and the old lady thats creepin 15 yards behind her. I'm only an asshole when provoked.....


  20. #460
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    If I was out of line then I was out of line. No reason to continue in something that the mods said was enough and should be over with. I already apologized to hazard. But I will apologize again. Lets just move on to bigger and better things okay? Enough has been said from everyone and its already squashed
    Last edited by Razor; 03-28-2012 at 02:29 PM.

  21. #461
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
    JohnnyVegas is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Quote Originally Posted by Razr. View Post
    If I was out of line then I was out of line. No reason to continue in something that the mods said was enough and should be over with. I already apologized to hazard. But I will apologize again. Lets just move on to bigger and better things okay? Enough has been said from everyone and its already squashed
    Hope you don't think we are talking about you...I am not, at least.

  22. #462
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyVegas

    Hope you don't think we are talking about you...I am not, at least.
    I was not thinking you were. The thread just needs to end.

  23. #463
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    Quote Originally Posted by Razr. View Post
    If I was out of line then I was out of line. No reason to continue in something that the mods said was enough and should be over with. I already apologized to hazard. But I will apologize again. Lets just move on to bigger and better things okay? Enough has been said from everyone and its already squashed
    HAHA you apologized? What about that PM you sent me crying like a little girl..... go run behind your pals leg for safety. I actually didn't have a problem with you and I never accused you directly of being in line with Xel.... however you defended him so hard and you still do it really made more than one person wonder. IDC if you believe he did what he did..... he was caught red-handed by staff and you are not privleged to see the whole story..... might wanna call your pal and see if he'll fill you in.

    Quote Originally Posted by Razr. View Post
    I was not thinking you were. The thread just needs to end.
    Actually this thread doesn't need to end..... It needs to stay at the top so everyone can read what how silly you acted.

    Don't PM me again..... I don't need to waste my time reading about how you are "protected" on this website. I'm glad you have an internet bodyguard.... lord knows you need it..... you shoulda been gone a long time ago.

    Have a nice night


  24. #464
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard

    HAHA you apologized? What about that PM you sent me crying like a little girl..... go run behind your pals leg for safety. I actually didn't have a problem with you and I never accused you directly of being in line with Xel.... however you defended him so hard and you still do it really made more than one person wonder. IDC if you believe he did what he did..... he was caught red-handed by staff and you are not privleged to see the whole story..... might wanna call your pal and see if he'll fill you in.

    Actually this thread doesn't need to end..... It needs to stay at the top so everyone can read what how silly you acted.

    Don't PM me again..... I don't need to waste my time reading about how you are "protected" on this website. I'm glad you have an internet bodyguard.... lord knows you need it..... you shoulda been gone a long time ago.

    Have a nice night

    Crying like a little girl? If u see it that way. I was being honest with you about what was really going on..but your heads to big to see anything but hatred..wasn't it your idea to end and close this thread? I pmed you to end the drama but as I expected you flame me more. Your no good man. Your mad about nothing and you know that...cut the test in half..might do u some good. As far as me being long me a rule being broken? I can think of many you broke but someone still allowed to be called a hall of Famer? What have you hall of famed?
    Last edited by Razor; 03-28-2012 at 07:50 PM.

  25. #465
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    HAHA you apologized? What about that PM you sent me crying like a little girl..... go run behind your pals leg for safety. I actually didn't have a problem with you and I never accused you directly of being in line with Xel.... however you defended him so hard and you still do it really made more than one person wonder. IDC if you believe he did what he did..... he was caught red-handed by staff and you are not privleged to see the whole story..... might wanna call your pal and see if he'll fill you in.

    Actually this thread doesn't need to end..... It needs to stay at the top so everyone can read what how silly you acted.

    Don't PM me again..... I don't need to waste my time reading about how you are "protected" on this website. I'm glad you have an internet bodyguard.... lord knows you need it..... you shoulda been gone a long time ago.

    Have a nice night

    How do I get one of those??? LOL

    Hummm....who wants to be my internet bodyguard??? I'll take almost anyone except for JohnnyV. Apparently he's too nice and CIVIL!!! LOL

  26. #466
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    Quote Originally Posted by Razr. View Post
    Crying like a little girl? If u see it that way. I was being honest with you about what was really going on..but your heads to big to see anythibg but hatred..wasn't it your idea to end and close this thread? I pmed you to end the drama but as I expected you flame me more. Your no good man.
    Without going into too much detail..... your PM said two things.

    1) I don't care what Xelnaga was banned for..... I don't believe he did it.

    2) I can't be banned from this site because i'm protected so go ahead and try.

    Now that you admitted you have a free pass to do whatever the fvck you want..... people can better understand why you're still here.

    I am now done with this thread until the next member is banned and someone cry's it was unfair..... Oh and I don't give a good fvck if you think I'm no good. My life doesn't revolve around what the internet community thinks of me. However, I think most here would say I've treated them fairly and with respect. Seems you have a personality tha tjust rubs people the wrong way.

    Good luck with everything.... I'm done.


  27. #467
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    Post the pm and quit paraphrasing and making things up, your life does evolve around this, look how mad you are about nothing...Im at at the beach chilling on my board..Im not that mad just wondering why you are.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    Without going into too much detail..... your PM said two things.

    1) I don't care what Xelnaga was banned for..... I don't believe he did it. I didnt say that

    2) I can't be banned from this site because i'm protected so go ahead and try. I didnt say that either

    Now that you admitted you have a free pass to do whatever the fvck you want..... people can better understand why you're still here.Show me one rule I borke please, no rule was submitted sticking up for a friend show me that rule

    I am now done with this thread until the next member is banned and someone cry's it was unfair..... Oh and I don't give a good fvck if you think I'm no good. My life doesn't revolve around what the internet community thinks of me. However, I think most here would say I've treated them fairly and with respect. Seems you have a personality tha tjust rubs people the wrong way.

    Good luck with everything.... I'm done.


    Good luck with what? Im fine, your not your pissed you cant win.
    Last edited by Razor; 03-28-2012 at 07:59 PM.

  28. #468
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    Quote Originally Posted by slfmade View Post
    How do I get one of those??? LOL

    Hummm....who wants to be my internet bodyguard??? I'll take almost anyone except for JohnnyV. Apparently he's too nice and CIVIL!!! LOL
    Johnny is one of the nicest, besides Ar's nice guy,

  29. #469
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    post proelia praemia
    Quote Originally Posted by slfmade View Post
    How do I get one of those??? LOL

    Hummm....who wants to be my internet bodyguard??? I'll take almost anyone except for JohnnyV. Apparently he's too nice and CIVIL!!! LOL
    Im available and have competitive rates

  30. #470
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    You broke every one of these rules and your a hall of famer? Were is this Hall of Fame? Fallen soldiers get a hall of fame or purple heart winners..not angry people on the internet.

    Rules posted by Admin
    4. We have a strict NO FLAME POLICY. If you post harrassing other members, while offering no helpful or useful information, you will be banned. This includes PM's, we ask that all correspondence between members and/or staff be respectful. You don't always have to agree, but you do always have to show mutual respect.

    I ended this thread with this, then I pmed you to tell you my side of the story and you flame more. Your completely out of line
    Quote Originally Posted by Razr. View Post
    If I was out of line then I was out of line. No reason to continue in something that the mods said was enough and should be over with. I already apologized to hazard. But I will apologize again. Lets just move on to bigger and better things okay? Enough has been said from everyone and its already squashed
    Last edited by Razor; 03-28-2012 at 08:03 PM.

  31. #471
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Easy fellas.. nothin good is gonna come out of this

    Dan, what kinda rates we talkin? I may need some protection if I stumble upon the Q&A after I start my tren cycle

  32. #472
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    Man I was easy I said I was guilty of the the added drama and I apologized, I pmed Haz to tell him what was going on and he blows the roof off the house with more flamming. clearly a violation of the rules

  33. #473
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    Quote Originally Posted by jasc View Post
    Easy fellas.. nothin good is gonna come out of this

    Dan, what kinda rates we talkin? I may need some protection if I stumble upon the Q&A after I start my tren cycle
    Depending on service provided my fees vary but I accept payment in various forms rangeing from AAS to HGH and Peptides and also pics of hot biatches and brazers sent to me and paid for by you via credit card

    actually the latter is the prefered method of payment

  34. #474
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Razr.;5955***
    Man I was easy I said I was guilty of the the added drama and I apologized, I pmed Haz to tell him what was going on and he blows the roof off the house with more flamming. clearly a violation of the rules
    Clearly you dont understand flaming. But what do i know i shouldnt be a vet either according to the pm you sent me also
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  35. #475
    Join Date
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    You did NOT pm me to tell your side..... you SAID YOU CAN NOT BE BANNED FROM THIS SITE! You said to go ahead and try..... and you'll still be here longer than me. You are acting like the spoiled little child of the boss of a company..... the kid who can fvck around all day and not get fired.

    I am dropping everything now..... I am done. Try and get me banned big fella....


  36. #476
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    What funny is you to harass the shit out of me for sticking up for a friend, your more mad at me that the person who got banned!!! Its hilarious

    I dont know what flamming is?
    Rules posted by Admin
    4. We have a strict NO FLAME POLICY. If you post harrassing other members, while offering no helpful or useful information, you will be banned. This includes PM's, we ask that all correspondence between members and/or staff be respectful. You don't always have to agree, but you do always have to show mutual respect

    Where is all that here? Its been nothing but a **** Razr thread since this all started.
    Last edited by Razor; 03-28-2012 at 08:16 PM.

  37. #477
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    You did NOT pm me to tell your side..... you SAID YOU CAN NOT BE BANNED FROM THIS SITE! You said to go ahead and try..... and you'll still be here longer than me. You are acting like the spoiled little child of the boss of a company..... the kid who can fvck around all day and not get fired.

    I am dropping everything now..... I am done. Try and get me banned big fella....

    Haha you lie, post the pm.. your exaggerating everything I the end I even said peace and hoping to end this..this could have been handled in a pm but your a drama queen that cant keep your mouth shut. When did I say I was going to get you banned? You lie so much...its wrong you dont deserve any recognition anymore for anything..and you have ill intentions for members. Post the PM!

    I said I was woking on something with the owner to help young people..why would I be in bed with Xelnaga scamming the pm!!! I dare you
    Last edited by Razor; 03-28-2012 at 08:17 PM.

  38. #478
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by DanB

    Depending on service provided my fees vary but I accept payment in various forms rangeing from AAS to HGH and Peptides and also pics of hot biatches and brazers sent to me and paid for by you via credit card

    actually the latter is the prefered method of payment
    do you accept "women" from Thailand? could probably do a 2 for 1 deal.. I'll even have em bring you a few amps of test

  39. #479
    Join Date
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    yea i said something you posted in another thread was hypocritical.
    I also said you have mental issues and should get help, I said your probably a good guy but should talk to someone.
    Yea i flamed away.
    Now if i said you were batshit crazy and i cant believe your not in a straight jacket them maybe that would be borderline flaming. but i ididnt say that
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  40. #480
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Razr. View Post
    Haha you lie, post the pm.. your exaggerating everything I the end I even said peace and hoping to end this..this could have been handled in a pm but your a drama queen that cant keep your mouth shut. When did I say I was going to get you banned? You lie so much...its wrong

    I said I was woking on something with the owner to help young people..why would I be in bed with Xelnaga scamming the pm!!! I dare you
    hmm isnt that flaming?
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

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