I have been running cycles for about 5 yrs now. I mainly have been using test e at 500 with either deca or winny but I have some primo thats readily available and I would love to give it a try. Is there anyway I could also add deca to this cycle? I have more than enought to do 250-500 for the 10 weeks and i'm pretty sure I have the proper pct.
Weeks 1-10
Test E 500/wk
Primo 400/wk
32 y/o
9% bf
5'10'' 195lbs
Training seriously for 7 years
Weeks 1-4- 40 mg GP Nolva per day
Weeks 1-4 100mg GP Clomiphene per day
Weeks 1-5 1mg GP Anastrozole per day
Week 1- 4,500 iu HCG
Week 2- 3,000 iu HCG
Week 3- 1,500 iu HCG