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Thread: Tren A question need hekp to make up my mind PLEASEE!!!!

  1. #1

    Tren A question need hekp to make up my mind PLEASEE!!!!

    Would anyone advice to take Tren A by itself or would you need to take test with it due to the sexy drive and other sides it could have???

    Any info would be helpful

    Many Thanks

  2. #2
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
    JohnnyVegas is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Not going to write a novel, but I will say don't take Tren without Test. If you don't know that much, you probably shouldn't be using it at all.

  3. #3
    I have read the reason and the rest but i was just wanting to know if anyone had done it and how was there experience with it?

  4. #4
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    I did back in 03 and 04. Libido went to hell, insomnia was about to drive me nuts, but the worst part was the exhaustion. I couldn't get a damn thing done. I took more naps during that period than i have in my entire life.

  5. #5
    What about if you added some masteron with it would that make any difference or not really??

  6. #6
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
    JohnnyVegas is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    It will shut you down, and you won't be taking any Test to compensate. You said you read the reason, so you probably already know that.

    I would be interested to hear from anyone that did it too.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    done a cycle with tren stacked with d.bol. and deca at same time.ran d.bol for 5 weeks and the rest for 8 weeks.never lost me nuts nor my libido.just great gains.everyone is one person reacts to certain jucie differs for one to the other.peace

  8. #8
    Tren and deca????

    Run test with tren. I love tren, hate the cough!!!

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    op- I suggest you read up some before running any compound let alone tren. And now you are asking about running mast, is that with tren or with out.

    You need to always run test as a base, even a simple trt dose with tren being higher is a good cycle

  10. #10
    A few people in my gym have taken tri tren by itself before and said they didn't have any problems with it apart from a bit of tren cough but that went away after a little time.

    I think I'm going to have one rip 200 got all 3 of them in test prop, tren a and masteron but I wasn't sure if I should just get them and mix it myself because of the low doses in it and maybe lower the amount of test prop which would you say is best buying the ready mixed or doing it yourself?

    What would be the lowest I could run the test at so the tren a won't shut me down??

  11. #11
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
    JohnnyVegas is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Quote Originally Posted by Get hench Die Trying View Post

    What would be the lowest I could run the test at so the tren a won't shut me down??
    The Tren will shut you down. Taking Test replaces the Test that your body stops making. If you want to just use a baseline amount of Test it could be 100mg - 200mg/wk.

    I just want to make sure you don't think adding Test KEEPS you from being shut down.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyVegas

    The Tren will shut you down. Taking Test replaces the Test that your body stops making. If you want to just use a baseline amount of Test it could be 100mg - 200mg/wk.

    I just want to make sure you don't think adding Test KEEPS you from being shut down.
    Good advice. Tren on its own is a no-no, and believe me, I know

  13. #13
    I get it know

    with the One Rip 200 would just buy each compound Individually so you can control how much of what your taking or just buy the ready mixed one rip and use that??

  14. #14

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Get hench Die Trying View Post
    A few people in my gym have taken tri tren by itself before and said they didn't have any problems with it apart from a bit of tren cough but that went away after a little time.

    I think I'm going to have one rip 200 got all 3 of them in test prop, tren a and masteron but I wasn't sure if I should just get them and mix it myself because of the low doses in it and maybe lower the amount of test prop which would you say is best buying the ready mixed or doing it yourself?

    What would be the lowest I could run the test at so the tren a won't shut me down??
    This is a really bad cycle idea for you mate, clearly you dont know anything about cycling, have you ever done one before?
    Post you age, weight, height, bodyfat and cycle history for some more useful help becasue what you are considering is crazy with your knowledge.

    As for running test so the tren wont shut you down, ALL AAS will shut you dwon, test, tren, deca, orals yeah they might have different rates and varying effects but they all shut you down.

    Post your stats as mentioned for more help


  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by gonzo6183

    This is a really bad cycle idea for you mate, clearly you dont know anything about cycling, have you ever done one before?
    Post you age, weight, height, bodyfat and cycle history for some more useful help becasue what you are considering is crazy with your knowledge.

    As for running test so the tren wont shut you down, ALL AAS will shut you dwon, test, tren, deca, orals yeah they might have different rates and varying effects but they all shut you down.

    Post your stats as mentioned for more help

    I'm 25
    Body fat 11.5%
    I have done some test prop var winny clen t3 to name a few
    I have been training for about 7 or more years

    I want to cut and get my body fat down to sub 10% but don't want to loose any size and I want to put some size on but don't want any water retention or to put on fat.

    What would you say is the best??

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    Simple test prop/tren A combo, maybe 50mg ED or 75mg EOD could be a good option if your stats and experience are coorect

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    just finished a cycle for 8 weeks of.
    test 300mg/week
    tren 600mg/week.

    too much tren for the test. had some libido issues.

  19. #19
    Yeah that's what I was going to do one rip has
    Testosterone Propionate 70mg
    Drostanolone Propionate (Masteron)
    65mg Trenbolone Acetate 65mg

  20. #20
    Which is pretty much the same the only problem I have is would it be cheaper to buy it separately or already mixed.

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    Always use test with keep mr happy functioning correctly......i am using 500mgs of test a week to keep everything functioning while using tren a and tren e....

  22. #22
    I'll be using 280mg test 260 tren a 260 masteron a week that's now a lot I know but do you think it will have good results??

  23. #23
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    dont ask for a source thx
    Quote Originally Posted by Get hench Die Trying View Post
    Which is pretty much the same the only problem I have is would it be cheaper to buy it separately or already mixed.
    obviously its cheaper to buy the blen but its not safer imho and your going to have to inject at least eod so enjoy that disscomfort...the real problem is if you have any issues you wont know what compond is causing it and even if you did theres no way to adjust the dosage in a blend...good luck...

  24. #24
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    dont ask for a source thx
    Quote Originally Posted by Get hench Die Trying View Post
    I'll be using 280mg test 260 tren a 260 masteron a week that's now a lot I know but do you think it will have good results??
    i have no idea but im going to guess your results will be minnimal unless your already have low bf...

  25. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by ghettoboyd
    i have no idea but im going to guess your results will be minnimal unless your already have low bf...
    Well I did the 9 point check and it said I had a 11% body fat is that low enough??

  26. #26
    Join Date
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    dont ask for a source thx
    Quote Originally Posted by Get hench Die Trying View Post
    Well I did the 9 point check and it said I had a 11% body fat is that low enough??
    possibly but the doses are still on the weak side...

  27. #27
    Yeah I might do 1.5ml EOD

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