Hi Guys,
Thinking about doing HGH never done it before.
Im 5"7 195 lbs 11% BF. 28 years old.
I would like to use it to cut, muscle building secondary. I'd like 7-8% bf.
Can I stack this with anavar? I have 200 ana pills and id like to start it now and start gh in like 2 weeks. Should I avoid anavar ? If i take it with anavar do i need to start the nolva pct for anavar once ana ends or will being on gh be good to avoid the pct once ana ends?
I heard that with anything you eat you will still cut on this stuff is it true? I mean if I can still eat for bulk and cut meanwhile ill eat for bulk.
Any cal / nutrient diet recommendations? By what I read 3-4 IU's a day is ok. How long should I run the cycle?? Do I need pct for hgh? If yes which?
Any big risk of bad side effects from 1 cycle?
Also any good websites for hgh?