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Thread: Adding 10mg Dbol for 4 weeks

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Adding 10mg Dbol for 4 weeks

    I'm currently using 40mg test cyp e3d subQ which keeps my testosterone levels in the upper range of normal. I'm not currently taking an AI.

    I'm considering taking 10mg dbol for 1 month because I would like to break through a strength plateau. I realize that 10mg is a small dose by bodybuilding standards, but some people have reported decent strength gains from this dose over a 4 week period.

    If I were to take 10mg dbol for 4 weeks, could I run the risk of developing gyno sides? Should I run 10mg nolva just to be on the safe side?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    dianabol readily aromatizes so yes there is an increased risk of gyno forming. it's not a huge dose, like you said, but that doesn't mean there isn't an increased risk.

    what's your recent e2 blood work say? are you prone to gyno?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    why not take 20-30mg if only for a month? And yes you will need an Ai with dbol it convert's to estrogen at a high rate.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Seattle, WA.
    if someone on TRT would do this (dbol)for 4 weeks at 20-30mg, how would this affect future blood work and for how long? (like if your doc wanted to see blood work for the perscriptions) do you just stop onthe last day and continue trt as normal and back off the AI a bit?


  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2008
    south Florida
    Waste of time.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Seattle, WA.
    so what do you do so you dont waste your time increase test/ dbol or both? or just stay away from dbol?

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    south Florida
    I'm anti orals for the most part. I don't see 10mg being a good addition to this cycle.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Why is it a waste of time? Some people get a decent strength boost from just 10mg per day of dbol. That is what I'm trying to achieve. I wanted to keep the dose low so that there is less stress on the liver and so that I (hopefully) would not need to use an AI because I like to avoid AI's at all costs. If I could take just 10mg of nolva to block that estro receptors in the breast tissue that would be better for me.
    Better yet, no nolva at all but i don't know whether I could get away without nolva if I want to protect against gyno symptoms, which is why i asked this question.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    I don't know, I could be wrong here, but isn't the Dbol compound usually used to "kick start" a person's steroid cycle until the exogenous testosterone gets built up in the system? If you are on TRT, isn't your testosterone essentially already built up? IMO, looking at it from that angle, I would think it would just make more sense to add more testosterone, basically doing a blast.

    It seems for TRT purposes, running a Nor19 compound like deca on top of the testosterone would ideally give a person more bang for the buck so to speak, and/or a compound like Anavar (if going the oral route), which would have different properties (no aromatization being one) , and potentially allow for better gains that don't pack up and leave the next day when you're done.

    Could just be me, but I'm thinking you will accomplish the same thing by just adding more test for 10-to-12 weeks, and you won't have the hepatotoxicity issues that are associated with Dbol. Just my .02

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by vetteman08 View Post
    I don't know, I could be wrong here, but isn't the Dbol compound usually used to "kick start" a person's steroid cycle until the exogenous testosterone gets built up in the system? If you are on TRT, isn't your testosterone essentially already built up? IMO, looking at it from that angle, I would think it would just make more sense to add more testosterone, basically doing a blast.

    It seems for TRT purposes, running a Nor19 compound like deca on top of the testosterone would ideally give a person more bang for the buck so to speak, and/or a compound like Anavar (if going the oral route), which would have different properties (no aromatization being one) , and potentially allow for better gains that don't pack up and leave the next day when you're done.

    Could just be me, but I'm thinking you will accomplish the same thing by just adding more test for 10-to-12 weeks, and you won't have the hepatotoxicity issues that are associated with Dbol. Just my .02
    But I don't want to take more test because that would mean that i would need to use an AI. I have not found Anavar to be particularly good for strength gains.
    Yes Dbol is used a a kickstart to steroid cycles, but I am not on a cycle I am on TRT so my testosterone is just within the physiological range. I don't want it to go above the range. I just want more muscle strength.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Dianabol isn't just used to kick start a cycle. It is a very strong steroid in it's own right. As strong as testosterone in an anabolic context. 10mg a day is a low dose but you can expect about a 5-10kg increase on bench, increased glycogen retention and a sense of well being. It also greatly increases protein synthesis so make sure you up your protein intake.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Avoiding newbies @ gym...
    Quote Originally Posted by Bronzer View Post
    Waste of time.
    I'd have to agree with this IMO. Dbol can def add some mass & fluid to the joints getting you stronger, but at only 10 mgs/day over 4 weeks the gains would be negligible at best & will literally wash away after cessation. Also, Dbol's half life is only around 6 hours I think and needs to be dosed throughout the day for optimal results. Hard to do with only 10 mgs/day. You'd be better off with a blast increasing your test for 8-12 weeks...

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by APIs View Post
    I'd have to agree with this IMO. Dbol can def add some mass & fluid to the joints getting you stronger, but at only 10 mgs/day over 4 weeks the gains would be negligible at best & will literally wash away after cessation. Also, Dbol's half life is only around 6 hours I think and needs to be dosed throughout the day for optimal results. Hard to do with only 10 mgs/day. You'd be better off with a blast increasing your test for 8-12 weeks...

    Great point bro, you would have to split your pill into 3 pieces everyday

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