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Thread: Blood work advice

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Seattle, WA.

    Blood work advice

    I just got done with my first meeting with my new endo. He wants me to do a blood panel 12hr fast in the AM (before 9AM) I have already done a full lipid panel
    Here’s what he ordered:

    FREE T4
    **Estradial (I had to ask him to put this on, he said “don’t know what I would do with it but OK”)
    Free Test
    Iron, TIBC, Ferritin

    He did not put total test and when I asked why he said that due to his BMI chart I was obese and that he would not recognize any total test numbers as a result. I am 6’2” and 235 I have about 17-18%bf
    I have the form and will be getting the test tomorrow. On the E2 issue he said that “IF” it were to be high after test treatment he would just lower the amount of test rather than prescribe an AI ?!?
    Since I have the form I can check other items to be tested. What am I missing that I should get checked?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    I don't have much time at the moment, so I'll make a quick comment ... Your doctor is a bozo!! Do it right the first time and you will save a lot of time and $$.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by vetteman08 View Post
    I don't have much time at the moment, so I'll make a quick comment ... Your doctor is a bozo!! Do it right the first time and you will save a lot of time and $$.
    LMFAO...I just replied to the same OP in another thread, and part of one of my responses was: "If this bozo won't do whatever he can to help you, find someone who will!"

    I guess great minds DO think alike, hey vetteman!? LOL

  4. #4
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Pretty complete BW is in the stickies.

  5. #5
    I have no idea why you need to fast if you are not doing a lipid or sugar panel. Your stats don't indicate that you are obese to my way of thinking. Like my old endo...yours is behind the times as to estradiol, AI's and the effect on free testoterone. I'd say find another doctor if you can. If you like this doctor, maybe you can help to educate him on the critical issues. Unfortunately, I think that many doctors don't take kindly to training by their patients...ego, extensive med. school education and all that.

    Good luck. Keep us posted as to what happens with this doctor.

  6. #6
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    wtf - i keep getting hit with the forbidden words. would be nice if i know what they all were. i guess i cant say what kind of school a doc went to (m3d school) as m3d is forbidden or i just need to get 25 posts in.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by killergoalie View Post
    LMFAO...I just replied to the same OP in another thread, and part of one of my responses was: "If this bozo won't do whatever he can to help you, find someone who will!"

    I guess great minds DO think alike, hey vetteman!? LOL
    It's like our minds are linked by bozos ...

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by vetteman08 View Post
    It's like our minds are linked by bozos ...

  9. #9
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    I just got my results. I also have a lipid panel and can post if needed.
    41 yo
    6'2" 235 17/18%bf

    blood drawn at 8:30 in the AM 12 hour fast

    Test 366 - 348-1197
    Free Test 8.0 - 6.8-21.5
    T4 10.8 - 4.5-12.0
    T3 uptake 30 - 24-39
    LH 6.4 - 1.7-8.6
    FSH 4.6 - 1.5-12.4
    Prolactin 8.5 - 4.0-15.2
    Estradiol 20.7 - 7.6-42.6
    Roche ELCIA methodology
    Iron bind TBC 248 - 250-450
    UIBC 152 - 150-375
    Iron serium 96 - 40-155
    Iron saturation 39 - 15-55
    Ferritin 477 - 30-400

    thoughts ? I get to see the Doc again in two weeks, he wants me to take another blood test of just free test to compare.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Good luck bro. Take the shortcut and follow the vet's advice.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    LH is fine, and would indicate that your semi-low test production is a result of the condition being more primary than secondary.

    Ferritin is relatively high. If hemochromatosis is in your family then make sure you know where you sit. Donating blood will get it in check real quick. Former 1,400 ferritin score carrier here.

  12. #12
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    Thanks vett. Have no idea about family history and hemochromatosis. Since I have low iron wouldnt that rule that out? I had been just coming off a bit of a cold, don't know if that affected it. Did donating blood bring your numbers down. I have my lipid panel if that would help. I don't recall seeing anything out of the norm other than LDL a tad high and HDL a tad low but totalcholesterol was 195. How does my total test vs. free test look.

    Thanks again.

  13. #13
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    Yes, donating every couple of months keeps my ferritin (along with hemo) in check. Good for me and good for those in need of blood. My ferritin usually comes in at about 50 now! Huge jump from 1,400!!

  14. #14
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    Looking for a blood bank now! I am going to have my 2nd BW for total and free test next week, anythng i should consider if i am going to donate blood? wait untill after BW or would it be ok to do it a day or two before the BW is done?


  15. #15
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    If it was me the most important thing to me would be to make sure I get the most accurate testosterone reading possible... so I would simply donate blood after I draw for tests. That's just me, and I have no idea if there is any significant impact. But in the back of my mind I would have that little "I wonder..."

    I hate those!

  16. #16
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    HRT - thanks I was thinking the same thing. it will be my second BW in 2 weeks to verify the first results with this new doc.

    anyone care to chime in with thoughts on the test and free test levels? TRT the correct route to go or other test to cosider first?

    Much thanks!

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    well, your numbers are in range. if you're dead set on going on testosterone and you aren't concerned about having kids then it might be the most prudent route considering your age. unfortunately, you can expect testosterone to decrease steadily over time. but you would most probably get a definite boost by maximizing nutrition and lifestyle and stress reduction.

    are you feeling any classic symptoms of low testosterone compared to how you felt 3-5 years ago?

  18. #18
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    HRT - yes all the classic feelings of low test. I had been on trt before, but through a wellness clinic. I would not say the way I was on my treatment before was optimal. I did not get a copy of my BW and took the word of the clinic. I was on a good regiment for about 9 months and felt great, but due to the high cost and lack of insurance did not do the correct follow up with blood work etc. When I started I thought that I had done a fair amount of research and had a good understanding of what I was doing, but in hindsight, I was pretty green. I followed the advice of many who have posted decided to see an endo about my situation, it would also be covered under insurance and allow me to be treated properly and safely, without interruption due to my financial situation.
    When I was on before I felt great, like a new person I was on 180mg cyp per week with 500HCg 2x week and .5mg anastrozal per week.
    Before when I started, I did not look into "why" my levels were low or in the bottom 2% of the normal range and free in the bottom 5% of the range. After getting to see my BW and knowing that I don’t have issues with Thyroid, Pituitary, and others, I am comfortable going back on, IF that is the best thing for me.
    I have seen great advice from some of the members on this forum and value their opinions.
    I already have 3 kids and have had the snip, so more kids is not in my future.

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