Last edited by boss4romdabay; 12-24-2020 at 09:49 AM.
Last edited by boss4romdabay; 12-24-2020 at 09:48 AM.
It took about 3 weeks for the bloat to calm down for me at 2.5 IU's a day. I kept it pretty constant at that level. If you up the dose it can come back. Keep an eye on your bloodpressure. Some other members had bad/fake gh that spiked the BP to very dangerous levels.
Last edited by boss4romdabay; 12-24-2020 at 09:47 AM.
I never had it that bad. I would back the dose way down and slowly ramp it from there.
007 - just curious - why start the hgh 2 months before AAS? i was going to start a new cycle next month with test, EQ and hgh + igf and maybe some other peptides.
Thanks. BTW - I assume that is u in the avitar - Fukking HUGE back pimp daddy! how do you get thru door ways? LOL
i know you asked 007 but if you dont mind I will say that it takes HGH 3 months to really start working. so the pre start up i would guess would be do to that and the fact that it takes time to build up to the dose you want to use, you cant just start taking 5ius a day you need to work up to that other wise you are looking at all kinds of joint problems.
Just a little side thing, i think its a good idea to continue your HGH for a time after you cycle as well, as it can help with PCT, like with your cortisol levels and keep you from going catabolic and keep your gains
Thanks dude - i'm reading tons about it now and of course confused as fuk! hahahahaha I appreciate the advice - i think I am going to go for 3-6 months and see where that leads. What do you think is a good protocol to build up? 2 iu's for a week then 3 etc until I get to 5?
thanks man!
if you were to ask a doctor they wouldnt want to you increase any more than one iu at time with two months in between, but seeings how no one on this board really wants to only follow doctors orders... I personally would not increase more than 2 ius at a time and for me that may be a lot, and I would give it at least a week or two in between increases, but no matter what you do you are simply going to have to listen to your own body. If you feel the sides (ie bloating, headaches, or joint aches) are too much for you to handle then you simply back down the dose and stay at the dose you were at before for a couple more weeks and then try and up it again, a little less the next time. Some people say they just tuff out the sides for a couple days, others say they were so bad they had to back down and restart.
I think 5ius a day is a great number, but I would never think about cycling GH for anything less then 6 months.
you may also consider the 5/2 protocol. (look into it) i personally dont think you loose that much by taking 2 days off a week. but it will help stretch out your cycle longer and that to me is much more important.
Thanks Supe - good advice - i'm going to look at 6 months + just started back up last week at 2 iu so i should be at 5 before I start my next cycle in 4 weeks. ;-)
^^^ please read the rules, and also start your own thread if you require any information what doesnt break the rules
I apologize for my last remark
My doc just put me on HGH (2iu eod) for six months. He recommends that I inject into my leg. Keep in mind that I have no fat in my quad...should I shoot it into my stomach or does it make a difference? I'm also on 300mg test cyp (weekly) and 45mg anavar (ed).
After reading this entire thread, I'm beginning to think I should be running T4. What's everyone's opinion on this low dose? After a month, I'll probably opt to up my dose.
Age: 34 (male)
15% bf
Experience: 17 years
Does anyone think I'll get much bloat from this low dose (pharma grade)? I'm trying to figure out what I'm in for. I start in one week.
Any help/advise would be much appreciated!
Age 44
Body fat 30%
1,77 cm
Been on 1,4 IU 5 on 2 off for 6 weeks + 0,75 ML testo per week
Body composition dramatically changed. get a lot off comments that I lost weight but have actually gained 2kg.
Much better mood and sleep. Migraine completely disappeared. no need for midday nap
side effects is slight water retention and stiffness in wrists. goes away when I am active though.
Just did my blood levels, will see what the doc says about the dosage when I get the results
mabee its my age 44, but if I were to take 5 or more IU a day I would be a water balloon.......I see a drastic reduction in fluid on the 2 days I am off
7th week , I have a very light skin and nearly never tan, until now that is. slowly getting a deep tan. is it the HGH ?
Why does HGH make people tired through the day? I thought it was suppose to increase well-being and energy?
It lowers your t4 thyroid, if you supplement t4 this will help greatly.Originally Posted by Brohim
How much Hgh would u need to take to get an Hgh gut ?? Would that b a result from overdosing abusing it or ????
I am getting a kit of HGH which should last me about 2 months or so. When do you first start to notice the effects of HGH? I am already running test e/sustanon 350. I have been running that at 325mg EW for almost 3 weeks now.
Basically I want to know if I only do HGH for 2 months am I completely wasting my money? Or will I get some noticeable results? How long does it take to kick in? Because if I notice the effects and they are pretty good then I am willing to pay the price for more. Another 2 month kit atleast.
From the studies Ive read it seems like the most pronounced effect's are found between 6 month mark to over a year. So with this in mind, HGH is not something you would "cycle" - like test. You would probably see results in 3 month's but IMO would not be worth it because you would have to stop right before it really started to work. So perhaps wait until you can do at least a 6 month run. It also depends on your age. If you are young and igf-1 levels are already high it would not be as efficent.
HGH is suggested to stacked with insulin right?
Six months now with hgh, tried to half dose from 0,4 0,2 but went back up again. Significant better complexion (tan very easy) recover fast from training, went from 30% to 15% fat. Tinitus gone. Nails growing like hell and slowly going towards blond from grey hair. Found it best to take in the morning, although when tried to take it at night I needed less hours sleep.
It would help if you can expain what type of HGH you are doing, Who do you get it from, friend?, website?, Dr. Have you done it long enough- 5 weeks to do BW for IGF-1? costs only $70.
First post, T4 can only be obtained with a Dr's prescription, correct?
I have found several sites selling t4. I know I can't ask for a source, but can anyone recommend a website that you trust? I don't want to get screwed or have my credit card info hacked.
Is Levothyroxine Sodium (Generic Synthroid) the type of t4 that I need?
I am on my 6th week of TevTropin, 1.5 IU 5 on 2 off. Also on an HRT protocol and taking 20 mcg of Sermorelin every night.
Body fat has been reduced, tighter skin, grays going back to dark brown.
What I have not found at this point is tendinitis has not diminished as I would have hoped. Recovery after workouts is greatly improved but lingering injuries are still apparent at this point.
My HGH experience at 10iu's/day with Chinese generics switching between jintropins and yellow tops(jintropins being slightly better quality)
This was ages ago btw, I notice i went from 25%BF to 15%BF after 4 months without dieting and was on a poor diet, tighter skin, better complexion, increased energy, increased sex drive, better well being, deep sleep, better body composition(more broad/wide looking not humped/shrink-ed), i honestly felt much smarter and head clearer, I also felt uplifted alot more than usual on it, not feeling down or depressed on my bad days.
Side effects were bloat, carpel tunnel, feeling sleep. But some of the sides started to subside after a few weeks for me.
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