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Thread: Melanotan II Guide 2012

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    United States

    Melanotan II Guide 2012

    Melanotan II Dosage:
    Initiate: 100mcg
    Conservative: 250mcg
    Common: 500mcg
    Stout: 1mg
    Large: 1.5mg
    Max: 2mg

    Melanotan 2 (MT-II) is a melanotropin peptide analog of alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormone (a-MSH) => created/communicated through the brain/skin. Synthetic Melanotan 2 travels systemically to produce a dark tan. MT-II comes in the form of a freeze dried (lyophilized) peptide in a sterile multi-use vial. Melanotan molecule is bioavailable through subq injection only.

    Melanotan binds to melanocortin receptors (MCRs) which influence pigmentation, inflammation, energy homeostasis, appetite and sexual function.

    Melanotan 2 is a smaller and more potent product (as compared to M-I which targets MC1R only - the freckle gene) targeting an array of receptors.

    The fair skinned can achieve a natural tan with assistance from synthetic MSH. For those with sun allergy melanotropin peptides are life changing. MT-2 was originally designed to reduce skin cancer rates. The best defense against skin cancer is said to be a natural tan developed over time.

    Athletes and fitness enthusiasts use Melanotan II intermittently to increase tanning efficacy, the aphrodisiac and appetite suppression. MT-2 was dubbed the Barbie drug and has been highlighted in wired magazine. Synthetic melanocortin use helps to attain a tan with the least amount of exposure to harmful ultraviolet radiation (UVR).

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	FitzpatrickChart.jpg 
Views:	20358 
Size:	19.6 KB 
ID:	118072

    Best candidates for Melanotan 2 are those on the low side on the Fitzpatrick scale. Higher Fitzpatrick scale skin types, those with moles/freckles, darken at rates which can lead to pigmentation issues (dark when you'd prefer not to be - genitals, under-eyes, lips, etc have more melanocytes/melanosomes/etc => word to the wise: protect yourself by covering, spf, sunglasses & being aware of your UVR environment). Blonds, red heads, lizards and those with pale skin have dramatic results with patient supplementation/therapy.

    Melanotan stimulates melanin extremely effectively when combined with UVR. Note: Melanotan is 1,000 times more potent than natural a-MSH.

    Melanotan 2012 Instruction

    Reconstitute Melanotan II from freeze dried powder with bacteriostatic water (BW), MT-2 is a durable peptide that remains potent and preserved for months. Reconstituting (mixing) your Melanotan 2 peptide is a necessity, unless pre-mixed products are purchased (use extreme caution). MT-II experimentation is a large commitment - use careful consideration. Nasal sprays, pre-mixed peptides, pills, oral and loose powder are not often legitimate. There are successful reports of nasal spray experiences, however, they are few and far between. Enzymes will render the peptide inactive if ingested.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	melanotan2-250x250.jpg 
Views:	7205 
Size:	25.5 KB 
ID:	118073

    Melanotan II Shipping: Melanotan peptides are stable and do not require special treatment during shipping. After receiving MT-2 it is recommended to store in the refrigerator.

    Mixing Peptides: Add BW to the vial when you are ready to begin research.

    Peptide Calculator: Add 100 units (1ml) of water to the vial. 1ml/100 units will minimize the volume that you have to inject and will simplify the arithmetic in your MT-2 experiment.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	peptidemcgmeasure.png 
Views:	24342 
Size:	37.6 KB 
ID:	118074

    1ml syringe (U100), 1ml BW to reconstitute
    Calculations for a desired 500mcg dose:
    Step 1= 1ml syringe
    Step 2= 10mg MT-II
    Step 3= 2ml bact water
    Step 4= 500mcg dose
    => 5 ticks on your insulin pin or 10 units

    Needles: 29-31 gauge X 1/2", 1 CC (100 unit). That is a typical large insulin needle used to mix as well as inject. Use needles one time only (meaning draw from the vial, inject, then discard). Once your technique perfected, injections are about painless. Smaller syringes are nice for accurate measurement...large syringes can be bulky and less precise.

    Starting dose: Your first injection should be a very small dose, for example .25mg (250mcg) or better yet 100mcg (or less). See how you react as sensitivity varies greatly. Goal should be to feel nothing, why get sick right? Dose after dinner, before bed. Any dosing chart stating that you should take a high dose (according to your weight) is dated and dangerous.

    Loading dose: Load with 0.5-1mg once a day. Folks who have used doses in this range generally report getting excellent results. Don’t worry about missing occasional days/doses - this is a lifestyle product meant to be used intermittently. Developing desirable pigment changes while on synthetic melanocyte stimulating hormone(s) can take weeks to months for results.

    Maintaining on Melanotan: Maintenance dosing Melanotan 2 is taking doses less frequently (and/or with less dosage) to avoid becoming darker than desired. Tanning on melanotropins will likely yield a super-physiologic pigmentation. A maintenance dose can help prolong photo-protection delivered through greater melanin density.

    UV Radiation: Melanotan is a poor sunless tanner. UV (from sun or a tanning bed) light is necessary to develop a tan. Without it, almost nothing happens. In other words, NO UV = NO TAN. Well, user will pigment depending on skin type.... If you have loaded for a full month and then start UV exposure, you (and your friends) will be astounded by how fast tanning is possible and how dark you get w/ least damage to skin/body. Moreover, it is advisable to keep areas of your skin that ordinarily get exposure covered up with a towel and/or zinc oxide (nose/lips/face) and let less exposed areas develop pigmentation first. Areas of skin that are typically sun-exposed in your day to day life will respond more readily to the effects of the melanotan peptides.

    Melanotan 2 Storage: Store freeze dried and reconstituted peptides in the refrigerator. Pre-loading injects is good practice, helps evaluate dosage received/planned.

    Note: There are many things you will need to consider before experimenting with this peptide. Cyclic analogues (MT-II) have a wide range of peripheral effects and systemic control is always going to pose an issue in clinical use. Needless to say, MT-II is not an approved or regulated product. MT-II is legal to buy, possess, etc. Variables such as skin type and individual goals benefit greatly from peer review. Ask for critiques, plans and create a user log during use. Seasoned users are generally more than happy to offer tricks of the trade.

    When supplementing a-MSH to tan keep in mind that tanning is a side effect. The tanning response is, in reality, a physiological repair mechanism to instant UV damage of the skin cells (epidermis/dermis). MSH is not going to color your skin, it is going to make your own skin create its own tan and that in turn creates protection (melanin density). If you are looking to be some bronzed beach God with perfectly uniform melanosomes at a specific tone, go mystic tan. Redheads, for example, naturally produce a variant form of melanin that is yellowish-red (pheomelanin). Do not expect a brown tan on a ginger body right away...or ever.

    Know your skin type: Skin type is just one detail which will help create a user log. There are 10s of thousands of melanotan users worldwide who share the experience. Raise awareness and help others who want to hear success stories as well as challenges. Melanotan is a physical and emotion experience to be well prepared for.

    Am I a good candidate for MT-II?
    Melanotan is best suited for the folks with skin types I & II. Prior sun damage, scars, tattoos, freckles, moles, hair color, etc are deciding factors prospective MT-2 users consider. Tanning injections often come on the user radar after sunless tanning disappointment (messy spray tans).

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	melanindensitychart_part11.jpg 
Views:	16889 
Size:	19.5 KB 
ID:	118075

    Melanotan II levels the playing field for skin types I & II. Darker skin types can really go off the charts with MT-II tanning (easy to attain a foolish dark tone - explaining yourself may become necessary).

    How much MT-II should I buy and how long will it last?
    Skin type I: 30-50mg
    Skin type II: 20-30mg
    Skin type III: 10mg

    How long will tan last?
    A tan developed using Melanotan 2 lasts much longer than an ordinary tan. A well-tanned person returning from a beach holiday will lose most of the tan in a month if they stop getting sun. If they had been using Melanotan 2 and continued on maintenance after returning, they would still have most of their tan 3 months later.

    Side effects of MT-II?
    Possible short-term side effects you should know about, including: nausea, appetite loss, facial flushing and increased libido. These may be most noticeable during the first few days of treatment and should taper off. Desensitization occurs rapidly with respect to Melanotan II as well as PT-141.

    Melanotan 2 Guide
    Last edited by 956Vette; 09-02-2012 at 02:37 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Ljubljana Slovenia
    Vette, i've just started administration of MII and am on my third day at 0.25mg per day. I havent done any tanning sessions yet but if I continue with this daily dosage, when should I start tanning sessions in order to see some results? Would I be wasting my time to start tanning within the first week of adminstration or should I load up for a full week or more before my first session?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    United States
    Quote Originally Posted by Blaz Kavlic View Post
    Vette, i've just started administration of MII and am on my third day at 0.25mg per day. I havent done any tanning sessions yet but if I continue with this daily dosage, when should I start tanning sessions in order to see some results? Would I be wasting my time to start tanning within the first week of adminstration or should I load up for a full week or more before my first session?
    Great question BK. Absolutely would not be wasting your time by tanning within the first week. It's the fair skinned who require loading (patience more-so). Someone who can naturally tan can dose as you are, tan and back off to maintenance & recreational dosing quickly. Keep doing what you're doing!

  4. #4
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    Sep 2011
    Ljubljana Slovenia
    Quote Originally Posted by 956Vette View Post
    Great question BK. Absolutely would not be wasting your time by tanning within the first week. It's the fair skinned who require loading (patience more-so). Someone who can naturally tan can dose as you are, tan and back off to maintenance & recreational dosing quickly. Keep doing what you're doing!
    Thanks for the response Vette. I'm amped to hit the beach this weekend so i'll check back with this thread on how i'm progressing.

  5. #5
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    Mar 2003
    United States
    Quote Originally Posted by Blaz Kavlic View Post
    Thanks for the response Vette. I'm amped to hit the beach this weekend so i'll check back with this thread on how i'm progressing.
    Hope to hear positive result, best wishes

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Ljubljana Slovenia
    Quote Originally Posted by 956Vette View Post
    Hope to hear positive result, best wishes
    Thanks Vette. I think positive is a bit of an understatement at the moment. I have never had what you would call a tan in my life (i'm 31). But I sure as hell have one now! I've been on MII for 8 days now and have been doing 0.25mg everyday with probably 2 days this week at closer to 0.5mg. I did one session out in the sun on Saturday for about 45 mins and got sunburned as I usually do but now that the redness has cleared, i've got crazy tan lines around my waist, and my chest and back have the most colour they've ever seen. Unbelievable.

    Only 2 sides to report. First is the slightest gut ache after the first few pins but it was so minimal it didnt bother me. Went away after about 20 mins. The second is that i've been waking up during the night with a mongrel that could cut through steel. Insane. I've just started seeing this new chick and have been driving her like a bus all week. I feel like i'm 21 again.

    In summary, get on it. A totally amazing substance. No more spray tans or any of that shit anymore. You beauty. Hitting the beach this weekend.
    Last edited by Blaz Kavlic; 11-24-2011 at 03:45 AM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    United States
    Quote Originally Posted by Blaz Kavlic View Post
    Thanks Vette. I think positive is a bit of an understatement at the moment. I have never had what you would call a tan in my life (i'm 31). But I sure as hell have one now! I've been on MII for 8 days now and have been doing 0.25mg everyday with probably 2 days this week at closer to 0.5mg. I did one session out in the sun on Saturday for about 45 mins and got sunburned as I usually do but now that the redness has cleared, i've got crazy tan lines around my waist, and my chest and back have the most colour they've ever seen. Unbelievable.

    Only 2 sides to report. First is the slightest gut ache after the first few pins but it was so minimal it didnt bother me. Went away after about 20 mins. The second is that i've been waking up during the night with a mongrel that could cut through steel. Insane. I've just started seeing this new chick and have been driving her like a bus all week. I feel like i'm 21 again.

    In summary, get on it. A totally amazing substance. No more spray tans or any of that shit anymore. You beauty. Hitting the beach this weekend.
    Wonderful post, thanks again

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Blaz Kavlic View Post
    Thanks Vette. I think positive is a bit of an understatement at the moment. I have never had what you would call a tan in my life (i'm 31). But I sure as hell have one now! I've been on MII for 8 days now and have been doing 0.25mg everyday with probably 2 days this week at closer to 0.5mg. I did one session out in the sun on Saturday for about 45 mins and got sunburned as I usually do but now that the redness has cleared, i've got crazy tan lines around my waist, and my chest and back have the most colour they've ever seen. Unbelievable.

    Only 2 sides to report. First is the slightest gut ache after the first few pins but it was so minimal it didnt bother me. Went away after about 20 mins. The second is that i've been waking up during the night with a mongrel that could cut through steel. Insane. I've just started seeing this new chick and have been driving her like a bus all week. I feel like i'm 21 again.

    In summary, get on it. A totally amazing substance. No more spray tans or any of that shit anymore. You beauty. Hitting the beach this weekend.
    Howd your mt2 cycle go? I did 30mg from mid dec-mid january right before my vacation to Dominican Republic, I came back looking like a local haha.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Tampa, FL
    I started taking this two days ago at 1 cc. My face turns purple and I feel pressure in my head. I also get sick to my stomach. It also seems to be keeping me awake. How long before this side effect wears off. It does give me great erections. Will that wear off? I hope not

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Coolhand5599 View Post
    I started taking this two days ago at 1 cc. My face turns purple and I feel pressure in my head. I also get sick to my stomach. It also seems to be keeping me awake. How long before this side effect wears off. It does give me great erections. Will that wear off? I hope not
    Ive never had those side effects minus the erections, and I always took 1mg injections. PM me your supplier, I hope you dont have mt2 vials that have fillers in them.

  12. #12
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    Tampa, FL
    Quote Originally Posted by bigtyivier2k2 View Post
    Ive never had those side effects minus the erections, and I always took 1mg injections. PM me your supplier, I hope you dont have mt2 vials that have fillers in them.
    I can't pm you. You do not have enough post

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Tampa, FL
    Quote Originally Posted by 956Vette View Post
    Melanotan II Dosage:
    Initiate: 100mcg
    Conservative: 250mcg
    Common: 500mcg
    Stout: 1mg
    Large: 1.5mg
    Max: 2mg

    Melanotan 2 (MT-II) is a melanotropin peptide analog of alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormone (a-MSH) => created/communicated through the brain/skin. Synthetic Melanotan 2 travels systemically to produce a dark tan. MT-II comes in the form of a freeze dried (lyophilized) peptide in a sterile multi-use vial. Melanotan molecule is bioavailable through subq injection only.

    Melanotan binds to melanocortin receptors (MCRs) which influence pigmentation, inflammation, energy homeostasis, appetite and sexual function.

    Melanotan 2 is a smaller and more potent product (as compared to M-I which targets MC1R only - the freckle gene) targeting an array of receptors.

    The fair skinned can achieve a natural tan with assistance from synthetic MSH. For those with sun allergy melanotropin peptides are life changing. MT-2 was originally designed to reduce skin cancer rates. The best defense against skin cancer is said to be a natural tan developed over time.

    Athletes and fitness enthusiasts use Melanotan II intermittently to increase tanning efficacy, the aphrodisiac and appetite suppression. MT-2 was dubbed the Barbie drug and has been highlighted in wired magazine. Synthetic melanocortin use helps to attain a tan with the least amount of exposure to harmful ultraviolet radiation (UVR).

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	FitzpatrickChart.jpg 
Views:	20358 
Size:	19.6 KB 
ID:	118072

    Best candidates for Melanotan 2 are those on the low side on the Fitzpatrick scale. Higher Fitzpatrick scale skin types, those with moles/freckles, darken at rates which can lead to pigmentation issues (dark when you'd prefer not to be - genitals, under-eyes, lips, etc have more melanocytes/melanosomes/etc => word to the wise: protect yourself by covering, spf, sunglasses & being aware of your UVR environment). Blonds, red heads, lizards and those with pale skin have dramatic results with patient supplementation/therapy.

    Melanotan stimulates melanin extremely effectively when combined with UVR. Note: Melanotan is 1,000 times more potent than natural a-MSH.

    Melanotan 2012 Instruction

    Reconstitute Melanotan II from freeze dried powder with bacteriostatic water (BW), MT-2 is a durable peptide that remains potent and preserved for months. Reconstituting (mixing) your Melanotan 2 peptide is a necessity, unless pre-mixed products are purchased (use extreme caution). MT-II experimentation is a large commitment - use careful consideration. Nasal sprays, pre-mixed peptides, pills, oral and loose powder are not often legitimate. There are successful reports of nasal spray experiences, however, they are few and far between. Enzymes will render the peptide inactive if ingested.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	melanotan2-250x250.jpg 
Views:	7205 
Size:	25.5 KB 
ID:	118073

    Melanotan II Shipping: Melanotan peptides are stable and do not require special treatment during shipping. After receiving MT-2 it is recommended to store in the refrigerator.

    Mixing Peptides: Add BW to the vial when you are ready to begin research. View the instructional youtube video on the PT-141 Reconstitution.

    Peptide Calculator: Add 100 units (1ml) of water to the vial. 1ml/100 units will minimize the volume that you have to inject and will simplify the arithmetic in your MT-2 experiment.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	peptidemcgmeasure.png 
Views:	24342 
Size:	37.6 KB 
ID:	118074

    1ml syringe (U100), 1ml BW to reconstitute
    Calculations for a desired 500mcg dose:
    Step 1= 1ml syringe
    Step 2= 10mg MT-II
    Step 3= 2ml bact water
    Step 4= 500mcg dose
    => 5 ticks on your insulin pin or 10 units

    Needles: 29-31 gauge X 1/2", 1 CC (100 unit). That is a typical large insulin needle used to mix as well as inject. Use needles one time only (meaning draw from the vial, inject, then discard). Once your technique perfected, injections are about painless. Smaller syringes are nice for accurate measurement...large syringes can be bulky and less precise.

    Starting dose: Your first injection should be a very small dose, for example .25mg (250mcg) or better yet 100mcg (or less). See how you react as sensitivity varies greatly. Goal should be to feel nothing, why get sick right? Dose after dinner, before bed. Any dosing chart stating that you should take a high dose (according to your weight) is dated and dangerous.

    Loading dose: Load with 0.5-1mg once a day. Folks who have used doses in this range generally report getting excellent results. Don’t worry about missing occasional days/doses - this is a lifestyle product meant to be used intermittently. Developing desirable pigment changes while on synthetic melanocyte stimulating hormone(s) can take weeks to months for results.

    Maintaining on Melanotan: Maintenance dosing Melanotan 2 is taking doses less frequently (and/or with less dosage) to avoid becoming darker than desired. Tanning on melanotropins will likely yield a super-physiologic pigmentation. A maintenance dose can help prolong photo-protection delivered through greater melanin density.

    UV Radiation: Melanotan is a poor sunless tanner. UV (from sun or a tanning bed) light is necessary to develop a tan. Without it, almost nothing happens. In other words, NO UV = NO TAN. Well, user will pigment depending on skin type.... If you have loaded for a full month and then start UV exposure, you (and your friends) will be astounded by how fast tanning is possible and how dark you get w/ least damage to skin/body. Moreover, it is advisable to keep areas of your skin that ordinarily get exposure covered up with a towel and/or zinc oxide (nose/lips/face) and let less exposed areas develop pigmentation first. Areas of skin that are typically sun-exposed in your day to day life will respond more readily to the effects of the melanotan peptides.

    Melanotan 2 Storage: Store freeze dried and reconstituted peptides in the refrigerator. Pre-loading injects is good practice, helps evaluate dosage received/planned.

    Note: There are many things you will need to consider before experimenting with this peptide. Cyclic analogues (MT-II) have a wide range of peripheral effects and systemic control is always going to pose an issue in clinical use. Needless to say, MT-II is not an approved or regulated product. MT-II is legal to buy, possess, etc. Variables such as skin type and individual goals benefit greatly from peer review. Ask for critiques, plans and create a user log during use. Seasoned users are generally more than happy to offer tricks of the trade.

    When supplementing a-MSH to tan keep in mind that tanning is a side effect. The tanning response is, in reality, a physiological repair mechanism to instant UV damage of the skin cells (epidermis/dermis). MSH is not going to color your skin, it is going to make your own skin create its own tan and that in turn creates protection (melanin density). If you are looking to be some bronzed beach God with perfectly uniform melanosomes at a specific tone, go mystic tan. Redheads, for example, naturally produce a variant form of melanin that is yellowish-red (pheomelanin). Do not expect a brown tan on a ginger body right away...or ever.

    Know your skin type: Skin type is just one detail which will help create a user log. There are 10s of thousands of melanotan users worldwide who share the experience. Raise awareness and help others who want to hear success stories as well as challenges. Melanotan is a physical and emotion experience to be well prepared for.

    Am I a good candidate for MT-II?
    Melanotan is best suited for the folks with skin types I & II. Prior sun damage, scars, tattoos, freckles, moles, hair color, etc are deciding factors prospective MT-2 users consider. Tanning injections often come on the user radar after sunless tanning disappointment (messy spray tans).

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	melanindensitychart_part11.jpg 
Views:	16889 
Size:	19.5 KB 
ID:	118075

    Melanotan II levels the playing field for skin types I & II. Darker skin types can really go off the charts with MT-II tanning (easy to attain a foolish dark tone - explaining yourself may become necessary).

    How much MT-II should I buy and how long will it last?
    Skin type I: 30-50mg
    Skin type II: 20-30mg
    Skin type III: 10mg

    How long will tan last?
    A tan developed using Melanotan 2 lasts much longer than an ordinary tan. A well-tanned person returning from a beach holiday will lose most of the tan in a month if they stop getting sun. If they had been using Melanotan 2 and continued on maintenance after returning, they would still have most of their tan 3 months later.

    Side effects of MT-II?
    Possible short-term side effects you should know about, including: nausea, appetite loss, facial flushing and increased libido. These may be most noticeable during the first few days of treatment and should taper off. Desensitization occurs rapidly with respect to Melanotan II as well as PT-141.

    Melanotan 2 Guide

    Is Melanotan 2 or PT 141 better?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Ljubljana Slovenia
    Quote Originally Posted by Coolhand5599 View Post
    I started taking this two days ago at 1 cc. My face turns purple and I feel pressure in my head. I also get sick to my stomach. It also seems to be keeping me awake. How long before this side effect wears off. It does give me great erections. Will that wear off? I hope not
    If you're just starting out, my recommendation would be to take about 2 units of a insulin syringe at a time. Dont inject a large dose straight up. Blend into it and gradually up your doses. I started out injecting about 2 or 3 units every second day and now i'm at 10 units (0.1ml) about every 2-3 weeks which maintains my tan nicely.

    I still get a bit of a gut ache after injecting, but it goes away after a while. I never use to tan much at all when I was a kid, and now I am the most tanned guy at the gym so for someone like me, these minor sides are nothing. One of the biggest problems i've had with MII though is controlling the tan lines. I went to a music festival last month, wore my sunnies all day and ended up with goggle-like tan lines on my face. On Monday when I went to work everyone had something to say about it.
    Last edited by Blaz Kavlic; 02-16-2012 at 05:13 AM.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Ljubljana Slovenia
    Quote Originally Posted by bigtyivier2k2 View Post
    Howd your mt2 cycle go? I did 30mg from mid dec-mid january right before my vacation to Dominican Republic, I came back looking like a local haha.
    I'm not really on cycle, I just top up about every 3 weeks. We just had 3 weeks of rain where I live, so there wasnt any point in topping up 'cause there wasnt any sun. Even after taking this break, my tan has hardly faded at all.

    About a month after I started I was out in the sun alot and went really tanned. It was a great colour and everywhere I went people were commenting on it. It was great. It has faded only so slightly but I'm going to the beach this weekend so that'll fix that. Its amazing how long the tan takes to fade. Something like 2 months. Easily one of the best products a pasty white person could ever ask for. Not only does it give you a tan when it was previously impossible to get one, it also eliminates sunburn to a certain degree.
    Last edited by Blaz Kavlic; 02-16-2012 at 05:12 AM.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    blaz kavlic did you get appetite supression at all??

    i tan quite well just cant be arsed to sunbath but id rather stay white than loose my apetite atm

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by 956Vette View Post
    Melanotan II Dosage:
    Peptide Calculator: Add 100 units (1ml) of water to the vial. 1ml/100 units will minimize the volume that you have to inject and will simplify the arithmetic in your MT-2 experiment.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	peptidemcgmeasure.png 
Views:	24342 
Size:	37.6 KB 
ID:	118074

    1ml syringe (U100), 1ml BW to reconstitute
    Calculations for a desired 500mcg dose:
    Step 1= 1ml syringe
    Step 2= 10mg MT-II
    Step 3= 2ml bact water
    Step 4= 500mcg dose
    => 5 ticks on your insulin pin or 10 units
    I just received my MT-II, I read your guide and Im a bit confused.. At first you suggest mixing the 10 mg of MT-II with 1ml BW, but on the step intructions it says 2ml of BW.. Which one do I mix it with 1ml or 2ml?? lol

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    United States
    Quote Originally Posted by PetrX View Post
    I just received my MT-II, I read your guide and Im a bit confused.. At first you suggest mixing the 10 mg of MT-II with 1ml BW, but on the step intructions it says 2ml of BW.. Which one do I mix it with 1ml or 2ml?? lol
    2ml is best imho - doesn't matter either way however
    Reconstituting potent MT2 in 2ml helps arrive at accurate mcg measurement

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by 956Vette View Post
    2ml is best imho - doesn't matter either way however
    Reconstituting potent MT2 in 2ml helps arrive at accurate mcg measurement
    Thank you very much .. I just got this stuff to get ready for the summer, the DRS here where like Mela what now?? haha Cant wait to try this stuff
    Last edited by PetrX; 04-09-2012 at 03:41 PM.

  20. #20
    just got my stuff and am a little confused about dosages. I mixed my 10 ml vial with 2ml of BW. Going to start at .25 mgs but not sure where on my 1ml (insulin) syringe that would be. Can't figure out how to convert mg and ml. It's not a quarter of the way up is it?

    Also, I'm a skin type 1. I'm concerned about tanning. With my skin type how ofen should I tan and more importantly how long should I stay in the bed for?

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Great thread!

    i just started my MT2. I did 250mcg for 12 days in a row without going in the sun and got visibly darker. I was in the sun for 1/2 hour this weekend and my buddies wives are asking me were I went on vacation and got so tan! Loving this stuff but I probably wont go any higher than 250 once or twice a week now. Moles are definitely darker and noticing some on my face that i've never seen before.

  22. #22
    the lady who runs the needle exchange where i get all my free pins and barrels, pleads not to use it, yet she doesnt care if im running a couple of grams of gear a week.

    is there long term side effects that are really dangerous. that are not openly discussed?

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by adamjames View Post
    blaz kavlic did you get appetite supression at all??

    i tan quite well just cant be arsed to sunbath but id rather stay white than loose my apetite atm
    I didnt experience any noticeable changes in appetite Adam. The only effects I felt other than the healthy tan were the slight gut ache after injecting and the iron bar erections in the morning.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by bodybycookiesandcake View Post
    the lady who runs the needle exchange where i get all my free pins and barrels, pleads not to use it, yet she doesnt care if im running a couple of grams of gear a week.

    is there long term side effects that are really dangerous. that are not openly discussed?
    You dont need to be dosing it constantly for maintenance of the tan. After your begin dosing and achieve the tan you want, you can stop dosing whenever and you wont need to inject any more for up to a month or more. Its remarkable how long the tan takes to fade so regular injections are not required once you've got enough in your system. I've been getting away with an injection of about 5ius once every 5-6 weeks and still have highly visible tan lines around my waist.

  25. #25
    i have tattoos and am very pail, if i cover my tattoos with heavy material and or zinc when i use the tanning bed will the melotan still darken the skin that doesnt get the uv exposure.

    ive heard the compound is easier on ink pigmentation yet some of teh body builders i see who have sleeves that were donee in the last 4 years, already looks so faded. so is that from over tanning in the bed?

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Natural selection View Post
    i have tattoos and am very pail, if i cover my tattoos with heavy material and or zinc when i use the tanning bed will the melotan still darken the skin that doesnt get the uv exposure.

    ive heard the compound is easier on ink pigmentation yet some of teh body builders i see who have sleeves that were donee in the last 4 years, already looks so faded. so is that from over tanning in the bed?
    I've got a half sleeve but I dont use tanning beds, I go to the beach. During a tanning session I just wrap my shirt around my bicep to cover the ink so its not in direct sunlight. I got this work done about 2 and half years ago and it still looks great. Just make an effort to keep it out of the sun. When wearing t shirts in sunny weather, try using a concentrated sunscreen like that heavy duty Banana Boat or something as such.

    If you tan straight over the work it will be hard to see what the tattoo even is, but for some people there is no way around this. For example a full sleeve as you stated.

    The important thing with tattoos if you really need to keep them away from the sun if you want them to last. Frequent sun exposure will ruin them quick.

  27. #27
    yes but will the pigment change from this compound mimic the same effect as the sun? or not sso much or not at all. Tanning is skin cells in drama, doesthis drug work in the same fashion as uv exposure.?


  28. #28
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    I have a question. Would 250 mcg a day be a good starting point? also, how many units equals 250 mcg?? thanx

  29. #29
    Starting dose: Your first injection should be a very small dose, for example .25mg (250mcg) or better yet 100mcg (or less). See how you react as sensitivity varies greatly. Goal should be to feel nothing, why get sick right? Dose after dinner, before bed. Any dosing chart stating that you should take a high dose (according to your weight) is dated and dangerous.
    250 mcg = 0.25 milligrams / 5 units,

  30. #30
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    question, if im using melanotan II, do i need to use a tanning lotion when I go to the tanning place??

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by PetrX View Post
    question, if im using melanotan II, do i need to use a tanning lotion when I go to the tanning place??
    Great question - when tanning & utilizing melanotan II you will indeed benefit from lotions. general anti-oxidant rich tanning lotion is best used on the majority of the exposed skin. covering the face, genitals, scars/tattoo art/sun damage areas with sun screen and/or towel(s) is important too -men who disregard safety measures on MT-II can end up with undesirable effects such as: dark under-eye circles, purple lips, dark scar formation, dark penis
    super-physiologic(/foolish) tan pigmentation can remain for weeks.... med-long term results from the synthetic melanocyte stimulating hormones (+ tanning...) - dose low & remain patient for best result

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by 956Vette View Post
    Great question - when tanning & utilizing melanotan II you will indeed benefit from lotions. general anti-oxidant rich tanning lotion is best used on the majority of the exposed skin. covering the face, genitals, scars/tattoo art/sun damage areas with sun screen and/or towel(s) is important too -men who disregard safety measures on MT-II can end up with undesirable effects such as: dark under-eye circles, purple lips, dark scar formation, dark penis
    super-physiologic(/foolish) tan pigmentation can remain for weeks.... med-long term results from the synthetic melanocyte stimulating hormones (+ tanning...) - dose low & remain patient for best result
    Thanks vette, now I can go tanning =)

  33. #33
    I started the loading phase of MT II about 10 days ago. Loading dose is a pretty low level...2 to 3 tics on the slin pin. Injected every day for about 8 days. Noticed after about 5 days that the few moles that I have got darker and that my time in the sun was beginning to produce a quick tan and not much burn. I'm going to EOD injections with about 4 tics on the pin now until my beach trip in 10 days. Maybe will do a higher final dose before the trip to the sun.

    My skin type is between a 2 and a 3. I'm blue-eyed, blondish-brown hair. I almost always burn at first, then get a decent tan, but not as dark as higher skin types. I'm amazed at what MT II can do for tanning. No libido spike so far. No appetite supression that I can discern. Higher doses may be necessary to get those effects. I'll likely quit injecting shortly after my beach trip....a dark tan here during the fall/winter will look a bit out of place.

    MT II is interesting and I may experiment again late next Spring. Thanks for the help provided in the sticky guide.

  34. #34
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    Very informative 956! I started it a while back and it definitely helped to tan my Irish arse. Type II skin.

  35. #35
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    How long can you run this for and if you tan like 3x a weekin the sun after discontinuing it can you keep the tan? I play sports and could play shirtless to tan. I would run this in the winter because of lack of sun.

  36. #36
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    Hey Vette

    OK so whats the best guess at how long its active after the last shot? - I fly out to Vegas on monday and am torn between having my last shot on sunday so that I'm not nauseous for monday's 16 hours of travelling, and taking my last shot first thing monday morning so that its in my system for that little bit longer at the start of my holiday...

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by NotSmall View Post
    OK so whats the best guess at how long its active after the last shot? - I fly out to Vegas on monday and am torn between having my last shot on sunday so that I'm not nauseous for monday's 16 hours of travelling, and taking my last shot first thing monday morning so that its in my system for that little bit longer at the start of my holiday...
    Melanotan 2 is mostly active up to a couple hours after subcutaneous administration. Enjoy Vegas! I don't visit without checking a bag with melanotan supplies (sun is intense/enjoyable in NV)
    If the MT-2 is not coming with, then injecting a small dose before the flight is what to do. The melanotan peptides last minutes, however the melanin develops in days - general rule of thumb/strategy is to dose lower with a higher frequency to minimize side-effects from melanotan (particularly before travels!)

  38. #38
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    Great threadddd

  39. #39
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    N. GA. Jaw Ja N A Cave
    Well I may be a little old for this but I am on TRT at 53 and started MT-II before I read this thread and went by Internet Instructions ! I had always tanned a lot up untils 10 years ago and I had a sever trauma accident and Really only started caring about life again 3 years ago. I had a professional Tanning bed in my home !

    I started with 10 MG MT-II Reconstituted with 2 mLs and Injeceted opposite to your direction I think I front loaded with .25 everyother day for 4 weeks and now doing .20 every 4th day I tan 15 minutes 2 days a week and my face is in the need to explain catgory ? My body is no where close ?

    I am not out in the sun a lot Soooooo ? ? ? ? ? ? How do I make my bod catch up with face because the difference is drastic ! I know I could cover my face but don't really want to tan more would rather train ?

    Soooooo Do I cover my face and increase dose ?

    Puzzled ? Seek guidance ? Oh I didn't notice the dark circles under my eyes until I got such a dark face and a few freckles have poped up ?
    Last edited by BuzzardMarinePumper; 02-15-2013 at 06:32 PM.

  40. #40
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    N. GA. Jaw Ja N A Cave
    bump ?

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