Well here it is. I dont have the numbers but with the knowledg you guys have you probably will have a good idea where I am at.
Meal 1. peanut butter sandwich, skim milk.
Snack. 4 ozs. colby/jack cheese, slices of apple.
Meal 3. 6 oz. steak, dark green salad
Snack. handful of unsalted peanuts, or 2 hardboiled/deviled eggs
Meal 4. medium chicken breast, dark green salad
Snack. almonds, string cheese
Meal 5. chicken breast or steak or fish or sometimes boneless pork chops, dark green salad
on workout days I have two additional meals pre/post w/o.
pre w/o peanut butter sandwich,banana
post w/o protein shake with oatmeal or cottage cheese mixed in
I drink about 72 ozs of water and 2 diet sodas throughout the day.
That is a typical day. I also have 2 pieces of Dove dark chocolate after dinner. (sweet tooth still hanging around)
Tell me what you think and what I need to change. I have lost 2 pounds since starting the new diet on 5/14/12.