Well put my friend!Originally posted by The original jason
Personally I think its true, being angry is nothing to do with being a dickhead what sort of a comment is that???, being angry is due to undelt with feelings that many people suffer with most people who take steroids have some sort of bad feeling about themselves like never feel good enough or big enough or to small or some form of bad body image and thats just touching the surface alot more have had drug and other addiction problem(including me). Everyone has anger inside and different peope deal with things in different ways I hate violence but when im on the juice sometimes I feel myself being more angry and wanting to say things to people who tread in my personal space whereas sometimes when im straight I would let it pass. Im far from a bully and dont fight if I dont have to infact cant remember the last time but it definately increases anger in me especially halos make me very short tempered. So my idea is it increases the chances of losing control yes for sure I do agree its different in different people not sure to whether they are a dickhead although there are some but its due to how people have been taught to react to different situations in their life that my .02c worth