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Thread: Anti-e's

  1. #1


    This is my second cycle the first was a light D-bol cycle, i am 170lb 5'11 22 yr old whos been workin out regularly for about 5 months hard and used to for quite a while since i played football.
    i am taking

    75mg fina/eod 4 wks
    100mg testprop/eod 6wks

    i am a 9 days into my cycle and am seeing gains, my nipples are a lil sensative but nothing crazy. used to be quite chubby so my nipples look like i had gyno back in the day but it is just a lil fat tissue i am trying to get rid of.

    got clomid & nolva on the way....i would like the recommended dosage and is there any other precautions i might need to take.

    any info would be much appreciated.

    and what about bromo?
    Last edited by tryin hard; 09-17-2003 at 11:38 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    10 or 20 mg of nolv a day should be fine for your cycle. Or you can use proviron.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    with Fina you will need a anti-prolactin like bromo, pergolide, or anyother listed on this board and anti-e's for the test....... Also if your nips are little sensitive now that's a sign that you may be developing gyno.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    The Asshole Capitol
    You really should have had all of your shit before you started, bro. Also, why would you start a cycle without knowing how to run it? Doesn't seem very smart. You need to do some serious research before you do anything. I hope you do not have to learn some of these things the hard way.

    As for your questions, I had no problem with fina, but some here will tell you that there is a real risk of progesterone induced gyno. Get bromo. If your nipples are itchy, you are probably developing some e-related gyno. Take nolva, 20mg/day for the remainder of your cycle. Many recommend also running it through PCT. After reading a lot about this recently, I am inclined to agree that this might be a good idea. If the 20mg/day does not abate your symptoms, up the dosage to 40mg/day. Read up on clomid and its recommended administration. IMO, 300/100/50 is the way to go.

    Also, why are you doing only 4 weeks of the fina? It doesn't seem worth it. You should run it all six weeks with the prop. If it is because you do not have enough gear, you should probably just stop now. Wait until you get enough gear to make a difference. I don't know for sure ,but you probably will not be shut down enough to require PCT yet. You should ask a mod.

    Finally, you should read a lot more before you consider doing a cycle again. If you are 5'-11 and only 170, you should seriously consider training naturally for a couple years to build a good base. Your body will have a hard time adapting to and withstanding the stress of lifting dramatically heavier weights. Only time in the gym (and proper nutrition, of course) will help you develop the necessary strength in your tendons and ligaments. Do this first, and avoid some potentially serious injuries. Just my 2 cents.


  5. #5
    Ive got enough to do 6wks of the fina and 8 of the test. was going to finish it if everything went ok as far as the cycle goes. I am 511 170 but that is with my 135lb frame. i have been going to the gym for like 6yrs but the past 2 was real light, then hit it hard again the past 5 months. Ive got the Nolva just gotta go pick it up. And with my itching just a lil sensative nothing crazy....maybe just a lil paranoid. I am trying to locate some bromo just incase. whats the full name for it?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by tryin hard
    Ive got enough to do 6wks of the fina and 8 of the test. was going to finish it if everything went ok as far as the cycle goes. I am 511 170 but that is with my 135lb frame. i have been going to the gym for like 6yrs but the past 2 was real light, then hit it hard again the past 5 months. Ive got the Nolva just gotta go pick it up. And with my itching just a lil sensative nothing crazy....maybe just a lil paranoid. I am trying to locate some bromo just incase. whats the full name for it?
    If you can't get bromo than here's a list of other prolactin inhibitors you can use. There are others but this is what I remember.

    Pergolide or Permax

    Also vit b-6 MIGHT help but I wouldn't count on it. Doseges between 800 and 1000mg. I would use the b-6 in conjuction with one of the inhibitors.

    I would keep an eye on you nips because the sensitivity is a sign.

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