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Thread: BF% and steroids

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2012

    BF% and steroids

    A buddy of mine was asking me about steroid use because he knows i've been doing loads of research on them. One of his questions was, is it ok to take aas, no specific kind, if you have a high bf%? My answer was that he should lower his BF% to around 12-14% before he jumps on any gear. Now i wasnt 100% sure, but with my research, this sounded like a general response when this topic was brought up. Then he asked about any gear that he could take that would help his bf decrease quicker. My first response was to get his diet and nutrition in check before taking anything, which is a rule of thumb in this. But with me being new and my continuous reading in this forum, i didnt quite have the "for sure" answers for him. I know some people are probably thinking that im making this post up for myself but you're wrong. I still have months of reasearch and probably years of training before i jump on anything. I told him i would find out for him. He's not about to jump on anythign either, its just a thought. Thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    hi... honestly you should have a nice base of muscle an example i could give is

    180 lbs
    10% bf

    thats a decent base if u take it with no base whatsoever you are just going to lose those gains when u come off. and probably more.
    anyways though its will be useless to take aas if you don't have your diet down. spend at least 2 years learning your body and profecting your diet before even considering aas

    just study these forums i have become a self-proclaimed expert on the matter just by reading these forums. and i have yet to cycle (really though very good info here)
    Last edited by bobjack; 05-31-2012 at 12:54 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Thanks man. I've been reading a lot of these forums too and i was about 90% sure i was giving him solid advice. Just wanted to make sure tho.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    you should advise your friend to start his own account!!! this seems to be very popular right now, its free, and the more members the better!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Hey man i've told him to. Told him he's better off going through all the topics and learning for himself.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    again it is very possible to do it all natural eat proper train like an athlete not a wimp and he will be fine.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    AAS isnt a diet aid for the lazy.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    is it me or does it seem like everyone on the internet gets down to 10% body fat with 5 plus years lifting before using aas lol

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Rwy2778 View Post
    is it me or does it seem like everyone on the internet gets down to 10% body fat with 5 plus years lifting before using aas lol
    not to many guys are always 10% but it is possible,

  10. #10
    Here's the problem I faced when I first started cycling. I was in my late 40's and the pinch test said that I was 15% bf. The exact same measurements on a 22yo was, according to the chart, 10%bf. So old guys like me had to work even harder to get down to the 10%bf before I could cycle. Dang, lol. That was about 7% bf on the 22yo. I got down to about 13% to 14% and went for it. I did get acne carpet front and back but I'm not sure if I could have avoided it if I went down to 10%. On my second cycle I was about 13% and I got very little acne. I guess my body was used to the Test. Even with low bf you can get sides. But if you can lower your chances by dropping the bf, I'd say do it.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by BIGB View Post
    not to many guys are always 10% but it is possible,
    I was being sarcastic lol

    You know damn well that most of these people saying you need to be at a certain % body fat do not follow the same advice.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    Here's the problem I faced when I first started cycling. I was in my late 40's and the pinch test said that I was 15% bf. The exact same measurements on a 22yo was, according to the chart, 10%bf. So old guys like me had to work even harder to get down to the 10%bf before I could cycle. Dang, lol. That was about 7% bf on the 22yo. I got down to about 13% to 14% and went for it. I did get acne carpet front and back but I'm not sure if I could have avoided it if I went down to 10%. On my second cycle I was about 13% and I got very little acne. I guess my body was used to the Test. Even with low bf you can get sides. But if you can lower your chances by dropping the bf, I'd say do it.
    I know this is a topic for debate but from what I have read is sides are sides no matter what bf% you are at. You may be at more risk bc of a higher bf%

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    world wide
    FIrst of all you should have a solid base and some years of lifting before starting. The reason being is if you don't you can seriously injure yourself because your body will not be prepared for the significant increase in strength. Now take that extra strength and mix it with improper lifting and you're guaranteed an injury.

    As far as body fat goes people will give you all kinds of answers. Some say you shouldnt touch AAS unless your under 10%, some say 15%.. the numbers are all over the place. Here is the fact. Your fat cells contain an enzyme called aromatese. These enzymes are responsible for converting testosterone into estrogen. Estrogen is what gives you most of the bad sides like bloating, acne, gyno (man boobs)..etc So the more fat you have, the more aromatese enzymes you have thus increasing the rate of test to estro conversion and that equals more side effects.

    That's not to say a fat person (20%bf +) cant take gear because there are many power lifters that do. The problem is that you will experience more side effects. A way around this is by taking an AI throughout your entire cycle. Some people don't but I think it's pretty standard to do so. Being a bigger person may require a higher dosage but that's only something a blood test will be able to tell you.

    So ideally yes, you want to be down to around 10%... you'll see better results as far as muscle definition and less sides but if you're not then you HAVE to take an AI with your cycle.

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